June 5, 2013
7:00 p.m.
1130 Main Street
Holden Senior Center
Members Present:
Michael Krikonis, Anthony Costello, Robert Lowell
Luke, Boucher, Kenneth Strom, Matthew Kennedy, Michael Scott
Staff Present:
Pamela Harding, Conservation Agent
Stephen Lane, Winter Ridge Development; Paula Thompson, Waterman Design; Paul McManus, EcoTec; Steve Cummings, Winter Ridge Development.
Matthew Kennedy opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m NOTICE OF INTENT – DEP File #183-572 OAK HILL DEFINITIVE SUBDIVISION Winter Ridge Limited Partnership – Anthony Costello recused himself. A site visit was conducted on May 14, 2013. Paul McManus, stated that two large trees were identified at the wetland crossing where utility installation will occur utilizing directional drilling. The trees will be cut down but stumps will remain, at least one of the trees were oak.
Paula Thompson, Waterman Design reviewed revised design plans for the wetland crossings. At the request of the Department of Public Works, retaining walls were significantly reduced. The culvert at the stream crossing was increased from 82’ to 125’, resulting in an increase of 260 square feet of shading.
The culvert crossing at Stanjoy Road was lengthened from 60’ to 83’ resulting in 1,640 square feet of shading.
Ken Strom stated the Stanjoy stream channel was very marginal and he did not oppose extending the culvert.
Luke Boucher asked why there was no orifice at the bottom of the ponds, it was because the design could not get the 50% TSS removal. The hearing was continued to July 17, 2013.
Michael Scott arrived at 7:30 p.m.
EXTENSION OF TIME – Fisher Terrace Fisher Terrace, LLC DEP File #183-459 – The day of the meeting the applicant submitted photos and a report detailing completed maintenance of the stormwater system and condition of the wetlands. The Commission suggested a site visit be done by the Agent, if the site was in satisfactory condition an extension of time will be granted at the next meeting.
NOTICE OF INTENT DEP File #183-573 488 Wachusett Street – Hanebury Septic System Installation – Kenneth Strom – Septic installation within the 100’ buffer zone. Kenneth Strom conducted the site inspection and everything was in agreement with the plans. Ken Strom made a motion to issue a standard Order of Conditions with a special condition that a barrier be placed at the rear of the existing maintained lawn to prevent additional clearing, Robert Lowell seconded the motion, all were in favor 7-0.
ABBREVIATED NOTICE OF RESOURCE AREA DELINEATION DEP File #183-574 Harris Street – Danielson – Anthony Costello – The Applicant has filed an ANRAD as a step in rectifying an error on the Watershed Protection Map which incorrectly located a perennial stream. Anthony Costello conducted a site inspection and agreed with the resource delineation. The Commission discussed completing a detailed grading and water analysis, it was agreed it would not be necessary for the ANRAD process. Ken Strom made a motion to approve the ANRAD, Michael Scott seconded the motion, all were in favor 7-0.
AMENDMENT NOTICE OF INTENT DEP File #183-547 Modification to Wetland Crossing Quinapoxet Street This project has an Order of Conditions to conduct a crossing for the construction of an access road for a quarry, the Applicant would like to widen the crossing. No additional wetland fill resulted from the culvert expansion. Ken Strom made a motion that the increase of the crossing was a de minimus change to the Order, Michael Krikonis seconded the motion, all were in favor, 7-0.
CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE – DEP File #183-559 - LOT 1A - 337 Wachusett Street C.B. Blair Development – Grading in buffer This is an open OOC for the grading of a rear yard, the new home was located out of the buffer, the Applicant has requested a Certificate of Compliance. The slopes in the rear yard appeared steeper than what was approved on the original plans and the soil was not stabilized. Michael Krikonis made a motion to deny the Certificate of Compliance, Anthony Costello seconded the motion, the COC was denied, 7-0.
CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE – DEP File #183-508 407 Highland Street - Sarkisian Builders – Robert Lowell Construction of Single Family Home The Applicant was issued an Order of Conditions for the demolition and construction of a new home that is 25’ from the wetland. The Applicant has requested a Certificate of Compliance. A site inspection was done, the boulders are in place, the home is located in the approved location and the site is stabilized. Michael Krikonis made a motion to issue a Certificate of Compliance, Michael Scott seconded the motion, all were in favor 7-0.
CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE – DEP File # 183-332 131 Autumn Circle - Construction of Single Family Home – the Order for construction of a single family home expired in 2004, the home is being sold and the current owner has requested a Certificate of Compliance. There was a shed located within the wetland, the Commission unanimously voted to deny the request for a Certificate of Compliance.
REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION OF APPLICABILITY 3 Lexington Circle –Scott Dworman –Michael Krikonis - construction of retaining wall. The Applicant has filed an RDA to construct a three foot high retaining wall, to expand his backyard, the removal of three trees without stumping will be required. The wall will create a terraced backyard and be loamed and seeded. Michael Krikonis voted to issue a negative Determination of Applicability with the conditions that the applicant install erosion controls prior to the start of construction, the height of the wall be limited to three feet and stump removal is not permitted, Luke Boucher seconded the motion, all were in favor, 7-0.
REVIEW OF EXEMPTION – 28 Ottoson Way - Keane Construction of Above Ground Swimming Pool. A Certificate of Compliance was recently issued for the construction of a single family home within the riverfront area. The owner would like to install an above ground swimming pool in the rear yard within existing lawn. Robert Lowell made a motion to is a negative determination for the installation of the pool due to the limited work and placement in existing lawn, with a condition that pool water not be discharged toward the wetland/riverfront area, Luke Boucher seconded the motion, all were in favor, 7-0.
HOLDEN HILLS – Improvement to golf course – Holden Hills golf course has a green off of Mount Pleasant Avenue containing a culvert which discharges under the roadway along Brookside Drive. The green is eroding due to accumulation of organic matter and sand, the applicant would like permission to remove the material. The Commission unanimously agreed that work within this wetland requires the filing of a Notice of Intent.
The next meeting is scheduled for July 17, 2013
The June 5, 2013 meeting minutes were approved on October 2, 2013.
Pamela Harding, Conservation Agent