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Town of Holden
Public Safety Building Committee
Meeting Minutes
August 20, 2008

6PM             HMLD Building

Present:        Chairman Chris Lucchesi, Karl Makela, George Sherrill, Jack Chandler, David White, Richard Bates, Mary Ryan, Robert Beck

Absent:         Peter Liddy, Hal Lane

Others Present: Michael McKeon, Kaestle Boos Associates, Robert Para, Jr. Lamoureux Pagano Associates, Elizabeth Helder, Recording Secretary

Others Absent:  Todd Costa, Kaestle Boos Associates, Paul McAndrew, Kaestle Boos Associates, Ken Costello, Kaestle Boos Associates, Corrine Siena, Kaestle Boos Associates, Mike Pagano, Lamoureux Pagano Associates

The Chairman called the meeting to order at 6:00PM.

1.      Public Comment

No one from the public addressed the Committee.

2.      Chairman’s Comments

The Chairman announced that the Planning Board recently approved a special permit for some preliminary work on the project to begin.  He said that the Planning Board commended the Committee on the design and documentation efforts to date.

Chairman Lucchesi informed Committee members that the acquisition of the Ringgard property had been finalized.

3.      Project Management

Mr. Para said that his office has been reviewing the Design Development (DD) drawings.  He said they are complete and the work is well documented.  He said that the DD phase has entered the estimating/budgeting process.

4.      Architect’s Report

Mr. McKeon reported that geothermal modeling options are ongoing.  A standing column method is being considered.  Mr. McKeon compared this method to the geothermal process used in the Watertown facility.  A comparative analysis is being conducted.   A titanium heat exchanger might need to be used.  Mr. McKeon reported that WV Engineering has estimated that there will be an 8 ½- year payback time on this process and the final cost should be lower than presented at the August 6th meeting.  Details on cost estimations and the model will be forwarded to the Committee.  Mr. Para inquired if the maintenance costs of a geothermal system would be equivalent to a normal heating system.  Mr. McKeon will forward these costs when they are finalized.

Mr. McKeon reviewed Project Updates from the Architect’s Report.

Mr. McKeon said that the estimating service KBA uses reports that steel costs have risen and will increase again by the end of the year.  Mr. McKeon said that a prior design quote had included light gauge steel trusses in the entire quote.  However, light gauge steel trusses will only be used in the office portion of the building and not in the apparatus bay.  This will reduce the quote for steel trusses slightly.

The purchase of fold-down bunk beds will increase costs.  KBA will offer the Committee options if the estimation costs come back higher than projected.

Dave White and Rick Bates left the meeting to attend another meeting at 6:25PM.  The meeting no longer had a quorum.

Mr. McKeon said that KBA has a list of furniture and electrical outlet requirements for the dispatch room and the offices.  Chief Chandler said he would like to review this list because he feels it is missing a certain level of detail and is incomplete.  He said that currently, he is scheduled to have two outlets installed in his office and this will not be sufficient.  Mr. McKeon said that it would be important to review and refine these requirements room by room prior to the completion/acceptance of the Design Development process.  Mr. McKeon said that furniture configuration/specifications for the Dispatch Room were based on furniture specifications using furniture purchased from Wright Line.

The Chairman requested a summary of furniture specifications in the drawings.

Mr. McKeon said that once the office requirements have been finalized, a printout of furniture specifications would be given to the Committee for bid purposes. Mr. McKeon said that the Committee needs to determine whether to put out a bid for furniture or purchase furniture off the State Bid-List.  It might be financially prudent to make purchases off the State Bid-List.

Mr. McKeon said that the color scheme is currently being designed at KBA and will be presented at the Sept 17th meeting.

The Chiefs agreed to continue reviewing a list of existing furniture and create a list of new furniture requirements.  Additionally, they will determine the placement of the furniture in the new office spaces.

The Committee reviewed pictures of the Falmouth Library tiled floor and a garden at the Falmouth Fire Department.  

The Committee reviewed two geothermal test site-drilling estimates.  KBA is waiting for two additional estimates.  The Committee will approve an estimate at the September 2nd meeting.

The Chairman requested that KBA update the permitting schedule to indicate what permits have been authorized and those which are To-Be-Determined.   Additionally, the Open Issues list needs to be updated.  KBA continues to update these lists and will forward them to the Chair.

The Chairman requested an evaluation of the roof at the existing fire station.  KBA will forward this evaluation to the Committee and to Mr. Para.

