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June 30, 2010
7:00 PM
1130 Main Street
Holden Senior Center


Members Present: Anthony Costello, Robert Lowell, Michael Scott, Michael Krikonis, and Ken Strom.

Members Absent: Matt Kennedy

Staff Present: Pam Harding, Teresa McIntyre

Others:  Larry Galkowski, Jim Malley, Julian Votruba, Kye Flotte, Jeff Cogswell, Carol DeAngelis, David DeAngelis, Glenn Krevosky, Graham Bryant.

The meeting began at 7:00 PM

NOTICE OF INTENT – Lot 1 and 2 – Paxton Rd – J. Votruba presented and updated flagged copy on Lot 2, as previously requested by the Commission.  After a brief discussion, the Chairman felt that there were no outstanding issues left on Lot 2.

The floor was opened to the public for questions or comments.  K. Flotte, an abutter, asked about the location of the septic system. The Chairman stated that the Board of Health approved the system.  G. Krevosky questioned the possibility of draining into the public water supply and whether the area of the septic will be maintained.  J. Votruba stated that they are performing water quality tests to ensure that the quality is maintained.

With no further questions from the public, K. Strom made a motion to close the hearing.  A. Costello seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

K. Strom then made a motion to issue a Standard Order of Conditions. M. Krikonis seconded the motion.  Vote was 5-0, in favor.

Discussion then ensued regarding Lot 1.  J. Votruba went over the items that were revised since the last meeting; the addition of a swale, the addition of riprap on the spilling basin to dissipate water energy, and the change to the replication plan that changes high bush blueberries to low bush blueberries.

A Costello stated that he would like to see extra defense against sediment.  J. Votruba agreed to add another row of hay bales ten feet behind the perimeter of the swale. There was further discussion regarding the lack of a P.E. stamp on the plans, concerns regarding the pitch, drainage, and material of the driveway, the 3:1 slope and the use of jute netting, and the use of Cultec units, if gutters are used.

The floor was then opened to the public.  G. Krevosky discussed the 401 water quality certification and his concern of using gravel to pave the driveway with the possibility of pushing sediment into the wetland area from winter plowing.

K. Flotte asked about blasting and was assured that code will be followed.

With no further questions from the public or the Commission, A. Costello made a motion to close the hearing.  K. Strom seconded the motion. All were in favor.  Then A. Costello made a motion to issue an Order of Conditions with the following conditions:

  • Wells must be hay baled.
  • P.E. stamp must appear on plans.
  • A second row of hay bales must be placed 10 ft east of the riprap swale and erosion control barrier as depicted on the approved plans.
  • Driveway is to be paved from elevation 1102 on the north side, south to contour 1110.
  • If gutters are installed, Cultec units are to be placed off the front and back of the residence, 50’ from septic.
  • Geotextile netting must be placed prior to hydro-seeding on the edge of driveway.
  • A permanent demarcation must be placed anywhere development is 25 ft from the wetland.
  • Applicant is required to file a 401water quality certification permit with DEP.
R. Lowell seconded the motion.  Vote was 5-0, in favor.

NOTICE OF INTENT – 434 Grove St – J. Malley, representing the applicant, presented his proposal to build a single-family home within the 200ft riverfront area of a perennial stream.  There was a brief discussion regarding the wetland intrusion and whether the fee was correct.

The floor was opened to the public.  No questions or comments were offered.

K. Strom made a motion to close the hearing. M. Krikonis seconded the motion. All were in favor.

K. Strom then made a motion to issue a standard Order of Conditions with the condition that a permanent demarcation must be placed at the hay bale line.  R. Lowell seconded the motion. The vote was 5-0, in favor.  

REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION OF APPLICABILITY – 29 Oak Crest Rd – The applicant, R. Murray, presented his plan to demolish an existing sunroom and build an addition extending 4ft from the existing footprint. There was a brief discussion regarding erosion control and the use of hay bales.

With no further discussion, K. Strom made a motion to issue a Negative Determination of Applicability with the condition that hay bales be placed from the southerly point west of the shed and opposite proposed deck. M. Krikonis seconded the motion. Vote was 5-0, in favor.

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION – Sheffield Way Extension – P. Harding informed the Commission that all conditions have been met.  As-builts and drainage certifications were submitted by the Applicant and approved by the Department of Public Works Engineering Department.  With no further discussion, K. Strom made a motion to issue a Certificate of Completion.  M. Krikonis seconded the motion. Vote was 5-0, in favor.

AMENDMENT – STONEY BROOK ESTATES        - The applicant would like to replace three, currently proposed Stormcepter systems with three Hydroworks systems.  G. Bryant, owner of Hydroworks, presented the specifications of his product as compared to the Stormcepter product. L. Galkowski, representing Stormcepter, presented his data in regards to Stormcepter versus Hydroworks.  A lengthy discussion ensued between L. Galkowski and G. Bryant.  Ultimately, the Chairman stated that he did not believe it was up to the Commission to require a specific product be utilized if the result meets stormwater management criteria.  He requested the Commission make a decision.  M. Krikonis made a motion to allow the use of the Hydroworks system without an amendment to the current Order of Conditions.  K. Strom seconded the motion. The vote was 5-0, in favor.  

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION – Resigning of 10 Mark Circle – P. Harding informed the Commission that the original was sent to the Contractor and was not recorded.  She requested that a new original be signed and sent to the current resident.  The Commission agreed with her request and signed the new original.

DPW ROAD IMPROVEMENTS – P. Harding informed the Commission that the Department of Public Works will be replacing the culvert and conduct paving on River St. After a brief discussion, it was the request of the Commission that hay bales be placed for sediment control.

A. Costello made a motion to adjourn.  M. Krikonis seconded the motion. All were in favor.

The meeting adjourned at 9.04PM.

The next meeting is scheduled August 4, 2010.