NOVEMBER 28, 2007
Members Present: Paul Challenger, Al Berg, Peter Lacy, Rick Bates, Bob Ripley, Glenn Gaudette (@ 8:20), Marilynn Foley
Also Present: Brian Bullock, Town Manager, Deb McDonnell, Ed Benoit, Paul Challenger, Peter Lacy, IIF members
The meeting was called to order at 7:00.
Brian presented the committees with updated financial information on the IIF Funds. He also presented financial plans for borrowing for the proposed Public Safety Building.
The Committees discussed the proposed Public Safety Building project. They also discussed the level of involvement of the IIF in that project.
On a motion by Paul 2nd by Glenn to support the proposed Public Safety Building project in concept as presented by the PSBC, pending resolution of the financing plan was voted unanimously.
IIF motion by Deb 2nd by Ed that IIF support proposed the Public Safety Building project conceptually and financially contribute to that project at an amount to be determined was voted 3-1 (opposed Paul).
On a motion by Rick 2nd by Al the minutes of November 14, 2007 were voted unanimously.
The meeting adjourned at 9:15.
Respectfully Submitted,
Marilynn Foley, Secretary