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December 1, 2010
7:00 PM
1130 Main Street
Holden Senior Center


Members Present: Michael Krikonis, Ken Strom, Anthony Costello, Matthew Kennedy and Michael Scott

Members Absent: Robert Lowell,

Staff Present: Pamela Harding

Others:  Mitchell Cahan, Tracy Cahan, and Sal Bazzaro

The meeting began at 7:00 PM

Notice of Intent - Mitchell Cahan, 64 Greenwood Parkway – In-ground Pool Assigned to Mike Krikonis.  The public hearing was read.  The applicant is proposing to construct an in-ground pool within the 100’ buffer zone of a bordering vegetated wetland.  Mike Krikonis stated he visited the site; boulders delineated a border between the yard area and woods to the rear of the property.  The yard slightly sloped to the wetland area and the pool was located at the least impacted area of the lawn.   The Commission asked if the Applicant was proposing to clear to the fence line, which is proposed around the perimeter of the property.  They confirmed they were requesting this.  The Commission stated they would allow the fence to be installed around the perimeter of the property, but would not permit clearing to occur 25’ from the wetland line.  The haybale line should be moved to this location.  The applicant agreed.  The Commission asked what type of pool water would be utilized.  The Applicant responded they would be utilizing salt water.  The Commission required that no pool water discharge be directed toward the wetlands.

Michael Krikonis made a motion to close the hearing.  Anthony Costello seconded the motion. All were in favor.  M. Krikonis made a motion to issue a standard Order of Conditions with three special conditions: The Applicant must maintain a no-disturb area 25’ from the wetland and move the erosion control barrier to this line.  The second condition prohibits the discharge of pool water into the wetlands. And the third is that all fill must be removed from the site within a timely manner.  

Certificate of Compliance - Lot A Malden Street David Brunelle 183-529 and Lot B Malden Street  David Brunelle 183-530 Ken Strom Visited the site for the abutting single family homes.  There was a boulder wall which clearly delineated the no touch zone. The grass was established but the soil was not yet compacted.  K. Strom asked P. Harding if she had witnessed the installation of the Cul-Tec units,  she stated that she had not.  K. Strom requested the Applicant contact him to provide proof the units were installed.  M. Krikonis made a motion to issue the Certificate of Compliance contingent upon Ken Strom’s satisfaction, A. Costello seconded the motion all in favor .  

Certificate of Compliance – Lot 14 DEP File # 183 – 437 and Lot 26 DEP # 183-432 Wagner Meadows The Orders of Conditions were not previously released on two lots within the Wagner Meadows Subdivision because the detention ponds required brush removal around the banking.  This work was completed and the Certificates can be released.  M. Scott made a motion to issue the Certificate of Compliance.  A. Costello seconded the motion, all were in favor, K. Strom obstained.  

Town Forest Stewardship Plan – the Logger has requested reimbursement for gravel utilized to  stabilize a landing at the Town Forest in association with the Forest Stewardship Plan.  The acquisition was made without notifying the Commission or requesting prior approval.  The Commission would like additional information on the area and what it will be used for in the future prior to agreeing to reimbursing the applicant.  

Discussion of Wetlands By-law and Regulations  The Commission reviewed changes to the By-law and Regulations.   The topics discussed were the 25’ no disturb area, the definition of vernal pools and filing requirements for RDA’s.  The Commission requested P. Harding compile a list of proposed changes and define if they require a by-law change or a regulation change.  

Eagle Lake Dam – lowering of Eagle Lake was discussed, all agreed it should be done this year.  There are minimal changes within Eagle Lake and significant changes within Stump Pond.  Without drastic measures Eagle Lake will not see significant improvement.  

With no further business before the Commission, K. Strom made a motion to adjourn.  M. Krikonis seconded the motion. Vote was 6-0, in favor.

The meeting adjourned at 8: 05 PM.

The next meeting is scheduled for January 5, 2011.

The December 1, 2010 Minutes were approved on February 9, 2011.

Pamela Harding, Conservation Agent