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Public Safety Building Committee
Meeting Minutes
September 5, 2007

6:30 PM Holden Municipal Light Department

Present: Bob Beck, Karl Makela, David White, Jack Chandler, George Sherrill, Richard Bates, Mary Ryan, Christopher Lucchesi (arrived at 6:45)

Absent: Hal Lane, Peter Liddy, Brian Forts

Others Present: Melissa McKeon, David Ellis, Otto Lies, Louise Hugo, Karen Green, Shelia Bachant, Peter Brooks from Kaestle Boos

The points below begin with the title of the original agenda item.

Call to Order:

The meeting was called to order at 18:35.

David White made a motion for Rick Bates to chair the meeting in the absence of Chairman Lucchesi who was delayed.

Public Comment:

Otto Lies said that he had some public comment but felt it was important to wait for the Chairman to arrived before making his comments.  It was agreed to pass over Public Comments until later in the meeting.

Facility design update:

Peter Brooks gave a presentation of the latest design of the combined station at 1384 Main Street.  There was a discussion about block versus brick and other exterior finishes.  It was asked if we could connect the new building to the old building and use it to house EMS.  Chief Chandler replied that while this could be done, it would probably be operationally preferred to place apparatus that is used less often in the old building and place the ambulances, which are used daily, in the new building.  Since the personnel will be capable of responding to fire or ambulance, all personnel should be in the new building.  If we were to use the old building for appartus, we would need to design a connector building and re-arrange some of the new building layout.

Karl Makela asked if the HVAC system and other mechanicals could be placed on the roof if we go with a flat roof.  He also asked about using heat pumps to reduce the energy costs associated with HVAC for the building.  Peter said that mechanical engineers would become involved with the project as it progresses and would be able to better answer those questions but that, yes, those things could be done if it made sense.  It was asked if the old fire station could be used to provide more parking in the front of the building for fire, EMS and cruiser parking.

Public Comment:

We returned to Public Comment so Mr. Lies could make his statement.  Mr. Lies said that it looked like the committee liked this proposal and that it was probably a pretty good proposal but that he has some concerns.  There was an article in Maine about new Public safety facilities in Kennebunk and Wells and both  were defeated in town meeting.  People are concerned about multi-million dollar proposals.  People don't see a front door, on our building.  They have to go to the lower floor to get to the police or fire departments. The design of the building does not have a good impact like the high school does across the street.  People want a good visual appearance.  Potential criminals should see the police station as they drive through town.  This will not be an award winning building, which is what we want; it is not fancy.  The committee should still look at functional buildings like the steel buildings by Morton.

Proposed Cost Estimation Plan

Chris Lucchesi spoke on a cost estimation program that Charles Boos had recommended done by a company that does more detailed, and more exact, estimates.  After a discussion about the benefits of such an estimate, which would cost about $2,000, it was agreed we should wait and do a detailed estimate that we could go to town meeting with.  David White said that we needed a detailed cost estimate that specifies specific materials so that we could then know the costs and look at options that might be less expensive.


David White made a motion "to endorse this footprint with the full pitched roof design and to go to the next level of planning." The motion was seconded by Mary Ryan.

Discussion on the motion:

Bob Beck: Doesn't like the building because it looks like a bunker with the police in the basement.  It is a non-descript building but maybe it is the only way to get a new public safety building in this town.

Rick Bates: The last proposal was called a Taj Mahal, but this one certainly isn't.  Now we have something that may pass the muster of the townspeople.

David White: Disagrees with the comments.  The police department side and rear are on grade, not below.  Prisoner cells and dispatch are well protected and don't need to be above grade.

Chief Sherrill said he felt that we could dress up the side entrance and make it more attractive.

VOTE: The motion was passed unanimously by those present.

David White: wants to clarify that the thought Kaestle Boos was taking us to the design that we could go to town meeting with.  Chris Lucchesi will review this with Michael McKeon.

New Business:

David White: Based on the last selectmen's meeting, when does the committee want to give them an update? Chris Lucchesi will look at the schedule andd with the Town Manager to set a date.

Public Comment:

Louise Hugo, Highland Street: Appearance of the building: Main Street has ugly buildings like the Post Office and now Walgreen's.  We need to pay attention to the aesthetics of the building and make it nice in appearance.

Karen Green, Walnut Street: I am terribly disappointed with the looks of the building.  We sacrificed so much for the sake of a million dollars; the town is not known for taking care of its buildings and we need to make this one out of brick and block so it is maintenance free.

Dave Ellis: Concern for the rear entry for firefighters getting to the fire trucks.  Could there be a ramp system for them to get in to the station.  He is concerned about the lack of firefighter parking spaces in the front of the building.  Could the building be moved back more to provide more parking spaces in front?  We need to do something to make the visibility of the police station better.  He is not sure how keeping the old building will affect the voters for the project.  

Sheila Bachant:  We need more parking.  Maybe we should raze the old fire station and use the space for additional parking once the new station is completed.


A motion to adjourn the meeting was made and seconded at 20:20 PM.

Approved: February 6, 2008