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Town of Holden
Public Safety Building Committee
Meeting Minutes
June 4, 2008

6PM             HMLD Building

Present:                Chairman Chris Lucchesi, Peter Liddy, Karl Makela, George Sherrill, Jack Chandler, David White, Richard Bates, Robert Beck

Absent:         Mary Ryan, Hal Lane, Brian Forts

Others Present: Ken Costello, Kaestle Boos Associates, Paul McAndrew, Kaestle Boos Associates, Todd Costa, Kaestle Boos Associates, Elizabeth Helder, Recording Secretary

The Chairman called the meeting to order at 6:00PM.

Public Comment

Mr. Bob McGourty, 15 Yorktown Terrace, offered the Committee his construction expertise and experience to aid the building project.

Mrs. Zabelle D’Amico, 1355 Main Street spoke to the additions in fire equipment and staff recently added at Town Meeting to an already crowded building plan.  She said she felt that the scope of the project would be an “overuse” of the site.

Report from the Chairman

The Chairman announced that Mr. McKeon would be unable to attend this evening’s meeting. Mr. Lucchesi said that the Project Manager hired for the project was unable to attend tonight’s meeting.  The Project Manager will attend the June 18, 2008 meeting.  The Chairman reported that Conley Associates had been hired to conduct traffic study services.  The Chairman informed the Committee that negotiations regarding the abutting property are ongoing.  Town Manager Bullock expects to complete the negotiations within the next thirty days.

Architect’s Report

Mr. McAndrew announced that the Design Development phase of the project had begun.  He discussed some highlights of the meetings between the Fire and Police Chiefs, KBA and WV Engineering held on May 22, 2008.  Representatives from Verizon were in attendance to discuss telephone and cable services.  Water service runs through the middle of the site.  The old sewer connection still exists and KBA is investigating the pipes on site are good enough to use on a temporary basis.  Mr. Steven Gross will conduct a town-wide municipal cell phone survey to see if might be feasible to town cell services over to one carrier.  Mass Highway reports that right of way issues are acceptable and could be amended into the existing permit.  Mr. Costello said that KBA would apply for a new permit for the construction and roll the old right of way terms into the new permit.

Bob Beck said it was important to stay on top of redundant systems so the new building does not end up with two of everything.  Chief Sherrill said that an additional repeater would be required to achieve cell phone service for the police department in the lower half of the building.  Chief Sherrill said that the police department would like the new facility to be linked to the security cameras at the high school.  Discussion was held regarding the existing fiber optic Internet connection on Main Street.  Chief Chandler said that the connection was a hook-up for the high school building project and now the high school might not want it.  An ad-hoc committee from IT, the fire and police departments will study whether to purchase a new phone system for all municipal offices.  Many town offices, including the fire and police departments are using outdated phone systems.

Dave White clarified that high school security cameras and fiber optic connections/tie-ins would not be charged to the PSBC project.

Site and Exterior Review:

Mr. McAndrew reported that members of KBA met with DPW Superintendent Rich DeWitt DPW input for plowing/maintenance purposes.  Mr. DeWitt recommended that several miscellaneous islands be eliminated to aid snowplowing efforts.  Additionally, KBA will reconfigure the rear parking lot “dog bone” pieces of the existing island on the site plan.  Most of these improvements will involve changes to the grade.  Emergency egress access will also involve grade changes at the rear of lot.  Existing sidewalks will be repaired and extended along Main Street and connected to the building.  

Discussion was held regarding the proposed stair system/communications antenna corner, which will connect the old building to the new building.  Mr. Costello reported that this area is becoming tight for space and part of the first responder parking in front will need to be reconfigured to accommodate these items.

Mr. McAndrew informed the committee that the relocation of communications tower could not be added to the Federal Communications Grant.  The cost for relocation will have to be added onto the cost of the building project.

Committee member Dave White asked what the actual value of the tower is?  He suggested making the tower 20 feet taller and moving it down toward the generator pad where it will receive better reception and ultimately provide better aesthetics to the property.  He said if the committee was going to go through the expense of moving it, they might as well make it more efficient and less noticeable.  Chief Chandler suggested building the tower into the new building.  Chief Chandler added that the radios should be located as close to the tower as possible for the best reception.  

The Chairman said that some communication money exists over and above the grant money and could potentially be used for tower relocation.  He requested that the committee receive costs associated with the relocation of the tower as soon as possible.

