May 7, 2014
7:00 p.m.
1130 Main Street
Holden Senior Center
Members Present:
Michael Scott, Anthony Costello, Kenneth Strom, Michael Krikonis,
Members Absent:
Matthew Kennedy, Robert Lowell, Luke Boucher
Staff Present:
Pamela Harding, Conservation Agent, Isabel McCauley
Applicant; Joshua Olson, Matthew and Laura Gull, Claire Gurney, Claire Gurney, Jane Howell, Jay Finlay, David Clarke, Paul McManus, Jean Koenig Mark
Popham,Glen Krevosky, Patricia Loughlin, Noreen Loughlin-McHugh, Matthew Meola, Meghan Meola, Carol Prager, Stephen Koenig, Edward Taft, Sandra Bower
Michael Scott opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS – Culvert Crossings Reservoir Street – by Bailey Road intersection The Department of Public Works is conducting a culvert replacement on Reservoir Street near the intersection of Bailey Road. The culvert replacement will be conducted over the summer months when it is as dry as possible and will require dewatering. Sand bags will be placed along the waterway with a dewatering pump diverting water downstream if needed.
South Road – in vicinity of 385 South Road Culvert improvements The Department of Public Works will be replacing a culvert on South Road, a full culvert replacement versus the possibility of utilizing an insert is being evaluated.
Items were taken out of order while the Commission waited for any late Commission members to reach a quorum for 340 Malden Street, Michael Scott was unable to participate because he was absent for two consecutive hearings, leaving only 3 voting members.
NOTICE OF INTENT Lot 1 Cranbrook Drive - Capricorn Realty- ASSIGNED TO MICHAEL KRIKONIS This is a wetland system that was reviewed during the filing of the Reserve at Salisbury (f.k.a. Winterberry Hollow) apartment complex. The wetland system was previously created by grading conducted for the construction of a proposed roadway, the roadway was never constructed and a wetland formed. The applicant is proposing to construct a single family home within the buffer zone, the 25’ no disturb area has been maintained. A gas main will run through the rear of the property via an easement from Winterberry Hollow. Michael Scott made a motion to close the hearing, Kenneth Strom seconded the motion, 4-0 all were in favor. Michael Krikonis made a motion to issue an Order of Conditions with an
additional condition the stone wall remain in place as a permanent barrier, Anthony Costello seconded the motion, all were in favor, 4-0.
NOTICE OF INTENT – Malden Street – Lot 1, Lot 2 Lot 2A Greenstone Realty, LLC – Assigned to MICHAEL SCOTT - The public hearing notice was read into record. Greenstone Realty has filed an application for three single family homes. Mark Popham presented the plan, the house for Lot 1 is accessible by Meadow Wood Drive and is located out of the buffer. Lot 2A and 2B are located within the 100 buffer zone. The wetland area is a depression created by historical fill. There is a drain pipe in the vicinity of Wetland Flag 26 which connects into the Malden Street drainage system, there is an outflow mapped downgradient across the street. Michael Scott reviewed the wetland flagging and agreed with the Conservation Agent assessment that it was conservative but questioned the accuracy of Wetland
Flags #1-3 and requested peer review.
The plans were stamped by a Registered Sanitarian though there is no proposed septic system on the property and all three homes will be connected to sewer. Kenneth Strom questioned the scaling of the plan and asked why it didn’t have a Professional Licensed Surveyors stamp. The scaling for a portion of the plan was distorted. The Commission required additional information for the proposed grading and house construction for lot 2B, they asked for the limit of work, grade of foundation, grading and pitch of driveway. Patricia Loughlin 6 Driftwood Drive asked if the driveway would be paved and what the limit of clearing was, she presented a letter from Robert Oliva, of David E. Ross Associates which the Commission entered into record.
Many abutters stated they were not notified of the hearing, they only received copies of the Notice of Intent application, information on where the hearing and filing application could be obtained were not provided in accordance with the WPA. Registered mailing cards were presented to the Commission and there was one address, 6 Driftwood, which was not notified. The Commission continued the hearing to allow for proper abutter notification and plan modifications including, peer review of wetland flags #1-3, limit of clearing, grading of driveway, grading for the top and bottom of foundation, and correction of the scale. Ken Strom made a motion to continue the hearing to June 4, 2014, Michael Krikonis seconded the motion, all were in favor.
NOTICE OF INTENT – Greenstone Realty, LLC - Malden Street Construction of a single family home – It was 8:00 o’clock and there was still no quorum to act on the application so the hearing was continued to June 4, 2014. The Commission would ensure a quorum was present to take action or a meeting would be scheduled the following week.
NOTICE OF INTENT – Fisher Terrace Phase II – Fisher Terrace Phase II The public hearing notice was read into record, the plan proposed Construction of 12 additional condominium units. Glen Krevosky, EBT Services represented the Applicant and requested a continuance to the June 4, 2014 meeting due to the reduced number of Commission members present and to allow for plan revisions. The Applicant was informed peer review would be required, due to significant revisions proposed by the Applicant they requested the review not commence until revised plans were submitted. Ken Strom made a motion to continue the hearing to June 4, 2014, Michael Krikonis seconded the motion all were in favor 4-0.
CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE – 30 Cimarron Lane (Lot E) DEP File #183-366 - B.A. Sundin & Son, Inc. Signature of Certificate.
MASSACHUSETTS HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Milling of Route 122A Holden/Worcester line to Adams Road intersection – Massachusetts Highway Department will not be pursuing this work at the request of the Department of Public Works due to the planned installation of a new water line within the area.
The meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m.
The next meeting will be conducted on June 4, 2014
The May 7, 2014 meeting minutes were approved on June 4, 2014.
Pamela Harding, Conservation Agent