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May 23, 2007
HMLD          7:00 p.m.

Members Present:  Chairman Robert Hamer, and Members David Cotton, Donna Fitch, Peter Liddy, and Tom Runstrom.

Others:         Jim Robinson, Newell Road

Also Present:   Brian Bullock, Town/ Light Manager, Jacquelyn Kelly, Assistant Town Manager, Michael Flagg, General Foreman
Diane Mero, Director of Financial Operations, Margaret Donaldson, Office Manager


On a motion by Mr. Cotton, seconded by Mr. Liddy, the minutes from the meeting held on December 14, 2006 were unanimously approved as written.  

Substation Update

Mr. Flagg showed a photo album of progress on the construction of the Substation to date.  Most of the equipment has been delivered.  The switchgear fabrication is complete and delivery is expected next week.  The project is on schedule to go on-line with National Grid in July 2007 to accommodate the summer load.

“Energy Star” Appliance Rebate Program

Ms. Donaldson reported that Percy’s appliance store in Worcester, will be offering Holden residents special discounts on air conditioners and dehumidifiers in coordination with the HMLD offering rebates of $50 on Saturday, June 2, 2007.  The manager of Percy’s is a Holden resident and has coordinated this program to promote sales and also to publicize Holden’s rebate program.  Ms. Donaldson will be present at Percy’s during the day of the sale to facilitate the rebates.    

Water-Sewer Budget

Mr. Bullock explained the actions that were taken at the Annual Town Meeting to cover a projected deficit in the Town’s Water-Sewer budget.  Part of the remedy was to allocate the unexpended balance in a Water-Sewer borrowing account to the Light Department in exchange for the Light Department’s return of a like amount in cash to offset the deficit.  In addition, the Light Department will delay the collection of Water-Sewer department FY07 electric bills until July 1 when the Water-Sewer Division will pay off the FY07 balance over a two-year time period.

Power Supply

Mr. Bullock explained that the Department will be receiving a credit to its ISO bill in the amount of $191,922 due to the Pittsfield RMR settlement.  Project 2006A, the expansion of Stony Brook, is on schedule with the planning phase almost complete.  

Ms. Mero reported that there have been some issues and delays with the Berkshire Wind project but the project is still progressing.  MMWEC has some interest in taking over the project but that is as yet undetermined.  

Ms. Mero distributed a draft Distribution Generation Policy for review.  The Board consensus was that it is a good concept with little down side.  Staff will be sending it to counsel for legal review.  

The Department has secured spot buys for coverage during the summer and early fall.  

CATV Study Update

At the Town Manager’s request, the Holden Cable Television Committee has agreed to do a study on municipal CATV services that is funded via the Light Department’s budget.

Key Accounts Program

Mr. Bullock said that the Department has a new Key Accounts Program Manager – Mary Lohman of  She will be meeting with the Department’s Key Accounts and will provide staff with feedback and updates.

Old/New Business

Mr. Bullock informed the Board that the Light Department employees’ union contract has finally been settled after 22 months.  There was a question from Mr. Liddy about monitoring of water and sewer pump stations and automatic monitoring software.  Sewer capacity and metering was also discussed.  Mr. Bullock will follow-up with information on both these issues.


There being no further business, the Municipal Electric Power Advisory Board meeting was adjourned by consensus at approximately 8:15 p.m.

Approved:  September 20, 2007