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Mountview School Building Committee
Meeting Minutes
October 23, 2012

6PM                                                                                             HMLD

Present:        Chairman Paul Challenger, David White, Gary Kaczmarek, Margaret Watson, Erik Githmark, Chris Lucchesi, Mike Sherman, Jacquie Kelly, Anthony Gasbarro

Absent: Tom Pandiscio, Nancy Galkowski

Others Present: Bill Senecal, LPA, Elizabeth Helder, Recording Secretary,

Chairman Challenger introduced Anthony Gasbarro, the soon-to-be-appointed Interim District Superintendent to the Committee.

1. Project Management/Architect Update

Mr. Kaczmarek reported the PSR had been submitted to the MSBA by the September 27, 2012 deadline.

Mr. Kaczmarek informed the Committee that he, Dave White, Jacquie Kelly, Tom Pandiscio, Mike Pagano and Bill Senecal attended the MSBA’s Facilities Subcommittee meeting on October 17th.  The MSBA subsequently requested additional information on 1. the placement of the special education classrooms within the proposed design and 2. the size and location of the media center.  Answers to the information must be submitted to the MSBA by 12PM on Friday, October 26th.
Mr. Senecal said that the meeting went well and the committee members were able to address concerns and Mr. Kaczmarek reported that feedback from the MSBA was positive.  Mr. Senecal explained that the 5 collaborative special education spaces included in the proposed design are 1050 sq.ft. and each have their own contained bathroom.  These classrooms were designed in proximity to the pods for educational inclusion and have been “stacked” on top of each other on each floor to simplify the design and infrastructure of the building.

Mr. Githmark said he had completed a response to the media center question.  He will highlight how internet usage will be monitored by the Administration in the new media center.

Mr. Kaczmarek said the MSBA has indicated that the project might be able to earn 2 more reimbursement points because of the District’s current maintenance and budget program.  The MSBA is providing further eligible and non eligible reimbursement items to help clarify some of the “grey” areas of reimbursement.  Joel Wolk is continuing to work on the CM @ Risk application.

Mr. White said Mr. Pandiscio and Mr. Pagano did a nice job answering the MSBA’s questions at the October 17th meeting.  He added that the MSBA commented that the documents and drawings submitted by LPA were of the highest quality that the MSBA has seen, adding that LPA had presented “first rate work and was a pleasure to work with”.

Mr. Senecal reported that LPA has begun pre-work on Module 4 – Schematic Design.  The MSBA will vote on November 14th to advance the project to Schematic Design.  He reported that the MSBA schedule has been pushed forward 1-month.  Schematic Design work will now be submitted for a MSBA decision on February 14, 2013.  The final MSBA Board of Director’s vote will be April 3, 2013.

Mr. Senecal said the building will be 3 stories with a brick masonry exterior with tiled linoleum corridors on the interior.  A color philosophy will also be developed during Module 4.  Site Civil Engineering is ongoing.  Mr. White suggested that the Committee consider re-engaging in a conversation with the Zottoli family about the possibility of receiving either through gift or purchase a piece of land for grading easement purposes in the back corner.  The land will essentially be used for dirt and landscape buffering.  No road or infrastructure will be installed on the 30 or 40 feet of land.  The Committee directed Mr. White to discuss this matter with Diane Zottoli.

Mr. Senecal reported he will conduct a walk through of the Sherwood Middle School in Shrewsbury on Wednesday, October 24th at 3PM.  Mr. Githmark and several members of the Mountview staff will attend.  

Mr. White inquired if Mountview should be considered as an emergency disaster shelter and asked what this type of planning would entail.  It was determined that the Committee should have a discussion with the Town regarding this type of long range planning.  Mr. Sherman suggested that the MSBC discuss the issue with the Select board.  Ms. Kelly said she would also discuss the issue with the Fire and Police Chiefs.  The building would require infrastructure to support kitchen, heating and bathroom facilities to function as a shelter during an emergency.

