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HCTV Studio     August 13, 2008
800 Main Street 7:00 P.M.

MEMBERS PRESENT:        Chris Hugo, Hank Ouellette, Larry Popple, Patt Popple, Ginny Ursin.
ALSO PRESENT:   Johnny Suire, Public Access Director

The minutes of Meeting #201, April 30, 2008 and Meeting #202, June 11, 2008 were accepted.

Control Room/Studio Upgrade: As was discussed at a previous meeting, camera control units (RCU) were not part of the studio upgrade. This omission makes it very difficult to produce quality studio productions - no tally light operation or remote iris control. Johnny is negotiating with AdTech to add RCU's at a reduced price. It was moved and VOTED to authorize Johnny to spend up to $8,000 to have CCUs installed.

Editing Suites Remodeling: Holden DPW still has not had time to remove the walls, etc. We will be patient as the price is right.

Surplus Equipment/WRHS: The surplus equipment from the various upgrades has been moved to WRHS so that Tim Either may evaluate it for use at the high school, particularly for the Black Box Theater. It was moved and VOTED to authorize Johnny to spend up to $10,000 to make this equipment usuable at WRHS.

WRHS Wiring: There is stillno cable connection at the high school. Charter has agreed to bring the cable to the network room in the high school and supply cable to take it further. However, they are not equipped to do the actual work of extending it since cable trays were not included in the high school construction. Johnny will investigate hiring someone else to complete the job. Our main concern is getting it to the Auditorium for town meetings and live concerts. It would be desirable to have connections in the Field House and Athletic Fields.

Charter Internet Policy: It was noted that Charter will NOT be offering "enhanced" online advertising services at this time. This new service was contentious since it involved tracking subscriber's internet use.

Shrewsbury Public Access Field Trip: Ginny, Hank and Chris reported their recent tour of SPAC production facilities, head end and dish farm was very interesting. Shrewsbury has an outstanding access operation.

Helen Harding: is now at the Oakdale Nursing Home and is receiving visitors.

Contract Renewal: Nothing new to report. Progress should pick up in the fall.

Next Meeting: Scheduled for Monday, September 22, 2008.

Respectfully Submitted,
Larry Popple