Thursday, April 7, 2011
Conference Room – Senior Center
Present: Rev. Dr. Jerry Heslinga; Albert Ferron; Faye Ellis; Richard Mansfield; Barbara
Anger; Susan Sullivan; Louise Charbonneau; Cheryl Owoc; Maureen Buffone.
The minutes from the March 3, 2011 meeting were approved and accepted.
F.H.C.O.A. REPORT ~ Barbara Anger
Barbara reported that the account balances as of April 4, 2011 are as follows:
Commerce Bank $16,606.66
Leominster Credit Union $4,617.57
Leominster Credit Union C.D. $23,121.83
Barbara reported that the arts and crafts volunteers decorated Easter eggs for all of the patients at Holden Nursing Home. Adam has requested six (6) additional card tables. This will be discussed at the next Friend’s meeting. They will also discuss a possible contribution to the Senior Center’s 10-year Anniversary Celebration.
No representation.
Cheryl reported that they currently have 14 open requests for Help at Home. Three or four were wrapped up yesterday.
Sue Sullivan commented that the committee has not met in quite some time. Louise stated that a meeting was held in February, and she will email the notes to Joe.
Denise from the Recreation Department has made requests for a couple of families. The Town Manager said that the town will be unable to offer any free passes to families with a hardship, and perhaps Help at Home could help with pool passes.
Rick shared a hand-out from their last meeting entitled “A Profile of Older Americans: 2010.” Rick stated that there is not a lot going on right now. The strategic plan from four (4) years ago was reviewed. Debbie is working on an 8-week program in Auburn on caregivers. There is currently no waiting list for home care.
DIRECTOR’S REPORT ~ Louise Charbonneau
The events for April are as follows:
Mon., April 4…Stress Management and Disaster Preparedness
Thurs., April 7…Movie “The Jazz Singer”
Wed., April 13…Ballroom Dancing Demonstration
Thurs., April 14… Movie “American Experience: The Orphan Trains”
Wed., April 20…Volunteer Recognition Luncheon
Thurs., April 21…Movie “The Goodbye Girl”
Fri., April 22…Veterans’ Meeting
Mon., April 25…“Love Letters” with Richard Clark
Tues., April 26…Chair Yoga
Thurs., April 28…Movie “The Bourne Supremacy;” Senior Prom @ WRHS from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m.
Louise invited all of the board members to the Annual Volunteer Recognition Celebration on Wednesday, April 20 at 11:45 a.m. Lunch will be provided by Toupin’s Catering. Entertainment by Music is Love will feature a mix of music and magic.
The students and staff of the WRHS Honor Society will host the Senior Prom on Thursday, April 28 from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. in the High School Cafeteria. The theme of the prom this year is a Luau. Enjoy a lovely dinner, music and dancing.
A free chair yoga class will be offered on Tuesday, April 26 at 2:30 p.m. The class is open to all. If there is enough interest, a series of classes will be scheduled.
Louise reminded the board that we are hosting a board training here at the senior center on Friday, June 10th. Emmett Schmarsow from the Executive Office of Elder Affairs will be the facilitator. The time table for the day is registration from 8:45 to 9:15, and the training from 9:15 to 11:45. Louise encouraged any board member who has never attended a board training to do so. They are very interesting and answer many questions you may have.
We have had a woman who has come in for a couple of programs who has had a dog with her. We’ve learned that the dog would be considered a “therapy dog” which is offered the same privileges as service dogs.
Susan Sullivan has signed on for another three (3) year term on our board. Pastor Kennedy, however, has resigned his position because he feels he can’t get to meetings and therefore wants us to replace him with someone who can more fully participate. If you have suggestions, please let Louise know over the next couple of days, and she’ll forward that suggestion on to the town manager.
While Louise was away, Naomi submitted her monthly operations report to the WRTA for the month of February. She received a call telling her there wasn’t enough money collected for the number of rides given. Apparently in 2009, the WRTA increased their fares from $1.00 each way in town to $1.25 each way; from $1.25 to $1.50 each way for 1-town out and from $1.50 to $1.75 each way for 2-towns out. When they raised their fares in 2009, we decided not to, because we wanted to charge $1.00 each way on our new van and wanted both vans to charge the same fees. However, now with the rising costs, we are proposing to increase the fares as outline above on both of the vans. Your support would be appreciated, although Nancy Galkowski has the final word. The board
unanimously supported the increase.
It was unanimously voted to adjourn the meeting at 8:45 a.m.
The next meeting will be held on Thursday, May 5, 2011 at 8:00 a.m. at the Holden Senior Center.
Respectfully submitted,
Maureen Buffone