June 6, 2012
7:00 PM
1130 Main Street
Holden Senior Center
Members Present:
Anthony Costello, Michael Scott, Luke Boucher,
Robert Lowell, Kenneth Strom, Michael Krikonis
Members Absent:
Matthew Kennedy
Staff Present:
Pamela Harding, Conservation Agent
David Getman, DCR, Scott Sundin, David Clarke, Clea Blair, Jr., George Kiritsy, Steven Venincasa, Howard Carlson
Acting Chair, Robert Lowell opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m.
NOTICE OF INTENT –Lots 3-6 Bullard Estates Subdivision Assigned to Mike Krikonis Ken Strom recused himself from the hearing. Casa Builders Single Family Homes The subdivision has an expired Order, all the infrastructure and stormwater has been installed and the applicant is filing Notice of Intents for four lots located within the buffer zone of a bordering vegetated wetland. The subdivision is still under covenant.
Natural Heritage and Endangered Species has requested the applicant install silt fence around the perimeter of the site, prior to the hearing, to prevent turtles from migrating into the cleared construction area and nesting. This office was consulted prior to the installation.
Michael Krikonis reported that all the wetland flags on lot three were missing and the detention basin to the rear of the lots was full of sediment and overgrown. Howard Carlson abutter to the detention pond located on Lot 6 stated that he had a forester walk his property and there were approximately 40 dead oak trees located to the south of the detention pond. The forester suspected the trees were receiving water from the pond. The Town Engineer and Conservation Agent will take a look at the outflow to determine if the overflow is following the grade at the bottom of the pond.
Because this was a hearing for lot three, which does not contain the detention pond in question, Mike Scott made a motion to close the hearing, Michael Krikonis seconded the motion, all were in favor. M. Krikonis made a motion to issue the standard Order of Conditions with Special Condition 1) The Applicant must reflag wetland locations AA7-AA17. 2) The vegetation and sediment must be removed from the detention basin. 3) A permanent demarcation must be placed along the existing tree line represented on the plan. Mike Scott seconded the motion, all were in favor
LOT 4 – Michael Krikonis reported there were flags missing, there was fill along the frontage of the lot, and rocks were placed on the lot. Mike Krikonis voted to close the hearing, Michael Scott seconded the motion, all were in favor. The Commission voted to issue a standard Order of Conditions with the condition that wetland flags AA23-AA28 be located.
LOT 5 and 6 Because Lot 5 and 6 were effected by the outflow of the detention pond the Commission voted to continue the hearing to June 27, 2012 and requested the Applicant reflag the area and have the outflow of the detention pond examined.
NOTICE OF INTENT Chapin Road - Assigned to Anthony Costello - Mahan - Single Family Home and Septic System This is property is owned by the Howatts and abuts a man made pond on Chapin Road. Anthony Costello reported the property was formerly utilized as a Christmas tree farm and a majority of the housing site was a maintained field, though now overgrown. The applicant is proposing to construct a single family home and septic system within the buffer zone of a bordering vegetated wetland. A 25’ no disturb zone is maintained on the site. R. Lowell asked about moving the leach field to the north, completely out of the buffer, the Applicant stated it was out of the area of soil testing and would likely still result in grading within the buffer. Because the area had
been cleared to the pond it was determined that 25’ border would not be required.
Anthony Costello voted to issue a standard Order with a condition that no addition tree cutting shall occur outside the boundaries of the silt fence and the filter sock be staked every 6’, Michael Krikonis seconded the motion all were in favor.
NOTICE OF INTENT – 337 Wachusett Street – Lot 1A Blair – Assigned to Robert Lowell George Kiritsy and Clea Blair, Jr. presented the plan. New Single Family Home The applicant has constructed a single-family home outside of the 100’ buffer zone and is now filing a Notice of Intent for permission to extend the yard into the jurisdictional buffer. There are very steep slopes to the rear of the site and the applicant is proposing to use a row of haybales and silt fencing as protection with a proposed slope of 3:1 which will be hydroseeded. R. Lowell stated the area looked very steep and questions if they would require a retaining wall. The applicant said the final grading should be 3:1 and will be hydroseeded . Ken Strom made a motion to close the hearing, Michael Scott seconded the motion, all
were in favor. Rob Lowell made a motion to issue a standard Order of Conditions with the special condition that a boulder demarcation be installed at the toe of slope. Michael Scott Seconded the motion all were in favor. 6-0.
STONEY BROOK PHASING PLAN George Kiritsy was present, a revised phasing plan was presented to the Commission which swaps Phase 2 and Phase 3. The original phasing plan was approved in the Order of Conditions. Ken Strom made a motion that the amended phasing plan was an insignificant change to the Order of Conditions, Anthony Costello seconded the motion. All were in favor.
Winterberry Hollow – Expansion of Clearing Scott Sundin stated that Winter Berry Hollow is proposing to clear additional area to utilize approximately 30,000 – 50,000 cubic yard of excess material from cuts to fill in a hollow . The proposed expansion area is located within the 100-200’ of a vernal pool jurisdictional under our local bylaw. The Applicant received a waiver from the ZBA from the Wetlands local bylaw for the limits of clearing as represented on the approved set of plans. If the Commission finds the expansion insignificant the Applicant can proceed with cutting, if the Commission finds the change significant the applicant has the option to go back to the ZBA for a waiver or, truck the fill off site. The area impacted will be approximately 4 acres. Ken Strom made a motion to
approve the additional clearing and fill with the conditions they remain out of the 100-200 feet buffer as much as possible. Michael Krkonis seconded the motion, all were in favor.
Certificate of Compliance – 355 North Street Ronald Sampson – DEP #183-513 – Assigned to Michael Scott This project was for the construction of a single family home which included a wetland crossing for the construction of a driveway. The replication area was planted last year and the applicant is requesting a Certificate of Compliance. The Commision was informed the Order required a monitoring report be submitted to the Commission for their review. Michael Scott stated the replication area contained water, the vegetation was healthy, and the square footage was according to plan, the report would not be necessary. Michael Scott made a motion to issue the Certificate of Compliance, Kenneth Strom seconded the motion, all were in favor.
Signing of New Forms for Reservoir Street Lot 1 and Lot 2 The Orders and Extensions of Time for Lots 1 and Lots 2 on Reservoir Street were not recorded. Construction never commenced but the Orders are still open. The Town will not issue a building permit until the documents are recorded at the Registry of Deeds.
Signing of Certificate of Compliance for Wingspan Estates
Michael Scott made a motion to approve the March 7, 2012 meeting minutes. Mike Krikonis seconded the motion, all were in favor.
Ken Strom made a motion to adjourn, Mike Scott seconded the motion, the motion passed 6-0, all in favor. The meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m.
The next meeting is scheduled for June 27, 2012
The June 6, 2012 meeting minutes were approved on August 1, 2012.
Pamela Harding, Conservation Agent