OCTOBER 3, 2007
7:00 PM
1130 Main Street
Holden Senior Center
Members Present: Anthony Costello, Robert Lowell, Matt Kennedy, Nancy Rocheleau, Len Anderson, and Ken Strom
Members Absent: Michael Scott
Staff Present: Pamela Harding, Teresa McIntyre
Others: Rick Heinenger, Dorisann Heinenger, Dan Hazen, Tom Michaliak, Frank Puffer, Ted Pappas, Karin Leonard, Brenda Prachniak
The meeting began at 7:00 PM
Notice of Intent – Stoney Brook Estates 290 Reservoir St. – Presentation made by Dan Hazen of New England Environment Co., regarding the results of the tests that were done in the three detention ponds located on this property. Discussion ensued regarding the depths of mottling in each test pit and the manner in which the tests were done. The Board expressed concern with the results and suggested that a test bore be done in the pit closest to the roadway to ensure that a 2-foot separation existed. The recommendation was accepted and results will be presented at the next meeting. The Board reviewed Arthur Allen’s findings regarding the perennial flow of the stream that emanates from a culvert running under Reservoir St and flowing onto the site. The Board deemed his conclusion that the
stream in question is intermittent acceptable. The chairman then opened the meeting to receive questions and/or comments from the public. B. Pacniak, an abutter to the property under discussion, questioned the Board if all concerns were answered by the Graves report. The applicant submitted revised plans a day or two prior to the hearing and Graves has not yet reviewed the revisions. Discussion will be continued at next meeting.
ANRAD Salisbury Street Map Parcel Heinenger/Puffer – This matter is still waiting for a peer review. A report by Brian Butler of Oxbow Associates is expected by the next meeting. A date is to be set up for a site walk with the peer review consultant. Discussion to be continued at next meeting.
Notice of Intent – Wingspan Estates Definitive Subdivision – A presentation was made by Tom Michaliak of Graves Engineering illustrating the 10 plot subdivision’s layout and drainage plans. This design incorporated individual drywells for each home with the remaining runoff being directed to an underground detention basin. The homeowner’s association would maintain the basin. M. Kennedy expressed concern regarding the idea of an underground basin, noting maintenance issues and questioning how much actual ground water infiltration would occur. Extensive discussion took place regarding these issues. The Board also recognized a potential problem with the steep slopes and requested a detailed plan illustrating how the developer will control sediment erosion. The chairman then opened the
meeting to receive questions and/or comments from the public. J. Ciullo of 27 Quail Run, expressed his concern regarding the aesthetics of an above ground basin, noting the unattractive appearance of the above ground basin at the corner of Quail Run and Main Street. The Board acknowledged these concerns and discussions ensued regarding ways to plant and maintain a surface basin resulting in a pleasing appearance. In response to the concerns raised by the Board, B. George, developer of the project, asked the Board for suggestions to help remedy their concerns. The following recommendations were formulated for his consideration: Rain gardens to handle roof runoff, get rid of the sidewalk on one side of the street, and look for more creative ways to construct a surface basin that will not only provide adequate water detention, but be aesthetically pleasing. The Board was reluctant to endorse the underground basin plan and requested that a surface detention
basin plan be submitted. Discussion will be continued at next meeting.
Notice of Intent – Wachusett Woods – Amendment to Drywells – A presentation was made, by Carl Hultgren of Quinn Engineering, outlining their original design using individual drywells on each lot. New DEP regulations require a permit for each drywell and specifies that the homeowner is required to maintain it. In addition, each drywell must be registered with DEP and there must be a 2-ft separation of ground water. In response to these new regulations, the applicant is proposing a series of depressions throughout the subdivision to catch runoff, as well as the use of rain gardens instead of the drywells originally specified. M. Kennedy will check to see if there is an alternative to drywells or a recharge basin. The Board will also look into the depressions and swales as proposed by the
applicant. Discussion will continue at next meeting.
Bond Release Brattle Street – Theodore Pappas – The Board agreed that the fine needs to be paid before the Certificate of Compliance or bond can be released. No vote taken.
Certificate of Compliance – Wagner Meadows – P. Harding and L. Anderson inspected lots 10, 14, 15, 25, and 28. It was recommended that all lots except lot 14, be released. Lot 14 had an insufficient 25-ft barrier. Applicant used rocks that were too small and placed too far apart. N. Rocheleau made motion to release lots 10, 15, 25 and 28. R. Lowell seconded. Vote was 5 – 0 with one abstention. K. Strom abstained from voting.
Conservation Restriction Robert Prince and Weyman Lundquist - The Board voted to endorse the two Conservation Restrictions. M. Kennedy made a motion to endorse the conservation restriction for Weyman Lundquist. K. Strom seconded the motion. All in favor. R. Lowell made a motion to endorse the Conservation Restriction for Robert Price. K. Strom seconded. All in favor.
Certificate of Compliance – Holden Hills Golf Course – The Board voted to release the Certificate of Compliance for an OOC issued in the 1980’s. No work was completed under this application. M. Kennedy made a motion to release. K. Strom seconded. All in favor.
Certificate of Compliance 448 Malden Street – The Board voted to release the Certificate of Compliance. M. Kennedy made motion to release. N. Rocheleau seconded. All in favor.
Signing of Certificate of Compliance 60 Dorothy Avenue – This COC was released at the September 5, 2007 meeting. Signatures from the Board were needed to complete the release process. All required signatures were obtained and the application was completed.
Anthony Costello addressed the Board with a request to draw down Eagle Lake at an earlier time this year. This earlier time frame would allow White Oak to perform dam repairs. The Board unanimously supported this request.
Minutes – Could not approve minutes of September 5, 2007 due to the lack of a quorum.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:20PM.
The next meeting is scheduled for November 7, 2007.
October 3, 2007 minutes were approved November 7, 2007.
Teresa T. McIntyre, Recording Secretary