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Town of Holden
Public Safety Building Committee
Meeting Minutes
October 15, 2008

6PM                     HMLD Building

Present: Chairman Chris Lucchesi, Karl Makela, George Sherrill, Jack Chandler, David White, Richard Bates, Peter Liddy

Absent: Hal Lane, Robert Beck, Brian Forts, Mary Ryan

Others Present: Paul McAndrew, Kaestle Boos Associates, Todd Costa, Kaestle Boos Associates, Gary Kazmarek, Clerk of the Works, Robert Para, Jr. Lamoureux Pagano Associates, Andy Miller, Holden Firefighter, Shawn Smith, Holden Firefighter, Elizabeth Helder, Recording Secretary

Others Absent:  Michael McKeon, Kaestle Boos Associates, Corrine Sienna, Kaestle Boos Associates, Ken Costello, Kaestle Boos Associates, Wayne Whippie, WV Engineering, David Dill, WV Engineering, Mike Pagano, Lamoureux Pagano Associates

The Chairman called the meeting to order at 6:30PM.

Public Comment

No one from the public address the Committee.

Introduction of Clerk of the Works

Town Manager Brian Bullock introduced Gary Kazmarek, Clerk of the Works/Project Manager to the Committee.  Mr. Kazmarek previously worked with the Town on the elementary school building projects.

Existing Fire Station Follow-Up

The Chairman referenced a committee vote taken at the October 1, 2008 meeting to separate the proposed work at the existing fire station from the final bid.  Town Counsel determined that removing these items from the bid and making them add alternates to the project would not be a problem. Several issues that need to be evaluated include: 1. Are the two buildings separate so two separate contractors will work on them?; 2. Warranty issues; 3. Sharing of services; and 4. Project management.

Mr. Para with LPA said utilities should be part of the base bid but the roof, boiler, windows, and doors should be removed from the estimate.

Dave White said while it won’t hurt to put the work out as an add alternate, it will be hard to get an accurate bid on the work when the work won’t be completed for 2+ years.  He suggested that it might be better to bid the elements out separately.

Chairman Lucchesi directed KBA to separate the proposed work at the existing fire station from the estimate.  The work will be shown in the estimate as a final add alternate.

Paul McAndrew said that the radio control room, man exit, and rear door would be left in the original bid.  Boiler replacement information will be forwarded to the Committee in order to make a decision.

Radio Control Room Presentation

Police Chief Sherrill introduced Mr. Stephen Breed with WoRAD Inc. and Mr. Jim McCone with Motorola.  Mr. Breed and Mr. McCone demonstrated the proposed dispatch center system for the new building.  The presentation included pricing for the removal of the old tower and installation of a new tower in the back of the property and a console to house the dispatch equipment.  The bid estimate to install a new tower is $72,000.  The Committee determined that if prevailing wage is paid on this project, the cost might be higher and the estimate should be reconfigured to take this into consideration.  One of the Chiefs must to confirm whether the Town will pay prevailing wage with the Town Manager’s office.  The Committee discussed separating out the installation of the new tower from the estimate in order to control costs. Federal Communications Grant money cannot be used for the tower project.  Old communications equipment will be donated to third world countries for reuse.

Architect’s Report

Paul McAndrew said that KBA has completed the Design Document Phase.  The Construction Document Phase has begun.  Mr. McAndrew requested that the Committee vote to approve the Design Document Phase of the project.


The Committee reviewed budget number changes: geothermal and house demolition changes.  Mr. White said that the charge for the 2nd boiler needs to be removed from the geothermal line item.  Changes to the existing fire station will be removed from the budget and put in the add alternate category.  KBA to present a power discussion at the next meeting.

New Business

Karl Makela requested that the committee consider setting a hazardous materials removal/demolition date of December 1, 2008 for the house.

Fire training has been scheduled in the house through the middle of December.  The Town is considering renting an excavator and several dumpsters to allow town employees to demo the house.  This will help to control costs.  Asbestos/Hazardous Materials Abatement would be separate.  The Project Management quote to demo the house was 19K.  Chief Chandler will contact Casella to confirm that they will dispose of the construction material.  Chief Chandler will look at schedule and strive to meet an early December deadline.  Mr. Para said that town water and sewer need to be capped and the HMLD needs to pull the meter prior to demolition.  Mr. Para will have an asbestos removal recommendation prepared.

The Committee agreed to set in motion the hazardous materials remediation and demolition by early December 2008.

