March 5, 2014
7:00 p.m.
1130 Main Street
Holden Senior Center
Members Present:
Anthony Costello, Robert Lowell, Kenneth Strom, Michael Krikonis, Luke Boucher, Robert Lowell
Members Absent:
Matthew Kennedy, Michael Scott
Staff Present:
Pamela Harding, Conservation Agent
Douglas Andrysick, Andrysick Land Surveying; Mary Ellen Rogers, Applicant; Joshua Olson, Greenstone Realty; Matthew Gull, Claire Gurney, Jane Howell, Arthur
Resla, Collen Resla, Mark Popham, David Clarke
Robert Lowell opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m
7:00 p.m. NOTICE OF INTENT – Holbrook Realty Trust – Salisbury Street
Construction of Common Driveway. Assigned to Anthony Costello The public hearing was originally scheduled for February 5, 2014, but the meeting was cancelled due to weather. The public hearing was read into record. The applicant is proposing a common driveway to service two single family house lots. The driveway has a 10% grade and the Conservation Commission requested a swale with stone checked dams, or similar type of erosion control, to prevent runoff from eroding adjacent area. The driveway is located approximately 90’ from a bordering vegetated wetland.
Kenneth Strom made a motion to close the public hearing, Michael Krikonis seconded the motion, all were in favor 5-0. Kenneth Strom made a motion to issue a standard Order with a special condition that revised plans be submitted which contain a swale and check dams along the perimeter of the driveway, Michael Krikonis seconded the motion, all were in favor, 5-0.
NOTICE OF INTENT – Greenstone Realty, LLC - Malden Street Construction of a single family home – Assigned to Kenneth Strom The applicant is proposing to construct a single family home with a septic system at 340 Malden Street, there is an intermittent stream and associated BVW on the property. The public hearing notice was read. Matthew Gull, 330 Malden Street questioned how the wetland delineation was conducted in the winter under snow cover. He was concerned that runoff which deposits into the abutting lot would be diverted onto his property once the driveway was constructed. The new driveway will have a swale on the side which diverts water to the rear of the lot.
Verification of the wetland line could not be done without the opportunity to inspect the vegetation. The Commission continued the hearing to the April 2, 2014 meeting to allow time for snow melt or the submission of soil sampling.
AMENDMENT TO PLAN Lot 1 Fisher Road – Deyo – This is an existing Order of Conditions, the applicant is moving the home closer to the roadway within the approved limit of work. The Conservation Commission unanimously agreed that the change to the plans was insignificant and a new Notice of Intent would not be required.
ORDER OF CONDITIONS – 30 CIMARRON LANE – David Clark asked what the Commission would require to rectify a previously denied Certificate of Compliance. The Commission approved a set of plans but a significantly larger home was built without the Commission’s review, the proximity to the wetland remained the same. The Commission asked for an as-built of the property, to compare the existing home and grading, the item was continued.
Kenneth Strom made a motion to approve the minutes from December 5, 2013, Michael Krikonis seconded the motion, all were in favor, 5-0.
Kenneth Strom made a motion to approve the minutes from January 8, 2014, Michael Krikonis seconded the motion, all were in favor, 4-0, Robert Lowell obstained.
The next meeting will be conducted on April 2, 2014
The March 5, 2014 meeting minutes were approved on April 2, 2014
Pamela Harding, Conservation Agent