Help at H.O.M.E.
SEPTEMBER 25, 2008 ~ 3:00 PM
PRESENT: Jacquelyn Kelly, Assistant Town Manager; Louise Charbonneau, Coordinator, Holden Council on Aging; Cheryl Owoc, Outreach, Holden Council on Aging; Karen Halley, Wachusett Food Pantry; Donna Cross, HMLD; Donna Fitch, Energy New England; Joseph G. Sullivan, Holden Board of Selectmen; Chief Jack Chandler, Holden Fire Dept.; Susan Marsh.
ABSENT: Brian Bullock, Town Manager; Jim Robinson; Jen Stanovich, Holden Area Chamber of Commerce; Linda Booker, Worcester Community Action Council, Inc.; Rev. Rich Simpson, St. Francis Episcopal Church.
Assistant Town Manager Jacquelyn Kelly opened the meeting at 3:03 p.m.
Town Manager Brian Bullock and Karen Hally of the Wachusett Food Pantry were unanimously elected as co-chairs of this committee. The consensus was that an administrative staff person of the town and someone already connected in the needs of Holden's citizenry would best serve in the position of co-chairs. Joe Sullivan made a motion to elect Maureen Buffone as secretary of the committee, which was seconded by Jacquie Kelly and passed unanimously. It was decided to put the election of a treasurer on hold for now.
Karen Halley made a motion to accept the minutes from the September 18, 2008 meeting, which was seconded by Donna Fitch and passed unanimously, with Joe Sullivan abstaining.
There was a discussion as to the minimum number of gallons that should be provided to each applicant (looking for heat assistance) to the Welcome Aldrich Fund. The group recommended that for purposes of purchasing oil, the minimum should be 100 gallons. Brian met with the Welcome Aldrich sub-committee of HCOA, which consisted of Rick Mansfield, Al Ferron and Rev. Heslinga and Cheryl Owoc to let them know that this group was formed and to ask if they could handle a large influx of applications to the Welcome Aldrich Fund. It was agreed that they could, and they will look more closely at the guidelines the sub-committee has ussed. Joe Sullivan asked if this would change the role of the sub-committee. Jack Chandler stated that with the fund raising, not all of the money would go to the Welcome Aldrich fund.
Mission Statement and Committee Name
Cheryl Owoc and Karen Halley met last week to discuss the mission statement and committee name. They suggested "H.O.M.E." Holden Outreach - Managing Emergencies. After some discussion, "Help at H.O.M.E." was chosen as the group's official name.
Cheryl submitted the informational booklet that she prepared containing every possible area that people of all ages would need assistance with in managing a home. The booklet is concise and should be inexpensive to produce. Joe said that it is a place to start and a graphic designer can dress it up. Joe asked Susan Marsh if she would be willing to "clean it up". Joe moved to accept the booklet, which was seconded by Donna Cross and passed unanimously. Cheryl and Karen will write an introduction and table of contents to be inserted on the inside cover page with a contact phone number for Help at H.O.M.E. Jack Chandler suggested listing the town's resources in the beginning of the booklet. Corrections and changes to the booklet should be emailed to Cheryl as soon as possible, and Cheryl will forward to Karen. The booklet will be
needed by October 8th or 9th to be included in the October light bills. Louise offered to put something in the November senior center newsletter. Karen suggested looking into copyrighting. We cannot copyright the contents, as it is public information. We can, however, copyright the committee's name and logo. Jacquie Kelly acknowledged the hard work that Cheryl has put into this booklet.
Cherly and Karen submitted a mission statement which was discussed and revised as follows:
"Recognizing that we all need a place to turn to for information and support, Help at H.O.M.E. provides the residents of Holden assistance in meeting their needs."
Joe Sullivan motioned to accept the revised mission statement, which was seconded by Karen Halley and passed unanimously.
Fundraising Sub-Committee
Joe Sullivan asked the committee to consider the Wachusett Area Rotary Club's outhouse for a fundraiser. The Rotary wants to give it a rest this year, and Joe thinks he make it available to this group. The Board of Directors meets next Tuesday, and Joe is willing to make a request at that time. The consensus was that the outhouse should wait until next year, and that it is a commitment beyond what we are able to do at this time. Jacquie thanked Joe for his input.
Joe suggested sending a letter to the local area oil distributors presenting what this group is doing and inviting them to come to a meeting. Louise talked to Mr. Namiotka, and he asked for a commitment as to how much oil we might want. Mr. Namiotka told Louise that the group went out for bids in June, and today's pricing might not be such a good deal. Jen was also supposed to talk to three (3) oil distributors in town. Joe said that we need to talk about what to do if someone's furnance breaks down. Susan Marsh said that the main thrust is heating oil and the main vehicle is Welcome Aldrich. The way it is set up right now is for heat and utilities.
Louise received a telephone call from Curves saying they would like to do something community related every month.
Meeting adjourned at 4:14 p.m.
Next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, October 2, 2008 at 3:00 p.m. at the Holden Senior Center.