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August 5, 2009
7:00 PM
1130 Main Street
Holden Senior Center


Members Present: Michael Scott, Robert Lowell, Anthony Costello, and Ken Strom

Members Absent: Matt Kennedy

Staff Present: Pamela Harding, Teresa McIntyre

Others: M. Ferguson, K. Ferguson, D. Getman, and A. Nielson

The meeting began at 7:05 PM.

NOTICE OF INTENT - 244 Bailey Road - The Commission reviewed the plans submitted by M. Ferguson. There was a discussion as to whether the water discharge was going to be over land or underground. D. Getman, representing, DCR, specified that the discharge must be over land. Discussion continued regarding the location of a retaining wall at the edge of the pool area. With no questions or comments from the public, M. Scott made a motion to close the hearing. A. Costello seconded the motion. Then K. Strom made a motion to issue a standard Order of Conditions with the following conditions: That there remain, in effect, a 25' no disturb zone. And that there is to be no permanent structure or fence within the 25' no disturb zone. M. Ferguson expressed opposition to the conditions specified. He felt that he should be able to utilize his property up to the border of the wetland. It was explained that the 25' no disturb zone was a town wetlands by-law and a standard order of conditions for all projects. Despite the applicant's opinion, the Commission stood firm and upheld their decision.

EXTENSION OF TIME - NOTICE OF INTENT - 410 Bailey Road - Applicant requested an extension to continue chemical treatment of a pond on his property for algae. K. Strom made a motion to extend the NOI for 2 more years. R. Lowell seconded the motion. All were in favor.

NOTICE OF INTENT - Winterberry Hollow - Applicant requested a special meeting to be held before the next regular Conservation Commission meeting. After a short discussion, M. Scott made a motion to continue the hearing until the next meeting on September 2, 2009. K. Strom seconded the motion. All were in favor.

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - Lot 2 Mark Circle - P. Harding gave an update on the status of the replication area, stating the soil seemed hydric and the wetland plantings were healthy. Currently, there is no delineation at the 25' setback line. The applicant has requested to use signage to define the setback area. After some discussion, the Commission agreed that a more permanent boundary indicator was necessary. The hearing will be continued to the next meeting.

EXTENSION OF TIME - 325A Main Street - The applicant has requested an extension of time to remove fill  and stabilize the lot. P. Harding informed the Commission that there needed to be immediate erosion controls in place to limit the run-off from the driveway. The Commission agreed that P. Harding should draft a letter to the applicant, giving two weeks from the date of the letter to stabilize the driveway and fill. A. Costello made a motion to extend the current Order of Conditions for two weeks from the date of the letter. R. Lowell seconded the motion. All were in favor.

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - Lot 14 and Lot 26 - Wagner Meadows

K. Strom recused himself.

The Commission discussed problems with the detention pond and the lack of maintenance. With no quorum, the Commission will address this issue at the next meeting.

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - 460 Reservoir Street - All work has been completed in compliance with the Order of Conditions. A. Costello made a motion to issue a Certificate of Compliance. M. Scott seconded the motion. All were in favor.

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - WRHS - The Commission wants to review the as built to verify that all the work is complete. Hearing is continued until the next meeting.

UNIONVILLE DAM REPAIR - D. Getman provided the Commission with an update on the work being done by DCR on the Unionville Dam. Erosion controls appear to be acting as deterrent and are causing ponding on the inlet side of the dam. He suggested removing the smaller stone, replacing it with larger stones of 12 inches or more. He will continue to monitor the site during storms.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES - A. Costello made a motion to accept the Minutes of June 3, 2009. M. Scott seconded the motion. All were in favor.

K. Strom made a motion to adjourn. R. Lowell seconded the motion. All were in favor.

The meeting adjourned at 8:11 PM.

The next meeting is scheduled for September 2, 2009.

August 5, 2009 Minutes approved on September 2, 2009.

Teresa T. McIntyre, Recording Secretary