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6:00 P.M. Memorial Hall
Town Hall
1196 Main Street

Members Present: Celeste Duffy, Kim Ferguson, Joe Giotta David Lindberg, CherylAnn Owoc, Michael Wronski, Scott Carlson, Judith Haran, Paul McManus Steve Mentzer, Wendy OLeary, Richard Sheils, Jr. Esq., Ed Starkus, Ed Benoit

Staff: Pamela Harding, Town Planner

The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m.

Phil Mighdoll from the Princeton Master Plan Committee attended the meeting to discuss the process they have utilized and offer advice to Holden members.

P. Mighdoll reviewed Princetons RFP process. Princeton formed a 5 person Master Plan start-up committee to write the RFP and chose Community Opportunities Group with a lead consultant of Judith Barrett. Mr. Mighdoll explained it was a difficult choice because Dodson Associates, VHB, and McGregor Associates all submitted quality proposals.

Princeton conducted a kick off meeting, dedicating heads of subcommittees and invited people to participate in their areas of interest. A visioning workshop followed. Each subcommittee met individually, which resulted in lack of communication among the steering committee, they are now starting to bring everyone together.

P. Mighdoll stated that he created the web page on his own and encouraged people to visit it at

J.Giotta asked if Princeton received participation in the Master Plan from the usual active residents, P. Mighdoll responded that they did and created a marketing plan and distributed a survey by mail. P. Mighdoll stated that it was a difficult process to get participants representing different demographics in the Town and it required a lot of thought and planning. W. OLeary asked if the subcommittee leaders were heads of the Steering Committees. Each Steering Committee member was Chair of a Subcommittee. M. Wronski thankedMr. Mighdoll for coming.

M. Wronkski asked that members start checking the references in the RFP;s. The next interview will be with Dodson Associates on April 4th at 6:00 p.m.

J. Giotta reviewed information on media coverage . K. Ferguson stated that she talked to the Town Manager who stated that funding was available for a recording secretary and for the Committees use, for postage, etc. .