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HCTV Studio     April 30, 2008
800 Main Street 7:00 P.M.

MEMBERS PRESENT:        Chris Hugo, Hank Ouellette, Larry Popple, Patt Popple, Ginny Ursin.
ALSO PRESENT:   Johnny Suire, Public Access Director

The minutes of Meeting #200, March 12, 2008 were accepted.

Control Room/Studio Upgrade: Tally Light problem: It turns out that the AdTech did not include tally light controls for the cameras because Camera Control Units (CCU) were not specified. Everyone was under the impression that CCU's were not needed because software was doing everything CCU's would do. But the software will not control the tally lights. The only way to make the tally lights to work is to purchase CCU's at a cost of about $8,000, a price that AdTech says is reduced from the usual price. This year's budget is maxed out. This item will be discussed further at future meetings.

Editing Suites Remodeling: Holden DPW has not had time to remove the walls, etc.

Surplus Equipment/WRHS: Johnny is working with AdTech to come up with a very basic package for the Black Box Theater at WRHS using surplus and some new equipment. He is also getting a quote for a remote package for the auditorium, but he expects it to be too costly to be justifiable.

WRHS wiring: Johnny is working with Charter regarding wiring the auditorium, field house and sports fields to carry events live on the cable system. So far progress is slow on Charter's part.

Johnny's Miscellaneous:
a. Eric McKeon has been working on projects such as a new hires video for the town, Lacrosse game coverage, Salute Breakfast and Good Neighbor Awards as well as continuing Faces & Places.
b. Matt Consuelo our student intern West Boylston High School is doing well, being very helpful for productions such as the recent Special Town Meeting.

Contract Renewal: Larry has invited Tom Cohan from Charter to our next meeting to discuss contract negotiations with us. Larry suggested that we contact Bill August, a lawyer specializing in cable contract negotiations, to possibly assist with our contract. The committee agreed.

Next Meeting: Scheduled for Wednesday, June 11, 2008.

Respectfully submitted,
Larry Popple