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December 30, 2009
HMLD                                                         6:00 p.m.

Members Present:  Peter Liddy, Chair, Scott Carlson, Gary Harrington and John Shepherd

Selectmen Present: Kenneth O'Brien

Staff Present: Brian J. Bullock, Town/Light Manager, James Robinson, Light Manager (designee)

Chairman Liddy called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. The primary purpose of the meeting was to review proposed changes the preliminary CY 2010 Operating and Capital Budget that was discussed at the December 15 meeting.

2010 Budget
Mr. Robinson reviewed changes that had been made to the preliminary budget:

1. Last year, HMLD began to expense a portion of its future OPEB obligation. The 2008, 2009 and 2010 expenses were omitted from the December 15 materials. This is a $113,000 increase to expense in 2010;

2. This increase of OPEB expenses has been offset, in part, by reducing several other accounts, either by reducing the level of miscellaneous or non-recurring expenses. These changes have reduced expenses in 2010 by $65,850.

3. The installation of a security system at the light department building has been included as discussed, but instead of adding it to the capital budget, we have substituted it for the new phone system. We think installation of a new phone system should be deferred until the new system at the Public Service building is up and running.

Selectman O'Brien had questions on a variety of items including shared resources, the existing heat rate contract and the balances of various department fund accounts. Mr. Robinson and Mr. Bullock provided response to the various questions.

Chairman Liddy asked if the Advisory Board accepted the changes that were presented. On a motion by Mr. Harrington, seconded by Mr. Shepherd, it was unanimously agreed to accept the 2010 Operating Budget as modified.

There being no further business, the meeting of the Municipal Electric Power Advisory Board was adjourned by consensus at approximately 7:00 p.m.