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APRIL 23, 2008

Members Present: Paul Challenger, Al Berg, Peter Lacy, Maria Dell'Ovo, Rick Bates, Glenn Gaudette, Bob Ripley, Marilynn Foley

Members Absent: Jim Dunn

The meeting was called to order at 7:05.

The Committee discussed accounts in the F/Y 09 Municipal budget.

A motion by Al 2nd by Maria to approve the Recreation Revolving Fund Budget of $3,974,941.00 ($40,000.00 was removed for the tennis courts repair at MtView Line 5830) was voted unanimously.

A motion by Marilynn 2nd by Peter to approve the Manager recommended budget for After School Revolving Account $244,536.00. Discussion ensued. An amendment to the main motion by Al 2nd by Glenn to reduce the summer uniforms costs was defeated by a tie vote. (In favor Al, Peter, Glenn, Bob), (Opposed Paul, Maria, Rick, Marilynn). The main motion was approved 7-1 (opposed Glenn).

A motion by Glenn 2nd by Bob to increase Line 5118 Call Firefighters by $15,000.00 was defeated 2-5-1 (In favor Bob, Glenn) (Opposed Al, Paul, Rick, Maria, Marilynn) (Abstained Peter).

A motion by Paul 2nd by Maria to purchase a new fire engine by cash from the Fire Vehicle Stabilization Fund rather than finance it was voted unanimously (Abstained Peter).

A motion by Paul 2nd by Marilynn to approve the Manager recommended budget for the Fire Department $1,250,967.00 was voted unanimously (Abstained Peter).

A motion by Al 2nd by Paul to approve the Manager recommended budget for Emergency Management $14,518.00 was voted unanimously (Abstained Peter).

A motion by Al 2nd by Rick to reduce the Health Insurance Budget by $26,000.00 (line 5175) from the list of recommended changes in the F/Y 09 Budget was voted unanimously.

A motion by Rick 2nd by Marilynn to put $75,000.00 into the IIF from the list of recommended changes to the F/Y 09 Budget #4 was voted unanimously.

A motion by Peter 2nd by Al to add $40,000.00 to the Finance Committee Reserve Fund (Line 5781) from the list of recommended changes to the F/Y 09 budget #8 was voted unanimously.

A motion by Rick 2nd by Al to approve a budget of $3,939,842.00 for General Government was voted 7-1 (Opposed Bob).

A motion by Al 2nd by Marilynn to approve a budget of $3,610,633.00 for Debt Service was voted 7-1 (Opposed Bob).

A motion by Al 2nd by Maria to approve the Manager recommended budget for Public Works Administration $150,773.00 was voted unanimously.

A motion by Al 2nd by Peter to approve the Manager recommended budget for Public Works Engineering $71,505.00 was voted unanimously.

A motion by Al 2nd by Glenn to decrease the contribution to the DPW Depreciation Fund by $45,000.00 and increase the Guard Rail Line to $45,000.00 within the Highway Dept. was voted unanimously.

A motion by Al 2nd by Marilynn to approve the Manager recommended budget for the Highway Division $1,568,582.00 was voted unanimously.

A motion by Al 2nd by Glenn to approve the Manager recommended budget for Equipment Repair $135,401.00 was voted unanimously.

A motion by Al 2nd by Bob to remove the Boom Mower ($20,000.00) from the DPW Depreciation Fund (for lack of information to the Committee) was voted 7-1 (opposed Rick).

A motion by Paul 2nd by bob to remove the new Garage construction behind the Senior Center ($20,000.00) and painting of Starbard Building and Damon house ($75,000.00) from the DPW Depreciation Account and move it into the Buildings and Grounds budget was voted unanimously.

A motion to remove the Leaf Vacuum from the DPW Depreciation Account ($25,000.00) and move it into the Buildings and Grounds budget was defeated 3-5 (Opposed Paul, Al, Rick, Bob, Glenn).

A motion by Al 2nd by Maria to approve a budget for Buildings and Grounds $787,724.00 was voted unanimously.

A motion by Al 2nd by Paul to approve a budget for the Highway Division $1,443,582.00 was voted unanimously.

A motion by Al 2nd by Maria to approve the Manager recommended budget for Garage Division $58,200.00 was voted unanimously.

A motion by Bob 2nd by Maria to remove the proposed electronic sign from the Cable Revolving Fund ($24,360.00) was voted 6-1-1 (Opposed Paul, Abstained Al).

A motion by Maria 2nd Rick to approve the Cable Revolving Fund budget $187,360.00 was voted 7-1 (Opposed Paul).

A motion by Rick 2nd by Peter to approve the Manager recommended budget for Solid Waste Enterprise Fund $977,855.00 was voted unanimously.

A motion by Rick 2nd by Bob to approve the Manager recommended budget for Inspection Revolving Fund $215,420.00 was voted unanimously.

The new Police Officer position was brought up for reconsideration. Chief Sherrill will be invited to the May 7, 2008 meeting for more information on this position.

A motion by Maria 2nd by Bob to accept the minutes of April 16, 2008 were voted unanimously as amended (Abstained Paul, Rick).

The meeting adjourned at 10:05.

Respecfully Submitted,
Marilynn Foley, Secretary