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February 7, 2007
7:00 p.m.
1130 Main Street
Holden Senior Center


Members Present: Leonard Anderson; Ken Strom; Michael Scott; Matthew Kennedy

Members Absent: Robert Lowell; Nancy Rocheleau; Anthony Costello

Staff Present: Pamela Harding; Cynthia Smith

Others: Denis Halfrey - Andrysick Land Surveying; Steve Plucinski; Lisa & Gary DeCiero

The meeting began at 7:00 p.m.

NOI Alden Woods - This case was continued to March 7, 2007.

N.O.I. 90 Brattle St. - The applicant has graded and cleared shrubs within the bordering vegetated wetlands. He wants to put on an addition, deck and a shed. M. Scott viewed the area and noted the work that has been done. The proposed shed needs to be moved further away from the wetlands. The Board wants the erosion control barrier line to be straightened out near wetland flag #4. The case was continued to March 7th.

Minutes - There was no quorum to vote on last month's minutes.

Other Business -

P. Harding noted that an Emergency Repair to the sewer main on Kendall Road.

P. Harding updated the Board that the Town of Holden has a grant for GIS training. P. Harding, J. Zingarelli (Town Engr.), and Doug Nelson will be the three to be trained.

Certificate of Compliance Eagle Terrace - P.  Harding noted that this work had been completed quite some time ago. K. Strom moved to issue a COC and L. Anderson seconded. The vote was unanimous.

L. Anderson moved to close the meeting at 7:30p.m. and M. Scott seconded. The vote was unanimous.

The next meeting is scheduled for March 7, 2007