February 6, 2008
7:00 PM
1130 Main Street
Holden Senior Center
Members Present: Anthony Costello, Robert Lowell, Leonard Anderson Nancy Rocheleau, Michael Scott and Ken Strom
Members Absent, Matt Kennedy
Staff Present: Pamela Harding, Teresa McIntyre
Others: Christopher Curtis, Dan Hazen, Matthew Carpenter, Arthur Allen, David Getman, Julian Votruba, Karen Votruba, Ruth Ball, Wade Bergeron, Paul McManus, Gregg McBride, and Michele Simoneaux.
The meeting began at 7:00 PM
NOTICE OF INTENT – Stoney Brook – The applicant’s representative stated that all comments have been addressed. Art Allen, from Eco Tech, addressed the Board with recommendations. The Board had no comments and there were no comments from the public. P. Harding mentioned a few items that needed to be part of the Order of Conditions. These items included that they pay all Peer Review costs, provide a copy of SWPPP, and provide SWPPP reports monthly, as well as after all storm events, until the site is stabilized. She also recommended that the letter from Graves, dated January 14, 2008 be a part of the Conditions, as well. N. Rocheleau moved to close the hearing and issue an Order of Conditions with the specifications mentioned above. M. Scott seconded.
Extension of Time Order of Conditions – Lot 87, Malden Street – CB Blair – The Board heard the request for an extension of time, as the work has not yet begun. N. Rocheleau moved that the Order of Conditions be extended until May 2010. M. Scott seconded, all were in favor.
ANRAD Pine Tree Lane – Pine Hill, LLC – Site walk has not been completed due to weather.
CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE – 27 & 43 Winter Hill Road – The applicant had been notified to remove woody debris from the wetland area. Weather has made it impossible to verify. The Board voted to release the COC with the condition that a site inspection be completed within the next week, as weather permits. M. Scott moved to issue the COC pending the inspection of the wetland area in question. N. Rocheleau seconded, all in favor.
NOTICE OF INTENT – 2 Newell Road – P. Harding read the legal ad. P. McManus, from Eco Tech, made a presentation before the Commission regarding the proposal to remove an existing asphalt driveway and build a garage and new driveway. The existing driveway would be removed and the remaining area would be sodded. Discussion ensued regarding various drainage issues. With no further comments from the Board or public, N. Rocheleau moved to close the hearing with the condition that the existing asphalt be removed or used as a base for the foundation of the proposed driveway. L. Anderson seconded the motion, all were in favor.
NOTICE Of INTENT – 2451 Main Street – J & K Ventures - P. Harding read the legal ad stating the purpose before the Board. It was made known that the abutter list had listed the wrong date for the hearing. The Board determined that no hearing could be made under these conditions. The applicant was informed that he must renotify the abutters with the proper date of March 5, 2008 and resubmit the Landmark ad. The Board agreed that a site walk could be conducted before the next meeting.
CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE – 2451 Main Street – J & K Ventures – P. Harding will contact attorney for the as-built. Continued until next meeting.
NOTICE OF INTENT – 18 Industrial Drive - P. Harding read the legal ad. Gregg McBride, from GZA, presented a proposal for cleaning up and capping the contaminated soil at the Reed Rico site. The site is divided into two areas of concern. One is referred to as the “western area” and the other as the “southern area.” The overall proposal is to remove all contaminated soil and contain it in a cell located in the western area. This proposal also specifies enforceable deed restrictions that require yearly management of the capped site. M. Simoneaux provided further detail of the process and the restoration planned for the wetland area along the western edge of the containment area. Extensive discussion ensued regarding the specifics of the project. With no further
questions from the Commission, the floor was opened to questions from the public. R. Ball, an abutter to the site, stated a concern regarding contamination of the wetland area and proposed restoration work on her property . Her concerns were discussed at length. Following the discussion, the Chairman requested that a revised plan regarding the property line issue be completed and suggested that plantings be chosen that would discourage the burrowing of turtles on the slopes of the containment cell. Continued until next meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 PM.
The next meeting is scheduled for March 5, 2008.
February 6, 2008 minutes were approved March 5, 2008.
Teresa T. McIntyre, Recording Secretary