The Committee discussed traffic light options for the Fire Department.  These options must be reviewed/approved through Mass Highway.  The Committee discussed possible installation of a “Red Light Ahead” signal on both North and Southbound 122A in order to curb speeding issues near the station.

Bob Beck inquired if a master list/database document exists to detail where the project stands. He expressed concerns about the lack of control/professionalism on maintaining documents and keeping track of details associated with the project.  He expressed disappointment with the geothermal presentation made on August 6th.  Many steps are being mis-communicated or missed altogether.  He said he was lacking confidence in the project and the level of detail on a project of this size needs to be accountable.  

It was determined that the Open Items list and the Permitting List are the only methods of tracking documents.

The Chairman acknowledged Mr. Beck’s comments and concerns.  He agreed that more controls need to be made in order to track who is doing what and how it is being documented.  However, some of the discussion from tonight is appropriate at the end of DD and the beginning of Construction Document (CD) phase, which is where the direction of the work is heading.  The Chairman will work with KBA and LP toward creating a tighter schedule and improving communication among the Committee.  However, there is no software program that allows for this type of detailed tracking.

Chief Chandler commented that he does not know what materials the ceiling tiles, doors, walls are made of.  The Chairman said that the FTP Site is available to KBA, LP and the Chairman.  However, it was not made available to Committee members due to its cumbersome nature.  The Chairman said he would forward these files to anyone on the Committee who would like to review them.  He cautioned Committee members that the FTP site includes design specifications and not final decisions.  Chairman Lucchesi said he has sent these documents to the Clerk of the Works for Review.  The Clerk of the Works might possibly join the project during the CD phase.  Mr. McKeon said that KBA generally makes public safety design decisions based on its professional experience.  Mr. Para said that he feels that the process is going along smoothly and KBA is documenting everything appropriately.  As the spaces get refined and defined, the KBA designer Ms. Sienna will be back to share these design decisions.

The Chairman asked Mr. Para if the project is appropriately “where we need to be?”  Mr. Para said that the project is on schedule and well documented.  However, another level of detail may need to be added to refine the end of the Design Development process.  Many of the final design decisions cannot be determined until the cost estimation process is finished.  He suggested representatives for some of the building finishes should attend one of the next several meetings.

The Chairman said that the Committee will need to determine a list of what are “must have”, “useful to have”, and “it would be nice to have” options for the building.

The Chiefs commented that they would need to know how much money they have to spend.  They have received security quotes from 50K to 250K and they need to know what they have to work with.

Mr. Beck suggested that maybe the meetings need to be split – meet once with the architect and once as a committee.  The Chairman said that he would be in favor of adding a meeting during the month to focus on Committee decisions.  However, he does not want to stretch out meetings with the architect’s to a monthly basis.  Mr. Para suggested that Chiefs meet with Paul McAndrew who is familiar with the communications portion of the project.  This will help to facilitate the design portion of the project.

The Chairman will meet with Mr. Para to discuss “owner’s items.”  Mr. Para said he would like to meet with the two chiefs and Mr. McAndrew to try to catalog many of these items.  Mr. Beck offered his assistance as well.  The Chairman will then make a recommendation to the Committee on how to approach the decision making process of the “owner’s items.”

Mr. McKeon said he said that this Committee, with its commitment and organization, falls into the top 10% of projects that he has worked on.

Chief Sherrill again raised the issue of an overhang/carport for the cruisers – is this an add alternate?  Mr. McKeon said that while there is still no answer to this ongoing question, the overhang will be designed and included in the project.  The Chairman directed Mr. Para to include the overhang/carport under “Potential Add-Alternates.”

Mr. Beck inquired if a construction access could be made to the property from High Street.  The Chairman said that an earlier quote from the Army Corps of Engineers for 250K to install this access would make this option too expense to pursue.

5.      Treasury Actions

Mr. Karl Makela presented the final purchase cost for the Ringgard property to Committee members for their purview.

The Chiefs presented an invoice for engineering copy services to Mr. Makela for payment.

6.      New Business

Energy Ad-Hoc Committee meeting date: TBD.  PSBC members may attend.

Next meeting is September 3, 2008.

7.      Public Comment

Mr. Sean Smith with the Holden Fire Department commented that it would be important to have good traffic controls along Main Street during the construction period.  Additionally, he requested that the both the Fire and Police Department’s have input into the design of the Memorial Garden.

8.      Approval of Minutes

There were no minutes for approval.


The Committee adjourned the meeting at 8PM.