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Public Safety Building Committee
Meeting Minutes
February 8, 2008

6:00 PM Holden Municipal Light Department

Present: Christopher Lucchesi, David White, Chief Sherrill, Mary Ryan, Karl Makela, Bob Beck (6:10), Chief Chandler, Hal Lane, Peter Liddy, Rick Bates (6:25)

Absent: Brian Forts

Draft Minutes Preparer: Heidi McAlice

Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order at 6:05 PM.

Approval of previous meeting minutes:
Meeting minutes of 7/18/07, 8/01/07, 9/05/07, 10/03/07, 10/17/07, 12/19/07, 1/02/08, 1/09,08 and 1/16/08 were accepted unanimously.

Public Comment:

Comments from the Chair:

General Discussion:

The meeting began with a review of the informational materials put together by Chris. Kaestle Boos has agreed to facilitate the process of securing quotes for the committee. A discussion is had to use Chris's design for a bulk mailing and a combination of his chart and suggested elements from Kaestle Boos.

Karl comments this is one of the best, successful committees ever in this town.

Chris notes that if he could do something with this committees he was very successful.

Hal asks if there are any Public Meetings planned.

Chris suggests that the meeting would probably only get some people. He will be returning to BOS to do a live presentation.

Dave White suggests the need for another "Speak Out" highlighting that this is not the same project.

A discussion is had regarding the Bateman site and perhaps it just doesn't make sense to take land.  In addition, the town's people probably would not support it at any cost.

Chris addresses the Town Meeting Presentation.
"Canned" pre-recorded 7 minute power point presentation with voice over.

Dave White speaks to the Town of Holden having an excellent record of capital projects coming in on time and on budget.

Public Comment:

The meeting adjourned at 7:30 PM.