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Town of Holden
Public Safety Building Committee
Meeting Minutes
September 3, 2008

6PM             HMLD Building

Present:                Chairman Chris Lucchesi, Karl Makela, George Sherrill, Jack Chandler, David White, Peter Liddy, Mary Ryan, Brian Forts (arrived 6:40PM)

Absent:         Richard Bates, Hal Lane, Robert Beck

Others Present: Michael McKeon, Kaestle Boos Associates, Paul McAndrew, Kaestle Boos Associates, Robert Para, Jr. Lamoureux Pagano Associates, Mike Pagano, Lamoureux Pagano Associates, Elizabeth Helder, Recording Secretary

Others Absent:  Todd Costa, Kaestle Boos Associates, Ken Costello, Kaestle Boos Associates,     Corrine Sienna, Kaestle Boos Associates
The Chairman called the meeting to order at 6:10PM.

Public Comment

No one from the public address the Committee.

Chairman’s Comments

The Chairman announced that he was in receipt of special permit paperwork the Planning Board recently approved.  This special permit will allow the PSBC to begin preliminary work on the project.  He said that the Planning Board commended the Committee on the design and documentation efforts to date.  Additionally, he informed the Committee that:

The project will not require an environmental impact report from the State

Graves Engineering has applied to the State to allow the project construction access to the State Highway

The Project Schedule Checklist was updated on August 29th and the Project Permitting Requirements Checklist has also been updated.

The survey of the roof on the existing Fire Station has been completed and will be discussed at a later date. Two copies of the Design Development documents have been prepared for the Chiefs.  They will loan these DD documents to committee members.  Dave White requested that these documents be downloaded onto the Committee’s website.  Mr. McKeon requested that these documents be noted as “draft” since no final decisions have been made on the design document portion of the project.  After some discussion, it was agreed that the Chairman would make a disc of these documents for each committee member to review.

Architect’s Report

Mr. McAndrew said that the DD estimate was received from Daedalus on August 25th

A meeting with the Chief’s to discuss the Dispatch Room will be held on September 4th

A meeting will be scheduled with the Chief’s to discuss engineering criteria in the office space

FTP specification site has not been updated since August 1st

Three estimates for the geothermal well testing have been received.  The Chairman said that the Committee would decide how to proceed during a future discussion
Next meeting on September 17th to discuss finishes and colors

DD Cost estimate discussion:

Mr. McKeon presented a probable construction cost estimate.  The design development estimate came in at $12,967,375.  The schematic design estimate was $12,263,120.  This leaves the project with an estimated deficit of $704,255.  Mr. McKeon reviewed a list of possible cost saving items to help reduce the deficit to bring the estimate in line with the budget.  These items included deleting/altering design aspects from the building site, the existing fire station and the new building. The Chairman said that there would be many different ways to reduce the estimate deficit.

Chief Chandler commented that he felt the cost savings estimate to retain the existing communications tower was too low.  He said that he felt that the cost savings would be closer to $75-$100K rather than the estimated $25K.

Ms. Ryan asked what negative issues would occur if the existing tower is kept.

must work around it
blocks the front tower
aesthetic of the tower in the front of the new building

Mr. Para said that calls to communications companies that would be interested in installing a tower have not been returned.

It was suggested that the plan include installation of a new tower pad in the rear of building to then house the old tower.  Both Chief Chandler and Chief Sherrill said that they would lose communications for a couple of days with the reuse/relocation of old tower.

LPA Project Manager Rob Para inquired if KBA engineers have had a chance to react to the deficit.  KBA said that their consultants have received the estimate and have not received feedback yet.  A follow-up meeting is scheduled.

Mr. McKeon said that he continues to try to “plug the holes” in the project estimate prior to cost cutting.  He said he felt that there were many other cost cutting measures that could be taken in the site plan portion of the project.  Mr. Para suggested another in-house review and placing some features on the add-alternate list.  Mr. McKeon said that while it is still an aggressive bidding market, building materials continue to rise in cost.

