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March 6, 2013
7:00 p.m.
1130 Main Street
Holden Senior Center

Members Present:        
Michael Krikonis, Anthony Costello, Robert Lowell
Luke Boucher, Kenneth Strom

Members Absent: 
Matthew Kennedy, Michael Scott,

Staff Present:          
Pamela Harding, Conservation Agent

Scott Morrison, EcoTec, Inc.; Paula Thompson, Waterman Design.

Robert Lowell, Acting Chair opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m.  

Informal Discussion Winter Ridge, LLC Discussion of Zone A discharge  Scott Morrison and Paul Thompson represented the applicant.  There is a new subdivision being proposed off Salisbury Street.  The preliminary subdivision submission had one entrance in and out of the development, the Planning Board required the Developer to provide another means of egress to satisfy public safety concerns.  The Developer would like to extend Stanjoy Road to access the development.

 Stanjoy Road was formerly excavated into the site and a large portion of it was abandoned.   There is an existing culvert that was installed into the original cut of the roadway, which discharges into a Zone A tributary.  The Applicant would like to improve the old cut of the roadway to create an emergency access to the subdivision.  There is a question as to whether the access improvements will be considered a new stormwater discharge to a Zone A tributary (which is prohibited) or an amendment to an existing condition.  The Commission agreed they would interpret it to as an amendment to an existing discharge but additional treatment will be required.

EXTENSION OF TIME – Fisher Terrace Fisher Terrace, LLC DEP File #183-459  Fisher Road has requested an extension of time, the Order of Conditions expires in May, 2013.  The Development has been idle for quite a long time.  There has been no evidence the required replication area was completed, all erosion controls have degraded, the detention pond has not been maintained during construction and the roadway is washing out into the wetland.  The Commission required an evaluation of the site be conducted of the site after snow melt prior to the Order being extended, the request was continued to the April 3, 2013 meeting.  
Reforestation Grant The Town of Holden is receiving $40,000.00 from the Department of Conservation and Recreation urban reforestation program for the planting of shade trees on publicly owned land.  The Commission was asked to consider public spaces they felt were appropriate for plantings, the Spring Street well was mentioned.  The Commission will consider locations and provide any recommendations at the next meeting.  

APPROVAL OF MINUTES – Kenneth Strom made a motion to approve the February 6, 2013 minutes, Robert Lowell seconded the motion, Michael Krikonis abstained, motion passed 5-0.  

The next meeting is scheduled for April 3, 2013

The March 6, 2013 meeting minutes were approved on May 1, 2013.

Pamela Harding, Conservation Agent