October 6, 2010
7:00 PM
1130 Main Street
Holden Senior Center
Members Present: Robert Lowell, Michael Krikonis, Ken Strom, Anthony Costello,
and Michael Scott
Members Absent: Matt Kennedy
Staff Present: Pam Harding, Teresa McIntyre
Others: Albert Cecchini, Charles Keratsis, Marilyn Vars, Paul McManus, and Steven Gallo
The meeting began at 7:00 PM
CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE –27 Larkspur Rd – P. McManus, representing the applicant, summarized the site work that was part of the Order of Conditions issued in January of 2010. The applicant wants to extend the backyard and hired EcoTec, Inc., to reconsider the presence of wetlands on the property. Finding none, they are asking the Commission to specifically remove the bounds originally set by the OOC. M. Krikonis did a site walk and agreed that the delineation was done in error.
There was further discussion between the Commission and P. McManus on how wetlands boundaries were certified.
The floor was opened up to the public for questions and comments. A. Cecchini (abutter) shared his concern about the new resident filling in a gulley if the wetland boundary is lifted, as there have been flooding issues in the past. The Commission informed the abutter that the swale is not located on this site. The applicant, S. Gallo, stated that he wants to remove fill piles and do a little grading, but not enough to disturb the water pattern. M. Vars (abutter) also had concerns about flooding issues.
With no further comments or questions from the public, K. Strom made a motion to issue a Certificate of Completion. A. Costello seconded the motion. Vote was 5-0, in favor.
Documents presented during hearing:
Letter from EcoTec, Inc., dated October 6, 2010 from Paul McManus, Re: Larkspur Rd, Lot 21
Letter from EcoTec, Inc., dated September 20, 2010 from Paul McManus, Subject: COC Request and Request for Determination of Applicability.
(These documents can be viewed at the Department of Growth Management.)
REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION – 27 Larkspur Rd – P. McManus, reiterated the applicant’s wish to expand the backyard into what was previously recognized as wetland. The Commission agreed that there were no wetlands present.
With no questions from the public, and no further questions form the Commission, M. Scott made a motion to issue a Negative Determination of Applicability stating that no wetlands exist with regards to local by-laws and the Wetland Protection Act, in contrast to the original notice that was filed. K. Strom seconded the motion. Vote was 5-0, in favor.
No documents presented during the hearing.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES – The Minutes of August 1, 2010 and September 8, 2010 could not be approved due to a lack of quorum.
NSTAR – P. Harding informed the Commission that NSTAR had asked Conservation Commission if it was necessary to file for the installation of a gas line for the Stoneybrook Estates subdivision. There was a brief discussion with regards to the existing erosion controls left from the sewer line installation. They determined that there was no reason to file separately and that NSTAR could proceed with the installation as planned.
With no further business before the Commission, K. Strom made a motion to adjourn. M. Krikonis seconded the motion. Vote was 5-0, in favor.
The meeting adjourned at 7:50PM.
The next meeting is scheduled November 3, 2010.