Mr. Pagano with LPA said that Daedalus’ (the estimating company) past practice has been to prepare cost estimates that are in the mid-range of what bids are expected to be.  Mr. Pagano said that before features are cut, he suggested that the Committee and KBA take a hard look at the estimate first.   He suggested that KBA should be allowed to contact its engineering consultants to ask for their feedback.

Chairman Lucchesi said that he was preparing a list of “known” costs to date: site acquisition and demo and the architects and project management contracts to show the committee where the budget stands to date on its costs.

The Chairman said he would include the draft DD estimate to the Committee on the FTP Spec disc.  The Committee will review the DD estimate document and forward their comments to the Chair.  He will then create a feedback document for KBA and LPA.

Dave White said that the geothermal heating, the memorial garden, and car port options were not part of schematic design estimate and should be transferred to the add-alternate list for further discussion and consideration.  The placement/replacement of the tower or the removal of windows are one-shot options where the committee must just bite the bullet and do it or they will never get done.  Where as some other items (garden etc.) can be added on to the project as it progresses.

Mr. McKeon said that he agreed with Mr. White’s comments with the exception of the geothermal decision.  At some point in the near future, the committee must make a heating choice for the building.

Mr. Para said that more information is needed for the geothermal drilling and he encouraged KBA to press its consultants for further estimates.  Mr. White commented that there might be a cost savings to having the town drill the wells in November prior to the contractor coming on board.

Mr. Liddy commented that test holes need to be drilled in order to determine whether geothermal heat is even an option.

KBA recommended that the Committee defer a test well decision until the next meeting.  KBA will give a closed/open loop heating presentation, associated costs and a payback period for using geothermal heat at the next meeting.

Project Management

Mr. Para said that his office received a preliminary traffic plan and will forward the report to the Chairman.
Conducted a walk-through of the existing site.  Further work on the dump will follow.
Will check for asbestos in the Ringgard house after September 10th.  Demolition will be scheduled around training for the Fire Department

New Business

Roof report on existing Fire Station and how to move forward was discussed.  Dave White asked KBA and LP if the committee was chasing its tail regarding the pitched roof proposal for the existing fire station.  The Committee shouldn’t waste the architect’s time working on something that the Committee can’t afford.  Mr. McKeon said that KBA is not pursuing a design of this roof until directed, as it is not a part of the original design contract.

Stronger information flow to committee members was discussed.  Chairman is considering broadening the role of the Energy Ad-Hoc committee to include other issues.  

Owner’s costs: two largest items are communications/technology and FF&E.  An inventory of these items is required to understand furniture purchasing requirements: what we have and what we need.
Dave White inquired if the project should use a consultant for the FF&E.  Is there someone at KBA that can help with recommendations?
Forward other committee items for discussion to the Chair.
Next meeting September 17th.  KBA to continue an in depth review of the DD estimate.  Mr. McKeon said that he expected to finish a good portion of DD within the next several weeks and move in to the CD portion of the project.  DD overlap will continue during the CD phase.

Treasury Actions

Mr. Karl Makela presented several invoices for committee signature.

The Committee reviewed the committee budget to date.

Public Comment

Mr. Jonathan Phelps, Walnut Terrace said that he felt that residents will be surprised to see the car port as an add alternate to the plans.  The carport was presented as part of the final plan that was approved at the May 2008 Town Meeting.

Approval of Minutes

Motion by Peter Liddy, seconded by Karl Makela, it was UNANIMOUSLY VOTED TO APPROVE THE MEETING MINUTES OF AUGUST 6, 2008.

August 20, 2008 minutes will be held for approval for the next meeting.


Motion by Dave White, seconded by Brian Forts, it was UNANIMOUSLY VOTED TO ADJOURN THE SEPTEMBER 3, 2008 MEETING AT 8:18PM.
