MARCH 25, 2009
Members Present: Al Berg, Jim Dunn, Peter Lacy, Rick Bates, Glenn Gaudette, Don Mancini, Marilynn Foley
Members Absent: Paul Challenger, Maria Dell'Ovo
Also Present: Brian Bullock, Town Manager, George Sherrill, Police Chief, Jack Chandler, Fire Chief, Peter Bergstrom, Fire Department, Selectmen Kim Ferguson, Joe Sullivan, Dave White @ 8:07, Ken O'Brien @ 9:10
The meeting was called to order at 7:00.
Chief George Sherrill passed out a packet of information to the Committee. He reviewed his budget and answered questions. He explained line painting is back in his budget as it is easier to coordinate with police shifts. He thanked the Committee for their support of the Public Safety Building. He said the budget will look different next year because of the new Public Safety Building.
Peter recused himself from the Fire Department budget review (He is paid on-call firefighter).
Chief Jack Chandler reviewed his budget and answered questions. His goal is to have 50 on call firefighters. There was discussion about the new town owned ambulance system scheduled to begin on July 1, 2009. There was discussion on the Emergency Management budget and equipment needed as a result of the December ice storm should the town experience another similiar storm we would be better prepared. The department has received grants for radios and pagers and a federal grant for fire apparatus for $261,000.00. The town would have to match the grant with $200,000.00.
The Chief and Town Manager proposed borrowing $650,000 which would provide the necessary grant match as well as an additional $450,000 for Engine #1 which the May 2008 Town Meeting has already approved as a direct purchase from Fire Stabilization. The Committee questioned the need to spend approximately $54,000 in interest for Engine #1 which can be purchased without need for borrowing. A motion by Jim 2nd by Glenn to request an alternate plan for financing the new vehicle not to undo the $450,000.00 expenditure in the fire stabilization fund was voted unanimously.
Peter returned at 9:05.
Motion assignments for the Special Town Meeting are: Article 2&3 - Al, Article 4 - Rick, Article 5 - Glenn, Article 6B - Jim, Article 7 - Marilynn, Article 8 - Peter.
Al announced that Maria had resigned from the Committee.
A motion by Jim 2nd by Peter to accept the minutes of march 18, 2009 as amended were voted unanimously.
The meeting adjourned at 9:40.
Respectfully Submitted,
Marilynn Foley, Secretary