Rick Bates left the meeting at 7:30PM.  The Committee no longer had a quorum.

First-In-Fire Alert System and Oxygen Generating System Presentation

Holden Firefighter Andy Miller presented the First-In-Fire Alerting System to the Committee.  A First-In-Fire Alerting System is a package system that wakes the staff and provides building controls when called out.  The cost to purchase the First-In system is 149K less the PA cost component.    Mr. McAndrew with KBA said that a custom designed system would need to be put out to bid.  The KBA estimate to design this type of system is 20K.  Mr. McAndrew said that they can design a system for less than 149K but there would be a design fee.  Mr. Miller said that he was currently researching other system options.  The current alerting system was installed in 1957 and consists of one speaker on each floor of the Fire Station.

Chairman Lucchesi asked what are the functional components of this type of system and what it needed to make a complete system?  He heeded Committee members to be guarded on the “over-selling” by the vendors.  He asked that Mr. Miller forward the itemized component list to the Committee.

Dave White asked if night lighting in a public building was a requirement under the current design?  Mr. McAndrew said that night lighting was included in the current design.    It was determined that there would be an annual licensing/software maintenance fee to operate the First-In system.  The notification system cannot be deferred because a lot of work needs to be done during the electrical phase due to the extensive wiring of the components.  The Chairman said that he doesn’t want to commit to a 150K system without knowing final building estimate.  The Foxborough, MA facility considered this item a “change order” which meant the total cost was the cost of the system plus a 5% markup fee.  

Mr. Para said he likes to avoid change orders and for 150K, would like a better understanding of the full components of the system and what they do.  It is the Chiefs that know what they need.  He suggested that the Chiefs take a full look at the Foxborough system.  Chief Chandler said that this type of system provides notification of a call in every room of the building so that nobody misses a call and brings the lights up gradually.  Having lights on 24/7 will increase electric bill.  

KBA will discuss this type of system at its next project design meeting.  KBA can design a system, but will it have everything the HFD wants?
Holden Firefighter Shawn Smith presented an overview of an AirSep Oxygen Generating System.  The estimated cost for the AirSep generator is 20K.  This type of system would allow the fire department to fill their own oxygen canisters for the ambulance and the fire trucks with medical grade oxygen.  The HFD currently rents oxygen canisters from a medical company.  Oxygen fees increased 18% in 2008.  The Department is currently subject to a delivery schedule and contract fees, which are costly.  System maintenance costs are anticipated to be $1000 for every 130 weeks of use. The Foxborough Fire Department installed this system in their new facility.  Mr. Smith estimated that the oxygen generator would pay for itself in approx. 2-3 years.  Billable oxygen use is $50-75 for every ambulance run.

Dave White said that this item could be purchased under the FF&E budget.

Project Management

Mr. Para said that the geothermal engineering consultant recommends additional borings/testing on site.  This will cost 9K and is in the budget.

KBA will presented retaining wall/regrading options at the November 5th meeting.

Traffic engineer has submitted plans to Mass Highway.  Mr. Para is waiting for an update from the engineer.  Town Engineer has comments and will speak with Mr. Para.  

Chairman Lucchesi expressed concerns regarding the status of the work pending with Mass Highway and the engineering consultant (who is on an extended vacation).  Mass Highway may take 2-3 months to approve the design.  He requested that KBA/LPA “red-light” any line items that are beginning to slide.  The Committee has residents who have volunteered to review construction documents.  The Committee needs to receive these documents in a timely manner.

KBA will make an exterior materials presentation in the near future.

Dave White will meet with Mr. Para, Mr. Pagano, and Mr. Kazmarek on November 12th to review requalifications of General Contract and Sub Contractor lists.

Mr. Costa said that the KBA schedule would be 90% set by early December.  Chairman Lucchesi said the Committee does not want to “hit the street” until the committee is confidence in the documentation.

The Committee discussed the Commissioning Process on certain aspects of the building.  Mr. Para will circulate information regarding this element.  Mr. Kazmarek said that in some cases, having a second pair of eyes is a good thing when completing a building of this size.  Mr. White said that while it can be costly, it can be a valuable process to know that the building is going to work as it was intended.  Mr. Para will outline the Commissioning Process.

Treasury Business

Committee signed bill and an additional committee member will stop by the Town Manager’s office to add a signature for payment.


A quorum did not exist among the Committee to make a motion for adjournment.  The meeting ended at 8:30PM.
