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JULY 30, 2008

Members Present: Paul Challenger, Al Berg, Jim Dunn, Rick Bates, Maria Dell'Ovo, Glenn Gaudette, Bob Ripley, Marilynn Foley

Members Absent: Peter Lacy

Town Moderator: George Balko

The meeting was called to order at 7:02 by Moderator George Balko.

George called for nominations for Chairman, Vice Chairman and Clerk for the Finance Committee. On a motion by Paul 2nd by Jim, Al was unanimously elected Chairman. On a motion by Rick 2nd by Marilynn, Maria was unanimously elected Vice Chairman. On a motion by Jim 2nd by Maria, Marilynn was unanimously elected Clerk. George thanked the Committee members for their service to the town.

George will need to know which Committee members will be serving on the IIF Committee by September 10. Present members are Paul, Jim, Peter and Maria.

The Committee thanked Paul for his years serving as Chairman.

Bob reported on his meeting with the Town Manager on July 16, 2008.

The Committee discussed the best direction to follow for the upcoming F/Y 10 Budget discussions. Some suggestions were: 1. how we want to conduct budget hearings, 2. pre estimate of revenue strengths, 3. long term planning 3-5 years, 4. send our goals and objectives to the Town Manager, 5. schedule a meeting with the Montachusett RSD, 6. set budget hearing schedule to include meeting with WRSD, build W/S into the budget process and provide the Town Manager with a calendar, 7. meet with Selectmen before budget hearings.

A Regional Finance Committee meeting will be in Rutland on July 31, 2008.

The Committee will meet on August 20, 2008 with CDM for W/S discussions.

A motion by Jim 2nd by Glenn to accept the minutes of June 24, 2008 was voted unanimously (abstained Rick, Glenn).

A motion by Maria 2nd by Bob to accept the minutes of July 14, 2008 was voted unanimously (abstained Jim, Maria, Marilynn).

The meeting adjourned at 8:22.

Respectfully Submitted,
Marilynn Foley, Secretary