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April 7, 2010
7:00 PM
1130 Main Street
Holden Senior Center


Members Present: Robert Lowell, Michael Scott, Matt Kennedy, Ken Strom and Anthony Costello.

Members Absent: None

Staff Present: Pam Harding

Others: Joe Lee, Steve Brodeur, David Sabourin, Paula Thompson, George Kiritsy

The meeting began at 7:00 PM.

7:00 p.m. TOWN FOREST STEWARDSHIP PLAN PHASE II Joe Lee discussed implementation of Phase II of the Town Forest Stewardship Plan. The forest will be selectively cut with the tops of trees chipped, this will help pine regeneration. There is approximately 29 acres involved in Phase II, shown as hatched areas on the plan. To reach Stand 4, the Town has rights to pass through Paul Street. The landing is flagged and side trails are marked. Joe Lee would like to submit requests for bids and start the project in June. R. Lowell made a motion to approve the commencement of Phase II, K. Strom seconded the motion, all were in favor.

TROOP 306 Wachusett Greenways Trail Expansion Troop 306 Adam Mayer discussed trail expansion work located off Sterling Road. The Troop will be working with the Wachusett Greenways to prepare a sign for the Sterling Road trail, clear the parking area, clear storm debris, construct/repair a footbridge, repaint trail markers, and clear garbage. The work will commence the end of June. The Conservation Commission unanimously supported this work and thanked Adam for his efforts.

NOTICE OF INTENT Stanjoy Estates January Lane Stanjoy Estates, LLC M. Scott recused himself. Paula Thompson of Waterman Design reviewed revised plans and drainage calculations. P. Thompson noted a detention pond volume increase of 20,000 square feet and verified the catch basins can handle the 100 year storm.

Steve Brodeur, 50 Autumn Circle stated he was concerned the new development would exacerbate the hillside groundwater breakout on his property. David Sabourin, 24 Autumn Circle had same concerns. M. Kennedy stated there was no increase in runoff from the site. Mary Maher, 58 Autumn Circle was concerned about the amount of water the detention pond would hold, the appearance of the pond and it failing and flooding her property. She was informed the top of the pond would be above the grade of her property so all she should see is a grassed slope, the pond will remain mostly dry but may hold a small amount of water in the Spring, she was notified the homeownership association was responsible for maintaining the pond after the streets were accepted by the Town. The abutters were informed that construction would be monitored by the Engineering Department and if unforeseen groundwater were encountered field amendments could be required to prevent an increase of volume discharging onto abutting properties.

K. Strom motioned to close the public hearing, R. Lowell seconded the motion, all were in favor. R. Lowell motioned to issue a standard Order of Conditions for the subdivision and the development of the house lots located within the buffer, with the special condition that the developer maintained a 25' no disturb zone as noted on the plans and the 25' buffer be noted with some type of permanent barrier to prevent lawn intrusion. The second special condition included the filing of all SWPPP reports with the Conservation Office. K. Strom seconded the motion, the Order was unanimously approved, 4-0.

M. Scott returned to the meeting.

NOTICE OF INTENT - C.B. Blair Development Corp 85 Chapel Street Assessors map 200 Parcel 100 Single Family Home 100 George Kiritsy was present. The Conservation Commission requested the grading be pulled back to the top of slop to contour 740. K. Strom motion to close the hearing and issue the standard order of conditions with the special condition that 25' demarcation (limit of disturbance) be moved to the haybale line. M. Scott seconded the motion, all were in favor.

ALDEN WOODS SWALE -  Dan Hazen, DPW Engineer, has reviewed the revised information. The revisions meet current stormwater management standards and the swale is no longer required but it has been advised the homeowners maintain the swale for their own interest. The Commission unanimously voted the change was unsubstantial and approved the amendment.

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE 183-521 502 Wachusett Street - Installation of Septic System. The applicant has requested a Certificate of Compliance, work was completed last Fall. The property has been loamed and seeded and is in compliance with the Order. R. Lowell made a motion to issue the Certificate of Compliance, M. Scott seconded the motion all were in favor.

EXTENSION OF TIME Alden Woods II Order of Conditions -  C.B. Blair Development Corp. The Order of Conditions expires April 24, 2010, the applicant has filed for a two year extension. K. Strom made a motion to issue the extension, A. Costello seconded the motion, all were in favor.

EXTENSION OF TIME - Lot 13 and Lot 14 Order of Conditions Chapin Road LAM Builders -  The Order expires on July 10, 2010, the Applicant has requested a two year extension, work has not commenced. K. Strom made a motion to issue the extension, R. Lowell seconded the motion all were in favor.

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Lot 2 Miles Ave 41 Rondeau Road - The Applicant has requested a Certificate of Compliance for the construction of a single family home and septic system. R. Lowell made a motion to issue a COC, A. Costello seconded the motion, all were in favor.

OOC Oaks of Holden Wall Expansion - further wall collapse has occured after the heavy rains the project will be expanded, but still not beyond the scope of the original Order of Conditions. M. Scott made a motion the work was still within the original scope and approved the creation of a earthern berm along the bottom of the wall with the condition the slope does not exceed 3 to 1 and the material be reinforced by fabric, A. Costello seconded the motion, all were in favor.

CUB SCOUT Pack 46 has requested to install a flagpole and plaque at Trout Brook by the lodge. The Conservation Commission unanimously approved the flagpole with the condition access to the impoundment remain open for maintenance purposes.

Assessing Map 204 Parcels 1 and 2 The Town has obtained ownership of the parcels through tax title, the parcels abut City of Worcester land and the Durham property which is protected by a Conservation Restriction held by White Oak. The Commission unanimously supported preserving these parcels as open space.

K. Strom made a motion to approve the February minutes. A. Costello seconded the motion, all were in favor.

M. Scott made a motion to adjourn. R. Lowell seconded the motion. All were in favor.

The meeting adjourned at 8:30PM.

The next meeting is scheduled for May 5, 2010.

The minutes of April 7, 2010 were approved on June 2, 2010.

Teresa  T. McIntyre, Recording Secretary