Mr. White inquired if fill from the abutting house/property could be used as fill in the rear parking lot?  Mr. Costello said that it and other fill in the back of the property would need to be tested.  Mr. Costello added that the Holden DPW has also offered fill for project.  Mr. White inquired if flagpoles would be located on Main Street?  Mr. Costello said that the location for flagpoles was still undetermined.   They may be placed in the proposed memorial garden next to the visitor parking lot.  The sewer pump for both buildings will be located behind the existing fire station and pumped back up to the connection on Main Street.

Fire and police and overflow parking will be located in the rear of the property.  First responder parking will be located in front of the existing building and the new building.  Ten visitor spots will be located on the side of the new building near the visitor entrance.  102 parking spaces have been allotted police and fire staff and 140 total spaces are planned for the site.  Chairman Lucchesi asked if visitor parking could be pulled in tighter to the building to widen the entry road?   McAndrew commented that the road is already 24 feet wide and tightening up the visitor parking spaced would not widen the road perceptively.  Mr. White requested that stamped asphalt crosswalks be added to highlight the crosswalks for safety purposes.  There will be 5 ADA ramps for access from sidewalk/ aprons to street.

If a geothermal heating system is chosen, the wells will be located under parking lot in the rear of the buildings.  

Chief Chandler said liability/exposure/wetland issues would prohibit the installation of a fuel depot on the property.

Installation of system to collect oil/water when vehicles are washed was discussed.  Mr. Costello commented on a request to add a rainwater collection component to the plans.  He said that the site plan will not include any plant material that will require watering/irrigation, but perhaps a collection system could be used for vehicle washing.  

Mr. Costa informed the Committee that the proposed Hose Tower exceeds the maximum height variance in town (30 ft).  The Committee will need to apply for a variance from Zoning Board of Appeals.  Split face block and brick material will wrap around lower portion of the building; fiber cement board in a clapboard style will cover the upper part of the building.  The rear of the building will continue in fiber cement board in clapboard style, brick and split face block.  Installation of windows on the west elevation (mezzanine section) is being considered, as are transom windows on the north elevation.  Skylights are not considered an option because they will eventually leak.

Chairman Lucchesi requested additional design work on the exterior and interior building entrance. Mr. White said that the lobby/entrance into the building should be distinguished and durable and reflect the quality of the total building.

Discussion was held on updates to the floor plan.  The ManTrap Door has been reconfigured to exit out the back of the building by the Sally Port Door.  Chief Sherrill said there is no best answer for the ManTrap release; however, this solution appears to be safe and will be monitored by security cameras.  The ManTrap exit will likely be used 5% of the time when releasing non-compliant prisoners.  95% of prisoners are released through the lobby.  Additional interior changes include a security door that has been added off main lobby, and an exterior door added to training room with no external hardware/egress only from inside.

The next joint meeting with the Chiefs will cover fire vehicle/equipment layout.

Interior design will be discussed at the June 18th committee meeting.

The Committee will be notified of the hire of any additional engineers/consultants required for the project.

KBA will meet with the Fire Department staff on June 10th to conduct staff interviews.  Police staff interview will be conducted on June 24th.  Chief Sherrill said that he and his staff would also want to discuss security issues at the June 24th meeting.

Treasury Actions

The Committee signed paperwork to authorize Mr. Karl Makela as the sole signatory for the committee.  The committee signed invoices for payment.

New Business

The Chairman asked the committee members if there was any interest in forming an Energy Ad-Hoc Committee.  He said that the research and discussion regarding alternative energy sources could be lengthy.  Mr. White said he thought this particular area required a small group to focus on these alternatives.  Mr. Liddy asked if a resident might serve on this ad-hoc group to provide expertise that the committee may be lacking.  The Committee agreed that it would be a good opportunity for citizens who cannot serve on the PSBC to provide input into the project.  

Mr. Makela, Mr. White, Mr. Liddy, and Chief Sherrill will serve on the ad-hoc group.

KBA commented that the new Watertown and Nantucket facilities are in various pre-construction phases.  The geothermal/solar systems have been identified and/or proposed but have not been implemented as of yet.

Next meeting: June 18th.

Approval of Meeting Minutes

Motion by Peter Liddy, Seconded by Dave White it was VOTED 5-0-1 WITH 1 ABSTAINED TO APPROVE THE MAY 21, 2008 MEETING MINUTES. (ABSTAINED: BECK.)


Motion by Dave White, seconded by Chris Lucchesi, it was UNANIMOUSLY VOTED TO ADJOURN THE JUNE 4, 2008 MEETING AT 8:02PM.