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January 5, 2011
7:00 PM
1130 Main Street
Holden Senior Center


Members Present: Matt Kennedy, Robert Lowell, Michael Krikonis, Michael Scott and Mark Helfrick

Members Absent: Anthony Costello, Ken Strom

Staff Present: Pam Harding, Teresa Montoya

Others:  Sal Bazzaro, David Getman

The meeting began at 7:00 PM

TOWN FOREST STEWARDSHIP PLAN – There was a brief discussion regarding reimbursement for stone and gravel purchased by Blanchflower Logging to stabilize a landing area.  It was decided by the Commission that they would visit the site and make a determination at the next meeting.

WETLAND BYLAWS AND REGULATIONS – The Commission discussed proposed changes to the Wetlands By-laws.  There was a brief discussion regarding the definition of a vernal pool.  It was decided that the Commission would hold off on a decision until Committee member, A. Costello, was present. There was further discussion regarding whether the Stormwater Management Regulations and By-Laws should be referenced and if abutter notifications should be omitted for RDA’s.

The Commission also discussed specific regulations to include, such as:
  • Establishing fees
  • Clarifying the 25’ no-disturb policy
  • Providing options for delineating wetland borders
  • Including these new regulations as part of the Standard Order of Conditions.
The Commission briefly discussed standards for plans and submittals.  P. Harding will review the town of Hopkinton’s plan and discuss it at the next meeting.

P. Harding will incorporate the changes discussed and will distribute them to the Committee members prior to the next meeting.

STORMWATER MANAGEMENT REGULATIONS AND BYLAWS – There was a short discussion concerning sediment controls.  It was decided to continue the discussion at the next meeting.

Document presented during hearing:      

Draft of Article XXIX of the Stormwater Management and Erosion Control Bylaw
        (This document can be viewed at the Department of Growth Management.)

NASHUA RIVER WATERSHED ASSOCIATION - P. Harding announced that the NRWA is hosting a free, Low Impact Seminar in Holden.  It has been tentatively scheduled for January 25, 2011 in the Town Hall.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES – A vote could not be taken for the Minutes of September 8, 2010, November 3, 2010, and December 1, 2010, due to a lack of quorum.  A vote will be taken again at next meeting.

M. Scott made a motion to adjourn.  M. Krikonis seconded the motion. Vote was 5-0, all in favor.

The meeting adjourned at 7:58 PM.

The next meeting is scheduled February 2, 2011.

The January 5, 2011 Minutes were approved on February 9, 2011.

Pamela Harding, Conservation Agent