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Thursday, September 4, 2008
Conference Room – Senior Center

Present:          Richard Mansfield; Louise Charbonneau; Rev. Dr. Jerry Heslinga; Cheryl Owoc;
Barbara Anger; Albert Ferron; Jacquie Kelly; Maureen Buffone.

Albert Ferron moved to accept the minutes from the June 5, 2008 meeting, which was seconded by Barbara Anger and passed unanimously.   


The Friends will hold their annual meeting on September 17, 2008 and will vote in new officers at that time.  The Friends had a crafts table at Holden Days to promote their fair, which was very successful.  The bowling league starts again today at Colonial Bowl in Worcester.


Louise talked about the Embroidery-on-paper class that started in July, which was taught by Laurie Snelson and was a huge success.  The annual Spelling Bee was also held in July.

The events for August and September include the following:
August 4…......Afternoon of Games, which did not go over very well
August 7……..Victorian Tea, which was attended by 70 seniors
August 11.…...Wii Fit Demonstration
August 14........Movie “Becoming Jane”
August 19…….Picnic on the Porch w/Root Beer Float, we had 70 reservations
August 21…….International day “Brazil,” Cheryl Owoc presented and made goodies
August 23…….Holden Days, kitchen sold out
August 28…….Movie “A New Kind of Love”
August 29.........Trout Brook Picnic, 120 seniors signed up, but there were not that many there.  There was a senior who was nudged to the ground.  
A few seniors told Louise that they can’t negotiate the benches.
September 4….Movie “To Catch a Thief”
September 5….Waffle Breakfast to kick off National Senior Center Month
September 8….Grandparents Day celebration
September 10…Fuel Assistance Sign-Ups with Worcester Community Action.  There  were 14 sign-ups the first day Karen put it out at the Food Pantry.              
September 11....Movie “Bee Movie”  
September 15…All Aboard for America.  This is a musical program that Marilyn Hyson put on in Florida about ancestry.
September 17…Friends Annual Meeting
National Senior Center Week “Happy Hour” from 4:00 to 6:00.  We are trying to catch people on their way home from work.  The Girl Scouts will be here giving out File of Life records.  Maryanna  volunteered to be bartender.  She was around a lot this summer, and has  been a lot of fun.
September 18…Home Instead Information
September 22…Apple Pie Baking Contest
September 25....Movie “Penelope”
September 29…Celebrate Sr. Ctr. Month w/Gary Landgren, who is a rag-time singer.                    

Louise introduced Clare Nelson to the board.  Clare is the senior center’s new activities coordinator, and she welcomed any ideas from the members for new programs.

We now have a Wii fit board that can be used for balance, yoga, strength training and aerobics.  We hope to begin a Wii bowling league in October.

The hours in the Town Hall, Starbard Building and the Light Dept. have been extended to 7:00 p.m. on Tuesdays, for a trial period until October.  These offices will now close at noon on Fridays.  Our hours will remain 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., until Brian tells us otherwise.

Louise reported that Paula and Cheryl’s caseload has picked up, including for families.  They are getting referrals from everywhere, including Brian Bullock.  People are frightened about winter coming.  Paula and Cheryl have also been busy with the Farmer’s Market.  They have received 25 coupon books with $30.00 worth of coupons and have been creating baskets to deliver to seniors.

The senior center is still holding the blood pressure clinic two days a month.  The staff will no longer be taking blood pressures, at all.  We will encourage people to call their doctor or the squad.  We are not covered to take blood pressures and are not paid to do it.


Rick reported that Sue Sullivan’s mother has had health issues, and she is also very busy with school starting.  Rick will talk to Sue about the packet she has been working on for the new van.  If she is too busy, we will restructure the committee.


A new committee has formed comprised of Brian Bullock, Jacquie Kelly, Louise Charbonneau, Paula Earley, Cheryl Owoc, Donna Cross, Rev. Rich Simpson, Jen Stanovich, Joe Sullivan, Chief Jack Chandler and Mark Sanborn from Worcester Community Action Council.  Brian realized people will be needing help with their heating bills this winter, and he went out to bid for fuel costs.  He thinks that by April, the committee will disband.  Jacquie suggested that members of the committee go on Brian’s TV show.  They will be discussing the upcoming winter and people needing to make choices about heating and food and every day living expenses.  Cheryl was assigned the job of putting together information of where people can go for help.  Not all seniors have cable and computers, so a pamphlet is better suited to get information to them.  A lot of attention has focused on Welcome Aldrich.  A portion of the committee wants to fund raise.

Jacquie reported that a request was made to reconsider the committee name from “H.E.A.T. is O.N.” to “HEART.”  They will be meeting again today at 3:00.  Jacquie will send an email to Brian and ask the group to reconsider the name.

Al Ferron passed out a package of revised documents, including Agencies and Companies Providing Aid to the Needy, Application to the Welcome Aldrich Relief Fund, and history and requirements for Welcome Aldrich.  Al moved to accept the amendment with changes (“Holden Senior Center c/o Welcome Aldrich Relief Fund” to “Welcome Aldrich Relief Fund c/o Holden Senior Center”), which was seconded by Jerry Heslinga.  Rev. Heslinga is going to take copies to his clergy meeting.

Louise received a letter from Elder Services stating that they haven’t had someone on their board in quite some time and asked if anyone is interested in serving on the board.  They meet the third Tuesday of the month.  Rick took a copy of the letter and will consider serving.


It was unanimously voted to adjourn the meeting at 8:56 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Maureen Buffone