October 3, 2012
7:00 p.m.
1196 Main Street
Town Hall
Members Present:
Matthew Kennedy, Anthony Costello, Michael Scott,
Luke Boucher, Kenneth Strom, Michael Krikonis
Members Absent:
Robert Lowell
Staff Present:
Pamela Harding, Conservation Agent
Others: Steven Venincasa, Julie Venincasa, Howard Carlson, Mark Donohoe, Tony Hossein,
7:00 p.m. NOTICE OF INTENT – Lots 6 Bullard Estates Subdivision Casa Builders – Kenneth Strom recused himself. Michael Andrade, Civil Engineer from Graves Engineering was present to discuss the detention pond on Lot 6. Both detention basins are not complete. He was asked to discuss the differences between temporary and definitive design of the ponds. He recommended a berm (either temporary or permanent) be installed on the low side of the road. The catch basins are at grade and he recommended that the temporary stockpiles be relocated between lots 5 and 6 and the proposed swale on lot 6 be constructed. These matters should all be addressed in the next several weeks. Matthew Kennedy asked that he describe the basin on the eastern side and how this relates to the trees and the flow path. Mike Scott commented that the hay bales are still in place and functioning well.
Steven Venicasa from Casa Builders said they have made substantial progress on the recommendations that Mike Andrade made and within a week hopefully the loom and seeding will be completed.
Howard Carlson, 420 Bullard Street, showed the Commission a 2005 plan of Bullard Estates. He explained that he has lost several tress caused by flooding. Matt Kennedy explained how the water is stored in the basin and then slowly released. He also added that they will do whatever they can but these are not in the wetlands. Mike Scott said that if there had been a violation, it would be the Commission’s responsibility to protect that resource. Mr. Carlson also said there is a big hole behind Lot 2 and felt the Commission members should take a look at it. Mike Scott made a motion to continue this hearing until November 7, 2012 to allow the developer to complete the items and to give everyone a chance to walk the site again. Mike Krikonis seconded the motion. Vote 4-0, motion passed. Matt
Kennedy abstained from voting.
EXTENSION OF TIME – NOTICE OF INTENT Bullard Estates Definitive Subdivision DEP File #183-446 Casa Builders. The item was continued to November 7, 2012. The expiration is November 8, 2012.
Kenneth Strom returned to the meeting.
NOTICE OF INTENT – Lots 1 & 2 Chapin Road Boisvert - Jason Dubois was representing the applicant. The size of the pipe in the culvert has been changed with a temporary grade easement on Lot 2, a portion of the replication area has been trimmed off and the grading has been pulled back. He felt that all concerns from the last meeting have been addressed. Mike Scott made a motion to close the public hearing. Luke Boucher seconded. Vote 6-0, motion passed. Mike Scott made a motion to issue the standard Order of Conditions for Lot 2 and Lot 1 with one additional condition that the construction of the crossing is done only between March and the end of May and pending review by the Agent that soil and run-off conditions are acceptable for construction. Mike Krikonis seconded.
Vote 6-0, motion passed.
NOTICE OF INTENT – Jefferson Mill – 46 Condominiums – Mill Pond Properties – 1665 Main Street – DEP File #183-564 - Anthony Costello recused himself. Mark Donahoe from Andrysick Land Surveying was present to discuss this plan. He told the Commission that a complete Stormwater report has been filed. Matt Kennedy commented that the Stormwater Management Regulations have changed since the original filing in 2005. P. Harding agreed; however, this was a redevelopment project. The Chairman asked to be shown where the new pervious areas would be and asked if there has been any significant change from the last submittal. It was confirmed there were no changes. Mark Donohoe informed the Commission there were dam maintenance and repairs required from the Department of
Conservation and Recreation and the Applicant was negotiating a cost share agreement with White Oak Land Conservation Society. Ken Strom made a motion to close the public hearing. Mike Scott seconded. Vote 4-0, motion passed. Mike Krikonis abstained from voting. Ken Strom made a motion to issue a standard Order of Conditions with the condition that details be provided for the stormcepter. Mike Scott seconded. Vote 4-0, motion passed. Mike Krikonis abstained from voting stating he did not know enough about the required dam repairs to feel comfortable issuing a vote.
NOTICE OF INTENT – 242 Bailey Road – Demolition and Construction of Single Family – Mark Ferguson – 183-565 – Mark Donohoe from Andrysick Land Surveying was present to discuss this plan. This is within the Watershed Protection Area. DCR has verbally given their approval. The number of bedrooms will not increase; it will remain a two-bedroom home. This is a flat lot, with even drainage. The Chairman asked if there was any river front area; the answer was no. Mike Scott commented that he had walked the area today and asked for confirmation that the demolition would take place first and then the new home will be built. There was a note on the plan stating that all fill and demolition materials will be removed from site. Mike Scott made a motion to close the public hearing. Ken
Strom seconded. Vote 6-0, motion approved. Mike Scott made a motion to issue the standard Order of Conditions and asked that the applicant call if there will be any trees taken down. Mike Krikonis seconded. Vote 6-0, motion approved.
NOTICE OF INTENT – Fisher Road Assessing Map 242 Parcel 5 – James Deyo – 183 – Mark Donohoe from Andrysick Land Surveying was present to discuss this plan. This will be a single family home with no alteration within 25 feet of the wetland during construction. Anthony Costello was concerned with the wetland delineation, there are various pockets of upland scattered throughout the lot. Mr. Donohoe said there has been a report in the application completed by Eco-Tech. Pam Harding said this was a problem with other lots on Fisher Road.
John Grigas, 275 Fisher Road, across the street from this property addressed the Commission. He said a swale had recently been constructed to divert water from the wetlands and into the existing culvert onto his property. He said this is an unsuitable lot to build a house on, the groundwater is extremely high. The situation has gotten worse over the last year; the water pools around the property. This is a dirt road and the more it is developed, the more the flow of water will be increased. Ken Strom asked if that portion of the road was private; it was answered yes. The Commission agreed to continue this until their next meeting on November 7, 2012 to address any unapproved work which may have been conducted on the lot prior to the filing.
NOTICE OF INTENT – 235 Main Street – Construction of Single Family – Dream Home Builders 183 – Tony Hossein from HS&T Group was present to discuss this plan.
There will be work done within 200 feet of the riverfront area and the remainder will be beyond the 100-foot buffer zone. It will be connected to sewer and water. Ken Strom said he walked the site today and the wetland flags look good. He also said they have not received the report from Eco-Tech. The Chairman said they will need to submit an Alternative Analysis Report and requested they move the house 9’ forward to the front yard setback requirement at 30’. The hearing was continued to the November 7, 2012 meeting.
CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE LOT E – 30 Cimarron Lane DEP File # 183-366 Sundin & Son, Inc. The Applicant constructed the home closer to the wetland than what was on the approved plans. The Commission denied the request for the Certificate and asked the Applicant propose remediation for violating the Order.
CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Chapin Road Lot #14 DEP File # 183-381 LAM Builders - Sean Xenos – A site inspection was not conducted so the item was continued to the November 7, 2012 meeting.
Mike Scott made a motion to approve the September 5, 2012 meeting minutes, Luke Boucher seconded the motion, all were in favor. The meeting was adjourned.
The next meeting is scheduled for November 7, 2012
The October 3, 2012 meeting minutes were approved on December 5, 2012.
Pamela Harding, Conservation Agent