August 19, 2009
Town Hall
Members Present: Al Berg, Paul Challenger, Peter Lacy, Rick Bates, Glenn Gaudette, Marilynn Foley
Members Absent: Jim Dunn, Don Mancini
Also Present: Brian Bullock, Town Manager, Jim Shuris, Public Works Director, Mike Pagano, Lamoreux and Pagano Associates; Selectmen: Kim Ferguson, Dave White, Jim Jumonville, Anthony Renzoni
The meeting was called to order at 7:00.
The Committee met to discuss requests for Reserve Fund Transfers.
The request for a transfer of $175,000.00 for restoration of public buildings - Town Hall, Starbard Building and Damon House. Excluded from the project is the Hendricks House which received a $30,000.00 grant from the Massachusetts Historical Commission. Mike Pagano discussed with the Committee the scope of work to be done.
A motion by Paul 2nd by Rick to transfer $175,000.00 from the Reserve Fund was voted in favor 4-2 (opposed Peter, Glenn).
A motion by Paul 2nd by Rick to transfer $45,872.00 to the WRSD for the increase of the minimum local contribution was voted unanimously.
The Selectmen discussed with the Committee the cost of a search for a new Town Manager and also the Separation Agreement with Brian Bullock.
A motion by Rick 2nd by Peter to transfer $15,000.00 for new Town Manager recruitment was voted in favor 5-1 (opposed Paul).
A motion by Paul 2nd by Glenn to transfer $26,815.00 for the current Town Manager Separation Agreement was voted unanimously.
A motion by Paul 2nd by Glenn to accept the minutes of May 27, 2009 was voted unanimously (abstained Peter).
A motion by Rick 2nd by Marilynn to accept the minutes of July 13, 2009 was voted unanimously.
The committee will meet on August 26, 2009 for a presentation on a potential water supply project.
The meeting adjourned at 8:45.
Respectfully Submitted,
Marilynn Foley, Clerk