April 21, 2010
Members Present: Al Berg, Jim Dunn, Paul Challenger, Rick Bates, Glenn Gaudette, Don Mancini, Bob Lavigne, Peter Lacy @7:24, Marilynn Foley @7:22
Also Present: Nancy Galkowski, Town Manager, Jack Chandler, Fire Chief, George Sherrill, Police Chief, Selectman Dave White
The meeting was called to order at 7:00.
Fire Chief Jack Chandler made a presentation on EMS to the Committee. There was discussion among the Committee concerning the ambulance services and the purchase of an additional ambulance.
A motion by Paul 2nd by Rick to authorize $90,000.00 from the Fire Vehicle Stabilization Fund to lease/purchase Ambulance #3 was voted 6-2 (opposed Jim, Don).
A motion by Rick 2nd by Marilynn to approve the EMS Budget $855,422.00 as printed was voted unanimously (abstained Peter).
A motion by Paul 2nd by Rick to approve the Police Department Budget $2,104,908.00 as printed. After discussion concerning line 5144 and 5160 (education) the motion was voted unanimously.
A motion by Jim 2nd by Glenn to add a new line item in the Personnel Budget for retirement contingency for $35,000.00 was voted unanimously.
A motion by Jim 2nd by Don to approve a revised total in the Personnel Budget of $112,400.00 was voted unanimously.
A motion by Jim 2nd by Rick to approve the Finance Committee Budget $101,640.00 as printed was voted unanimously.
A motion by Paul 2nd by Marilynn to approve a revised Debt budget of $3,790,569.00 was voted 7-1 (opposed Al).
A motion by Paul 2nd by Glenn to transfer $116,053.00 from the Recreation Revolving Fund Budget to the IIF for a Recreation Revolving Fund Budget of $322,589.00 was voted 5-3 (opposed Peter, Rick, Marilynn).
A motion by Jim 2nd by Glenn to present to the Town meeting a budget of $295,814.00 for the Recreation After School Program was voted 5-3 (opposed Peter, Rick, Marilynn).
A motion by Paul 2nd by Glenn to present to the Town Meeting a budget of $201,549.00 for the Cable Revolving Fund was voted 5-3 (opposed Peter, Rick, Marilynn).
A motion by Jim 2nd by Glenn to present to the Town Meeting a budget of $207,037.00 for the Inspection Revolving Fund was voted 5-3 (opposed Peter, Rick, Marilynn).
A motion by Paul 2nd by Jim to approve the minutes of April 14, 2010 as corrected was voted unanimously (abstained Paul, Rick).
A motion by Paul 2nd by Glenn to approve the WRSD Budget of $73,605,419.00 of which Holden's assessment is $20,179,419.00 was voted unanimously.
A motion by Glenn 2nd by Jim to approve the MRVTSD Budget of $478,745.00 was voted unanimously.
The meeting adjourned at 9:57.
Respectfully Submitted,
Marilynn Foley, Clerk