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Thursday, October 2, 2008
Conference Room – Senior Center

Present:      Richard Mansfield; Louise Charbonneau; Rev. Dr. Jerry Heslinga; Susan Sullivan;
Cheryl Owoc; Barbara Anger; Albert Ferron; Jacquie Kelly; Rev. Dr. Paul Kennedy; Maureen Buffone.

Rev. Heslinga moved to accept the minutes from the September 4, 2008 meeting, which was
seconded by Rev. Kennedy and passed unanimously, with Sue Sullivan abstaining.

The Friends held their annual meeting on September 17, 2008. The same officers will remain in
place, with two (2) new directors.

The Treasurer's Report from the September 17th meeting is as follows:

        Commerce Bank                   $6,458.43         
        Leominster Credit Union         $20,000.00
        C.D.                                    $20,048.66

The annual craft fair will take place on November 1st. The Friends were given a gift of an antique rag doll collection from a donor who would like to remain anonymous. Barbara hopes to have the Landmark come in and photograph the collection. The Friends are also asking for a donation of a non-perishable item for the food pantry from the fair attendees.

Louise asked the Friends to pay for 75% of the bill for food for the volunteer recognition luncheon, since grant money cannot be used for food, which the Friends passed unanimously.

Louise outlined October's events as follows:

October 2...........................Movie "Princess of Thieves"
October 7...........................Public Power Luncheon
October 9...........................Movie "Ratatouille"
October 13.........................Columbus Day, Senior Center Closed
October 15.........................Ice Cream Social
October 16.........................Movie "Georgia Rule"
October 23.........................International Day
October 27.........................Volunteer Recognition Luncheon
October 30.........................One Act Play "Yours for Humanity~Abby"
October 31.........................Halloween Party

The funding for the purchase of the new senior van has been completed. There was a $15,000 donation from Oriol Health Care, $15,000 from the Friends of HCOA, and $15,000 from the Town of Holden. There will be a presentation at the Selectmen's meeting on Monday. All members of this board and the Friends board are invited to attend. The Oriols are donating a total of $25,000 ($15,000 for the new van and a $10,000 donation to the Holden Fire Dept.). The Oriols are always willing to help out, and their generosity is very much appreciated. Louise thanked Sue and Rick for all of their hard work on this process.

The Public Power Lunch will take place on October 7th. The menu includes roast pork, red bliss mashed potatoes and green beans. The senior center staff will help prepare the meal, and the light department staff will serve the meal. The one act play on October 30th is fully funded by a grant from the arts council. Louise invited the members of the HCOA board to attend the volunteer recognition luncheon on October 27th. The senior center will sponsor a trip to the Tall Ships on July 9th for a cost of $85.00. The trip sold out quickly the last time it was held. Paula and Cheryl gave out 25 booklets for the Farmers' Market. They also shopped at the market and created and delivered 24 baskets. Louise will be attending the MCOA conference from October 15 to 17th, Cheryl will be attending on Wednesday and Thursday, and Maureen will attend on Thursday and Friday.


Louise gave an update on the H.E.A.T. is O.N. committee. The committee will now be called Help at H.O.M.E. Brian Bullock and Karen Halley will serve as co-chairs. The members include Brian Bullock, Town Manager; Karen Halley, Wachusett Food Pantry; Jacquelyn Kelly, Assistant Town Manager; Louise Charbonneau, Coordinator, Holden Council on Aging; Cheryl Owoc, Outreach, Holden Council on Aging; Donna Cross, HMLD; Joseph G. Sullivan, Holden Board of Selectmen; Chief Jack Chandler, Holden Fire Department; Susan Marsh; Rev. Rich Simpson, St. Francis Episcopal Church; Mark Sanborn, Worcester Community Action Council, Inc.; Donna Fitch, Energy New England; Jim Robinson; Steve Yerdon, Devereux; Paula Earley, Outreach, Holden Council on Aging; Maureen Buffone. Brian was able to obtain a price of $3.38 per gallon for oil.

Jacquie is working on obtaining prices for the new van. She will be looking for input from the other board members. They will also need to work on a policy for usage of the van and work within the budget parameters. There was discussion on what to do with the old van, and there has been no further word on Millbury's van, which has more mileage than our old van. It was agreed that we do not need three (3) vans.

Rick Mansfield announced that he has decided to fill the seat on the Board of Elder Services and will therefore step down as chairman of the HCOA board. Rick has served as chairman of this board for ten (10) years. He will, however, remain as a board member. Rick had a discussion with Jerry Heslinga, and he said that he would consider serving as chairman. Sue nominated Jerry Heslinga to fill the position of chairman, which was seconded by Al Ferron and passed unanimously. This change will take effect immediately. Cheryl Owoc will remain as vice chair. The board thanked Rick for his ten (10) years of excellent service.


It was unanimously voted to adjourn the meeting at 8:48 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Maureen Buffone, Secretary