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Help at H.O.M.E.
January 22, 2009 ~ 3:00 PM      


PRESENT:         Karen Halley, Wachusett Food Pantry; Louise Charbonneau, Director, Holden Council on Aging; Cheryl Owoc, Outreach, Holden Council on Aging; Jack Chandler, Holden Fire Department; Donna Cross, HMLD; Susan Marsh; Steve Yerdon, Holden Area Chamber of Commerce; Jim Robinson; Donna Fitch, Energy New England;  Maureen Buffone, Secretary; Rebecca Evanoff, CERT.

Call Meeting to Order - Brian Bullock/Karen Halley
Karen Halley called the meeting to order at 3:08 p.m.

Jim Robinson moved to accept the minutes, as revised, from the December 8th meeting, which was seconded by Steve Yerdon and passed unanimously. The words "An additional $2,5000.00 donation was received" were substituted for "This included a $2,500.00 donation" from "Treasurer's Report - Jim Robinson."

Food/WFP Update - Karen Halley
Karen reported that 135 families were served at the food pantry in January. There have also been donations of Big Y coins which are handed out so that fresh food can be purchased. The food pantry is "going green." People are bringing their own bags, and Karen bought a supply of green Big Y bags that can be reused. Sue suggested that someone donate canvas bags for the food pantry. This is something that she can design.

The food pantry decided at their last meeting that they will hold on to the total donation of $7,000.00 received from Wachusett Fitness.

Fuel Assistance/Heating - Louise Charbonneau/Cheryl Owoc
Cheryl reported an increase in people inquiring about assistance from Welcome Aldrich and Help at H.O.M.E. Cheryl and Paula have started to keep track of all of the inquiries and have four (4) people they are waiting to hear back from. The need will be increasing as winter goes on. Louise said that one (1) application was approved today for help with a light bill. Cheryl and Paula have also set up a system for homebound people receiving deliveries from the food pantry. Karen said this new system is working very well.

Fire Safety/Fundraising Sign - Jack Chandler
Jack introduced Rebecca Evanoff from CERT to the committee.

Jack dug out the fundraising sign and it is back at the fire station. He will update the amount and get it back out in front of the senior center.

Karen asked Jack about smoke detectors. They have 60 detectors and are willing to distribute them. The next food pantry distribution is February 20 and February 21, and if Jack wants, they can have people sign up at that time.

Fitness (building fitness/energy conservation) - Donna Fitch
Donna reported that the audit requests continue to be brisk. The auditors were told to be discreet when handing out the Help at H.O.M.E. materials.

Facts (reference manual) - Cheryl Owoc - Booklet Repsonse and Delivery to Town Buildings/Site
The booklets have been delivered to the town offices and other businesses in town.

Colony and Checkerberry have not yet received theirs. Cheryl asked that nay new resources be given to her, and she will forward them to Jacquie to be updated quarterly.

Sue Marsh met with the Holden Center Neighborhood Association this morning, and they want to do a storm aftermath in February. Sue showed them the booklet, and they would like Paula and Cheryl to come and do a program. Can the association do a fundraiser or contribute money so that everyone can receive a booklet? Sue will give their email addresses to the Neighborhood Association.

Treasurer's Report - Jim Robinson - Fundraising Tally
Jim had no formal update. Preliminary receipts for January are just over $3,000.00. He will have an updated report at the next meeting. The HCOA board said there is enough discretion and flexibility already in place to attend to any special needs that come along. They wrote the criteria so that it gives them flexibility.

Davis Hill PTO is scheduled to donate the $1,429.00 raised from their Turkey Trot at the February 2nd meeting for the food pantry.

The Help at H.O.M.E. donation envelopes will start going out again in next month's bills.

Clergy Outreach - Rev. Rich Simpson
Rev. Simpson was not available, and there is nothing to report.

Emergency Preparedness and Response - Plan, Communications, Follow-up - C.E.R.T. - Banner Update
It was decided to hold off on doing the public citizen's blog on line regarding the ice storm. The Selectmen's letter is still pending.

CERT has booked the senior center for a February 19th Emergency Preparedness Open House.

Karen received an estimated quote of $700.00 for a 3' x 20' banner. Steve said the Chamber would not be able to help out with funding at this time. It was decided to pursue having the Help at H.O.M.E. information run on HCTV for now, rather than paying for a banner.

Set Date for Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held on Thursday, February 5, 2009 at 3:00 p.m. at the Holden Senior Center.

It was unanimously voted to adjourn the meeting at 4:05 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Maureen Buffone