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Thursday, January 15, 2009
Conference Room – Senior Center

Present:      Rev. Dr. Jerry Heslinga; Richard Mansfield; Cheryl Owoc; Barbara Anger; Albert Ferron;
Louise Charbonneau; Jacquie Kelly; Jim Robinson; Maureen Buffone

Cheryl Owoc moved to accept the minutes from the December 4, 2008 meeting, which was
seconded by Al Ferron and passed unanimously.

The Treasurer was unable to attend the December 1st meeting. The estimated balances were
reported as follows:

        Commerce Bank                      $7,910.00      
        Leominster Credit Union            $5,079.18
        C.D.                                            $22,083.39

The annual Valentine's Day Cookie Sale will take place on Friday, February 13, 2009 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.


Jim Robinson submitted a copy of his financial report, showing combined balance (Help at H.O.M.E. fund and Welcome Aldrich Relief Fund) of $24,203.96. His report will serve to provide information to the Help at H.O.M.E. Committee and the Holden Council on Aging. All reports are preliminary until the figures are verified by the town accountant. There was an additional $3,000.00 in donations, $2,550.00 of which was received from St. Francis Episcopal Church.

Jacquie Kelly stated that only one-third of the Help at H.O.M.E. envelopes went out, as the last two (2) cycles of bills were not sent out due to the ice storm. Cheryl suggested putting a supply of envelopes out at the senior center for those residents who do not receive light bills.

Rick questioned the small amount of disbursements. Cheryl's best guess is that fuel assistance is still in place and once that coverage ends, we may see an increase in requests. Some people wait until it's almost too late. The applications can be turned around in 24 hours. Jim suggested relaxing the criteria this year because of the ice storm damage. Jerry and Al said it is loose enough the way it is written. Louise stated the subcommittee left it so that there's enough flexibility, and it is not necessary to vote to relax the criteria. Al said we need to concentrate on the elderly, who are generally too proud to ask for help. He suggested putting an article in the newspaper. Louise will handle getting an article in the Landmark, possibly on the Senior Page, as well as elsewhere in the newspaper.

Rick reported that he did not attend the Elder Service board meeting last month because of the ice storm. The Rotary did have their annual Christmas breakfast on December 13th, with about 125 seniors attending.


Rev. Kennedy took a fall in his bathroom this morning, but said he was not hurt.

Louise outlined January's events as follows:
Mon., Jan. 12 - Prescription Advantage seminar; Wed., Jan. 14 - Medication Basics by the VNA; Thurs., Jan. 15 - Movie "Firehouse Dog"; Mon., Jan. 19 - Sr. Center Closed-Martin Luther King holiday; Thur., Jan. 22 - Movie "Mamma Mia"; Fri., Jan. 23 - Veterans' Meet & Greet; Wed., Jan. 28 - South with Linda; Thurs., Jan. 29 - July in January Ice Cream Social-Movie "Good Old Summertime"

The Senior Center was opened as a shelter at 10:40 p.m. the night of the ice storm (December 11). The CERT Team, headed by Chief Jack Chandler, came in and staffed the shelter. The CERT Team is trained by the American Red Cross, however, they knew nothing about this building. Louise said that overall, they did a great job, but communications could have been better. It was helpful that Louise was in the building, but the chain of command was confusing to shelter's residents. Louise will be attending a debriefing this afternoon, and she will strongly suggest that, in the future, the CERT Team train in this building. The building took a beating and had to be professionally cleaned. Louise is hoping that most of that will be reimbursed by FEMA. Jim suggested a storm reunion in the future, as this was a once-in-a-lifetime event, and an oral history would be valuable.


Louise will call Rick to schedule a time to meet to discuss use of the building by "for-profit" groups.

There is no new information on the van.


Louise has not yet heard back from Denis Clare on printing the newsletters. Because of the advertisers, we are committed to remain with Dave and Stephanie Dorren until December 31.


It was unanimously voted to adjourn the meeting at 9:02 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Maureen Buffone