March 5, 2008
7:00 PM
1130 Main Street
Holden Senior Center
Members Present: Anthony Costello, Leonard Anderson, Matt Kennedy, Nancy Rocheleau, Michael Scott, and Ken Strom
Members Absent: R. Lowell
Staff Present: Pamela Harding, Teresa McIntyre
Others: Doug Andrysick, Dan Hazen, Karen Votruba, John Votruba, David Getman.
The meeting began at 7:00 PM
ANRAD – Pine Tree Lane – Unable to do site walk because of snow. Continued until April 2, 2008.
NOTICE OF INTENT – 2451 Main Street – P. Harding read the legal ad stating the purpose before the Commission. Julian Votruba, presented the proposal to build an addition and parking area at the site. Included in the proposal is the paving of the existing parking area and creating an additional paved parking area to the rear of the building. There is a perennial brook to the left and rear of the building causing some concern in regards to runoff from the paved areas. Discussion ensued whether or not the site could be developed beyond the existing footprint. With no further comments, the Commission requested that the applicant bring a title history from 1996 to the present to the next meeting. Continued until April 2, 2008.
CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE – 2451 Main Street – No as built has been received. Continued until next meeting.
NOTICE OF INTENT – 18 Industrial Drive – The applicant has requested a continuance until the next meeting. Continuance was granted.
NOTICE OF INTENT – 1429 Main Street Addition – P. Harding read the legal ad stating the purpose before the Commission. Doug Andrysick presented his proposal to remove an existing garage and to add a parking area. Discussion ensued regarding the landscaping plan and drainage requirements. After all comments were heard, the Commission requested a revised plan that included the construction of a small swale to direct overflow from parking lot to detention pond, and the additional comment that the applicant may not disturb the 25’ buffer zone. K. Strom made a motion to close the hearing and approve the plan with the two changes requested by the Commission. M. Scott seconded the motion. All in favor.
EXTENTION OF TIME – Surrey Lane Extension – The applicant has requested to extended the Order of Conditions to allow time to complete the roadway. The Commission agreed to extend the Order for 2 more years and requested an as built be submitted to the Commission. N. Rocheleau made a motion to close the hearing and extend the Order with the as built stipulation. L. Anderson seconded the motion. Vote was 5 – 0. M. Kennedy abstained from voting.
FOREST CUTTING PLAN – A forest cutting plan affecting the Holden Town Forest was submitted to the Commission for approval. Many questions were raised regarding how the trees were going to be removed, where the skidder roads were going to be, and the time of year the cutting was going to take place. With the applicant not present to question, the Commission requested that the applicant file the plan and then come before the Commission at the next meeting. It was also noted that there needs to be a notice put in the Landmark and on the public cable channel notifying residents of the cutting plan.
MINUTES – A motion was made by L. Anderson to approve the minutes. N. Rocheleau seconded the motion. All in favor.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 PM.
The next meeting is scheduled for April 2, 2008.