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Thursday, April 1, 2010
Conference Room – Senior Center

Present:      Rev. Dr. Jerry Heslinga; Sue Sullivan; Barbara Anger; Richard Mansfield; Faye Ellis; Cheryl Owoc; Louise Charbonneau; Selectman Anthony Renzoni.

Pastor Heslinga welcomed everyone to the meeting. The minutes from the February 4, 2010 meeting were approved. He recognized Selectman Anthony Renzoni who had come to say Hello and introduce himself to the Council.

The minutes from the January 7, 2010 meeting were approved and accepted.

Report from Friends of Holden Council on Aging
Barbara Anger offered a report from the Friends of the Holden Council on Aging with the following balances:

Commerce Bank
Leominster Credit Union

The Valentine's Cookie Sale made $1500.00. The White Elephant Sale made $200.00. The Friends also paid to fix the dishwasher.

Report from H.E.L.P. at Home
The report from H.E.L.P. at Home discussed disbursements made in the month of February, which were only administrative, as well as the Resource Fair which was held in March. Informational pamphlets as well as magnets shaped like the senior van were distributed. Emergency bags were also given out and now will be distributed by our Outreach Personnel.

Rick Mansfield reported on behalf of the Elder Services Board. At the presesnt time, their FY11 budget has been level funded. At their last meeting, Kathie Hudson described how elders are evaluated for staying at home. There are presently 190 clients on waiting lists for services.

Coordinator's Report
A couple of things before I begin in earnest: Jacquie is unable to be here today. She is attending the swearing in of our new Town Clerk, Cheryl Jenkins. And a quick belated happy birthday to Sue Sullivan who celebrated her birthday at a Red Sox game in Fort Myers and had the pleasure of having birthday greetings displayed on the scoreboard during the game!

April Events & Programs
Mon., April 1...Movie "13 Going on 30" 12:30
Wed., April 7...S.T.A.R. ~ Senior Transition Advocate Resources 10:00
(talk about downsizing, making your assets last selling collectibles, etc. ~ several speakers-an attorney, financial planner, appraiser, real estate agent)
Thurs., April 8...Moive "Michael" 12:30
Mon., April 12...Jazz Musician Chet Williamson 12:45
Thurs., April 15...Movie "Field of Dreams" 12:30
Mon., April 19...Patriot's Day ~ Senior Center Closed
Thurs., April 22...Movie "Elizabeth" 12:30
Fri., April 23...Veterans Meeting 10:30 - Volunteer Recognition 11:45
Mon., April 26...Improving Your Balance 10:00
Thurs., April 29...Movie "The Pursuit of Happyness" 12:30

Some Thank You's
I need to say a very big thank you to the Staff for doing such a great job in general but especially for the 3 weeks that I was gone. Everyone did a great job. A special thank you to Maureen, who handled her responsibilities and mine as well and did so extremely well. Although she is unable to be with us today, I hope when you do have the opportunity to see or speak with her, you will give her a well deserved "pat on the back" for a job more than well done.

I'd also like to thank Paula who, at Jacquie's request, did the shopping for Kathy Peterson's retirement party which was held this past Tuesday. Jacquie asked me to go over to help her set up, make coffee and punch and clean up from the party which I was more than happy to do.

Volunteer Recognition
Volunteer Recognition will be held on Friday, April 23rd at noon. A catered lunch by Toupin's Catering will consist of Field Green Salad w/candied walnuts & sun-dried cranberries, rolls & butter, Rice Pilaf, Swedish Meatballs, Medley of Fresh Vegetables, Dessert, Coffee & Tea. We have not definately decided who we will honor as Volunteer of the Year. If any of you have suggestions, please feel free to let me know. We are not giving a Lifetime Achievement Award this year in that we didn't feel we had anyone who qualified. Once again, if any of you can think of someone who should receive the award, please let me know.

Senior Prom
The Senior Prom will be held on Thursday, April 29th from 5:00-8:00 p.m. at the high school. Unfortunately, they scheduled AFTER the newsletter went to print so we're doing the best we can to let people know. Maureen did send the information to the other 4 Wachusett area COA's.

House Calls
While I was away, Maureen received a call from the gentleman who was beginning the Dining with a Doc/House Calls program. After relentlessly hounding us to become a pilot site for the program, he has decided to cancel the program due to the lack of corporate sponsorship. It's unfortunate he didn't have more of his "ducks in a row" before having us do the PR for it thus making us have to disappoint the 35 people who had signed up.

Income Tax Program
The AARP tax program has ended on March 29th. 66 people had their taxes prepared.

I'd like to share some of our program numbers with you. We've been very pleased with the attendance at our recent programs. 57 Seniors went on the trip to the Boston Flower Show on March 25th. 66 Seniors attended the presentation offered by actor, Richard Clark as Ernest Hemmingway on March 8th. This past Monday, 37 Seniors attended a presentation entitled "Girl Power: The Supreme's" as cultural icons.

Dishwasher Volunteers
In last month's newsletter, we put out a plea for help after lunch with running the dishes through the dishwasher. Only one person has come forward to help. If you know anyone who might like to volunteer even one day a week, please have them contact us.

Old Business
The question of who can sign for Welcome Aldrich disbursements was raised. Jacquie is working that out with Town Accountant Lori Rose about this. If things are going to change, we will let you know at that time.

New Business
Al Ferron thanked the Council for the get well card. He commented on the excellent van service and the fact we can go to other towns 4 days each week.

The question was raised as to what we will be doing with the old van. It's fate is still being discussed.

It was announced that former Town Manager Brian Bullock received a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Worcester Research Bureau.

The meeting adjourned at 8:50 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Cheryl Owoc
Senior Center Staff