APRIL 4, 2007
Members Present: Paul Challenger, Ed Benoit, Al Berg, Paul Anderson, Peter Lacy, Maria Dell'Ovo, Marilynn Foley
Members Absent: Jim Dunn, Rick Bates
Also Present: Selectman Joe Sullivan
The meeting was called to order at 7:05.
The Committee discussed the WRSD Budget and the Municipal Budget from the collated list Paul C. put together. A new item discussed was that the Library bricks need to be pointed and the front steps need repair. The capital budget item for the boiler was funded from the F/Y 07 Reserve Fund so these funds could be used for this project.
A motion by Al 2nd by Peter to increase the WRSD Debt Budget by $43,000.00, decrease the Net Minimum Contribution to the DOR figure by $731,472.00 and increase the Transportation Budget $225,223.00 was voted unanimously. (Items 1,2,3)
Items 4,5,6 make revenue adjustments to the Resource Profile.
A motion by Paul C. 2nd by Al to increase WRSD RASA by $184,914.00 was voted unanimously. (Item 7)
A motion by Paul C. 2nd by Al to remove the cemetery vehicle, rake and cemetery road paving, $48,000.00, from the DPW Depreciation Account and put into the DPW budget was voted unanimously. (Item 14)
A motion by Paul C. 2nd by Paul A. to remove $100,000.00 from the DPW Depreciation Account for sidewalks was voted unanimously. (Item 15)
A motion by Ed 2nd by Peter to put $100,000.00 earmarked for sidewalk construction into the DPW Highway Account was voted 5-2 (opposed Paul C., Marilynn).
A motion by Paul C. 2nd by Ed to remove $15,000.00 from the DPW Depreciation Account for the HAZ/MAT Collection Center and transfer into the Solid Waste Revolving Fund was voted unanimously. (Item 17)
A motion by Ed 2nd by Paul C. to use $325,000.00 from the available pool grant money to establish a fire equipment stabilization or similar account for the Town of Holden was voted unanimously.
A motion by Al 2nd by Ed to use free cash not to exceed $550,000.00 to start the F/Y 08 Municipal Budget was voted unanimously. (Item 24)
A motion by Al 2nd by Marilynn to remove $18,670.00 from the Growth Management Budget, part time zoning officer, was voted unanimously. (Item 25)
A motion by Paul C. 2nd by Maria to add $19,000.00 to the Assessor's Budget, increased data collection to full time, was voted unanimously. (Item 27)
Item 22 - The Committee discussed and decided to leave $10,000.00 in the Library Captial Account for stone masonry work and stair repair.
A motion by Maria 2nd by Peter to increase the Library Budget by $25,000.00 for materials was voted unanimously. (Item 23)
No action was taken on Item 19.
A motion by Ed 2nd by Al to add $100,000.00 to the DPW resurfacing account was voted unanimously. (Item 18)
A motion by Al 2nd by Maria to put $75,000.00 into a fire stabilization or similar fund was voted unanimously.
A motion by Paul C. 2nd by Paul A. to accept the minutes of March 28,, 2007 as written was voted unanimously. (Abstained Peter)
The meeting adjourned at 10:15.
Respectfully Submitted,
Marilynn Foley