May 7, 2008
7:00 PM
1130 Main Street
Holden Senior Center
Members Present: Anthony Costello, Michael Scott, Nancy Rocheleau, Ken Strom
Members Absent: Robert Lowell, Matt Kennedy, Lenny Anderson
Staff Present: Pamela Harding, Teresa McIntyre
Others: J. Zingarelli, D. Getman, J. Votruba, K. Votruba, S. Nann, K. James, G. James, D. Berthiaume, J. Erickson, T. Briggs, W. Murray
The meeting began at 7:00 PM.
Forest Management Plan - Holden Town Forest - Area of boundary question has been taken out of plan. Proposal will now be submitted for signatures. DPW will not grade, but will help with sign and gate. Motion was made by A. Costello to approve the proposal. K. Strom seconded. All in favor.
NOTICE OF INTENT - Mason Road Improvements - J. Zingarelli presented the Town's proposal for the reconstruction prject that would improve drainage on Mason Rd. All water will discharge onto town property into stone-lined swales. This will empty into a sedimentation basin. The Commission requested that the sedimentation be moved 10 feet from the bordering wetland. There was some concern from S. Nann of Piccadilly Circle, regarding current issues with runoff and standing water. This was discussed at length with some issues being resolved with the current proposal. All other issues were asked to be taken up outside of the hearing. D. Getman, representing DCR, stated that if over an acre is disturbed, they must file with the EPA and DEP. The Commission agreed to approve the proposal with the following conditions: Work will meander around
significant vegetation, a grate will be placed over the opening of the 36 inch drainage pipe for safety, and a 6 inch low-flow outlet will be placed on the detention pond. N. Rocheleau made a motion to approve the proposal with these conditions. A. Costello seconded. All in favor.
ANRAD - Pine Tree Lane - Pine Hill LCC - It was determined from the last meeting that no vernal pool exists. A motion was made by A. Costello to approve the delineation. K. Strom seconded. All in favor.
NOTICE OF INTENT - 2451 Main Street - J & K Ventures - A letter was received by Maryann Dipinto, DEP, addressing the issue of whether the site can be considered degraded. In her opinion, the site would be considered degraded due to the lack of topsoil. D. Getman, of DCR, stated this does not meet the definition of degraded. Extensive discussion continued with three main issues still unresolved: Can the site be considered degraded, the lot was subdivided after the adoption of the RPA in 1996, so exemptions do not apply, and DEP's new Stormwater Requirements that prohibit discharge within Primary Resource area. Continued until next meeting.
CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - 2451 Main Street - no as built has been received. Continued until next meeting.
NOTICE OF INTENT - 18 Industrial Drive - Continued from last meeting, the applicant changed the slopes from 2:1 to 3:1, as requested by the Commission. There was a discussion regarding who was actually the abutter to the property. N. Rocheleau made a motion to close the hearing with the condition that any work on the abutter's property will be done with approval from the abutter. K. Strom seconded. All in favor.
REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION - Rondeau Road Lot 3 - Request is to pave a driveway within 100 feet of a wetland area. After a short discussion, K. Strom made the motion to grant a Negative Determination with the condition that the driveway be super-elevated on the low side toward the wetland. Also, that the driveway cannot be filled or raised significantly. A. Costello seconded. All in favor.
NOTICE OF INTENT - Lot 2 Putnam Lane - No representative was present. Applicant wants to build a 10 x 12 deck with the Order of Conditions still open for construction of the home. The Commission reviewed the plans and determined there was no need to file.
EXTENSION OF TIME - Lot 2 Mark Circle - The applicant is asking for an extension to complete the construction of a replication area. N. Rocheleau made a motion to extend the Order of Conditions for 1 year. M. Scott seconded. All in favor.
ORDER OF CONDITIONS - Lot 6A, Chapin Road - The applicant requests clarification regarding what lots are affected by the OOC, as the house on Lot 6A is closing soon. P. Harding will write a letter to explain that Lot 6A is not affected by the OOC.
CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - Lot 16R Greenwood Parkway - House is closing this month. No site walk has been scheduled. M. Scott agreed to walk the site. N. Rocheleau made a motion to release the Order of Conditions and hold the certificate until the site walk is done. M. Scott seconded. All in favor.
VIOLATION - Deer Run Subdivision - The slope has eroded into the wetland area. The owner is currently working on repairs.
VIOLATION - Wachusett Woods - Sediment has entered the wetland area. Owner has constructed a berm and is still working on the erosion control barrier.
MINUTES - A motion was made by N. Rocheleau to approve the minutes of April 2, 2008 meeting. A. Costello seconded. All in favor.
N. Rocheleau made a motion to adjourn. K. Strom seconded. All in favor.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:20 PM.
The next meeting is scheduled for June 4, 2008.
May 7, 2008 minutes approved June 4, 2008.