March 7, 2007
7:00 p.m.
1130 Main Street
Holden Senior Center
Members Present: Leonard Anderson; Michael Scott; Matthew Kennedy; Anthony Costello, Robert Lowell
Members Absent: Kenneth Strom
Staff Present: Pamela Harding
Others: Daniel Hazen New England Environmental; George Kiritsy, Blair Attorney; Stephen Plucinski
The meeting began at 7:00 p.m.
NOI 90 Brattle Street - The plans were revised, the shed was relocated further from the wetland line and a 25 foot no disturb area was created from wetland flag #4. M. Scott voted to close the public hearing, L. Anderson seconded, the vote was unanimous.
NOI Alden Woods - Revised plans were submitted at the meeting and the hearing was continued to April 4, 2007.
Dawson Pool - The commission reviewed plans to expand on the lawn area abutting Dawson pool. The Commission unanimously voted that the project was not significant and requested that trees be left to provide shade for pool users.
Minutes - R. Lowell voted to approve the January minutes, M. Scott seconded the motion. M. Scott voted to approve the February minutes, L. Anderson seconded the vote was unanimous.
Other Business -
619 South Road - There is a fire pond located on private property, the owner is proposing to treat the pond. The chemicals were reviewed by the Commission who unanimously voted to approve the treatment for public safety reasons.
Eagle Lake Dam - A. Costello informed the Commission that White Oak Land Trust owns Eagle Lake Dam and an inspection report determined trees must be removed up to the abutment, and additional work had to be conducted to the concrete and spillway. The Commission asked for greater detail.
Orders of Conditions 90 Brattle St. - M. Scott motioned to issue a standard order of conditions, L. Anderson seconded, the vote was unanimous.
L. Anderson moved to close the meeting at 7:30 p.m. and M. Scott seconded. The vote was unanimous.
The next meeting is scheduled for April 4, 2007.