June 1, 2011
7:00 PM
1130 Main Street
Holden Senior Center
Members Present: Matthew Kennedy, Robert Lowell, Michael Scott, Mark Helfrick, Anthony Costello, and Kenneth Strom.
Members Absent: Michael Krikonis
Staff Present: Pamela Harding
Others: Doug Andrysick, Glen Krevosky, Nate Moore, Richard Mikitarian, Jay Finlay, Mike Bates
The meeting began at 7:00 PM
Notice of Intent DEP File #183-548 West Fairhill Road Assessing Map 225 Parcel 42
Global Properties – This is a continued public hearing from the May meeting. A site visit was conducted on May 18. The Applicant submitted a revised plan eliminating the rain gardens and connecting roof and parking lot runoff into a catch basin located in West Fairhill Rd. DPW has requested additional information to prove there is capacity in the drainage pipe for the additional runoff. The Applicant requested a continuance to the June 29, 2011 meeting.
Quinapoxet Road Culvert and Repairs – DPW is requesting to conduct emergency repairs on Quinapoxet Street. Retaining blocks were placed downstream from a culvert which support Quinapoxet Street, the blocks were not placed on a foundation and the soil beneath the blocks has eroded. The blocks are failing and the street is collapsing. The DPW is proposing to reset the blocks, and replace the metal culvert. The discharge from the culvert will be redirected through a lined spillway, preventing future erosion. The Conservation Commission requested additional information including a sketch of what is proposed and a drainage analysis to prove the swale can handle the discharge.
Request for Determination of Applicability McCarty Associates 1933 Main Street – Drainage Pipe Two abutters of the Stone Ridge Estates development on Main Street were affected by stormwater runoff. The Applicant is proposing to install a drainage pipe along the rear yards of 1933 and 1951 Main Street, decommission the septic systems and connect to the public sewer in Main Street. The Town GIS and MassGIS wetland maps do not indicate there are any resource areas within 100’ of the project. No wetlands or resource areas are shown on the plan and an evaluation provided by Scott Morrison, EcoTec, did not witness any wetlands within the buffer area. Anthony Costello made a motion to issue a Negative Determination because no work was proposed in the buffer area, Ken Strom seconded the motion,
motion passed 6-0.
Notice of Intent – DEP # 183-Lot 6 Erins Way Surrey Lane Ext. Subdivision, Dover Services, LLC – The public hearing notice was read. This was a previously issued OOC that has expired. The Applicant is applying to construct a single-family home with in the 100’ of a bordering vegetated wetland. The lot was cleared during construction of the subdivision, the layout of the home has been slightly altered and the retaining wall was enlarged from the original filing. Ken. Strom motioned to close the public hearing and issue a standard Order of Conditions, Rob Lowell seconded the motion, all were in favor, 6-0.
Extension of Time – DEP File #183-480 Order of Conditions – Snow 120 Moscow Road - Construction of Addition Issued on May 19, 2006, the Order was extended through the Economic Stimulus Bill until May 19, 2011. The original order was for the installation of a septic system and the construction of an addition. The septic system was installed and inspected back in 2006 but the applicant has not constructed the addition and has requested a one-year extension. Rob Lowell made a motion to extend the Order for one year, Mark Helfrick seconded the motion, all were in favor, 6-0.
Certificate of Compliance DEP File # 183-475 Alden Woods II – C.B. Blair Development Corp. Street acceptance was not approved at the Town meeting. The developer did not retain an easement for a catch basin located on 158 Alden Hill Road and the easement to access detention pond #1 was not constructed within the legal bounds of the easement. The applicant must fix these issues prior to the issuance of a Certificate. .
Conservation Commission Rules and Regulations There are currently Wetlands Act Procedural Instructions and Holden Conservation Commission Rules and Regulations that exist within the Town reference manual. The Commission requested additional time for review and continued the agenda item to the June 29, 2011 meeting.
Ken Strom made a motion to approve the May 4, 2011 minutes, Robert Lowell seconded the motion, the motion passed 6-0, all in favor.
Rob Lowell made a motion to adjourn, Mike Scott seconded the motion, the motion passed 6-0, all in favor.
The meeting adjourned at 8:00 PM.
The next meeting is scheduled for June 29, 2011.
The June 1, 2011 Minutes were approved on June 29, 2011.
Pamela Harding, Conservation Agent