The Committee discussed when to take the project to Town Meeting for a vote.  The Committee discussed many alternatives and scenarios involving when to hold a Special Town Meeting and Ballot Election.  Dates in April and May were discussed.  The Committee agreed it would not be a good idea to hold a Special Town Meeting in June or July because attendance would be low.  Should the ballot election be held before or after the Town Meeting vote?   Mr. Challenger and the Committee agreed that the project was too big to schedule for a vote at the Annual Town Meeting and the discussion and decision of the project required its own Special Town Meeting.

Mr. Sherman suggested the Committee start “selling the project” to the community on February 15, 2013.  He said he would like to schedule a Special Town Meeting soon after the Board of Director’s vote in April.  Mr. Senecal said that the Committee will not know exact reimbursement numbers until April 3rd.  School vacation week is the week of April 15th.  The Committee discussed holding a Special Town Meeting on April 8th with an election scheduled either for April 9th or in May at the Annual Town Election.  Ms. Kelly said she would discuss all possible Town Meeting and Election schedules with the Town Clerk and report back to the Committee.  Mr. Challenger said he would like to hold a ballot election sooner rather than later.

2. Approval of Previous Minutes

Motion by Chris Lucchesi, seconded by Mike Sherman, it was UNANIMOUSLY VOTED TO

Motion by Chris Lucchesi, seconded by Mike Sherman, it was VOTED 7-1 WITH 1 ABSTAINED TO APPROVE THE MEETING MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 18, 2012 AS PRESENTED. (Abstained: Challenger.)

3. Public Comment

No one came forward to address the Committee.

4. Public Outreach

Mr. Lucchesi said he had made presentations regarding the Committee’s efforts at all the elementary PTA and Mountview PTA meetings.  He encouraged those in attendance to “be informed and be involved” in the success of the project.  Mr. Lucchesi and Mr. Challenger handed out “be informed and be involved” business cards at the Holden Youth Soccer picture day.

Mr. Lucchesi reported that he has received feedback that the Committee should consider contacting residents and abutters on Mt. View Drive/Shrewsbury Street to Chapel/Doyle Road to Brattle Street and invite them to an open forum to discuss any issues the abutters might have regarding the project.  The Committee will also run an ad in The Landmark to publicize the meeting.  The Committee will schedule this meeting for Tuesday, November 27th at Mountview School.

Creating a cross reference list between school age children and voter registration was discussed.  Mr. Lucchesi asked what the District restrictions were for sharing identification information regarding the children for distribution purposes.  Mr. Githmark said sharing this type of information might not be legal and that he would have to check with the District.   Mr. Gasbarro suggested contacting the PTO’s to use their mailing information.

5. New Business

Ms. Watson updated the Committee on the efforts of the WRSD Educational Subcommittee.  The Subcommittee suggested the MSBC place a visual mock-up of the proposed school building in the lobby of each of the elementary schools to generate interest in the project.  LPA will create 3-D posters of the building plans for distribution to the schools in early December.

Any information to be posted on the website should be sent to

Ms. Watson will share project information with the WRSD Outreach Subcommittee when it next meets.

The Committee agreed to meet on November 13th and 27th.  These meetings will start at 7PM.

The Committee discussed removing Peter Brennan from the Committee as he is no longer employed by the District.  The official removal must come from the Town Manager.


The Committee agreed to leave Ms. Galkowski on the Committee.

The Committee discussed removing Tom Pandiscio from the Committee.  A replacement from the District must be made if Mr. Pandiscio is removed.  Mr. Gasbarro cannot be named to the Committee because he has not officially taken over as Interim Superintendent.  It was agreed to readdress the removal of Mr. Pandiscio and the appointment of Mr. Gasbarro at a later date.
6. Adjournment
Motion by Erik Githmark, seconded by Chris Lucchesi, it was UNANIMOUSLY VOTED TO ADJOURN THE OCTOBER 23, 2012 MEETING AT 8PM.