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Thursday, October 11, 2007
Conference Room - Senior Center

Present: Richard Mansfield; Louise Charbonneau; Rev. Jerry Heslinga; Susan Sullivan; Cheryl Owoc; Jacquie Kelly; Barbara Anger; Albert Ferron; Maureen Buffone.

The meeting was called to order at 8:03 a.m. by Chairman Mansfield.  The minutes from the September 6, 2007 meeting were approved and accepted.


It was reported by Barbara Anger that the Friends' annual meeting held on September 15th was attended by 23 people.  The officers for 2007-2008 are as follows:
President:              Valeda Schmucki
Vice President:      Claire Eaton
Secretary:              Betty Gustafson
Treasurer:              Ann Lundquist

The Best of Friends Fair is scheduled for November 3rd from 9:00 to 3:00.

The Friends agreed to receive donations for the operation of the second and third van into their account, and they will transfer the funds to the gift account established by the town.  Jacquie Kelly confirmed with town counsel that this can be done.

Rick Mansfield expressed his appreciation for everything the Friends are doing for us.


Louise outlined the events scheduled for October, which included the Massachusetts Association for the Blind speaker on October 1st, Public Power Luncheon on October 2nd, "Because I Said So" was shown on October 4th, Denise Doucette will be entertaining with her music on October 11th, Fallon Wellness Series on Arthritis Management will be held on October 12th, International Day featuring Italy will take place on October 18th, "Blades of Glory" will be shown on October 25th, and our Halloween Party will be held on October 31st followed by the movie "The Original Bride of Frankenstein."

Our Public Power Luncheon was held last Tuesday and was a huge success.  The staff cooked chicken parmesan, pasta and salad for approximately 120 seniors and 20 Light Department personnel.  Also that morning, we were visited by Peter Hennessey from New Zealand who had been shadowing Town Manager Brian Bullock.  At the luncheon, Peter was presented with several Holden Senior Center gifts, which included tote bag, change purse, golf shirt and a baseball cap.

Louise and Cindy attended the MCOA Conference on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, October 3rd, 4th and 5th.  This year's conference was held at the Host Hotel in Sturbridge.  Some Learning; Preparing  Winning Grant Proposals; MCOA Certification; Travel Beyond the Crossroads and Attract Baby Boomers into their next phase of life; Municipal Employees and Municipal Facilities in Elections; Review of Revised CORI Regulations and Certification Processes & Procedures; Intergenerational Programming; Public Record Management & Disposal; Age Does Matter: Effective Health Promotion Messages for Baby Boomers; Ten Steps to Effective, Free Publicity and Long-Term Media Relationships.  Jackie Matis and Helen Holmes manned the office on Thursday, while Maureen also attended the conference on Thursday.

The Friends of the Holden Council on Aging will be holding their Annual Best of Friends Fair on Saturday, November 3rd.  There will be local crafters represented, as well as crafts from our Arts and Crafts group.  Lunch will include a variety of sandwhiches and homemade soups.  Contributions for our bake table can be brought to the Senior Center by Friday, November 2nd.

We will be having one flu clinic this year on Monday, November 19th from 1:00 to 4:00 PM.  The Worcester VNA will be here on that day to provide the flu shots.  They will also have pneumonia shots, but one must have a written order from their physician, be 65 years of age or older or have a chronic illness.  They must call the senior center to request the shot, so that the VNA will be certain to bring enough.  The clinic will be open to the fire and police departments and it may be opened to all town employees, as well.


Sue Sullivan reported that the sub-committee met yesterday (October 10th).  The fund raising letter has been finalized, and the first round will focus on banks, auto dealers, Fallon, Big Y, and Oriol Health Care.  We will still need to take a closer look at what is available from the town.  Rev. Heslinga asked why we are asking for donations, if the vans are essential.  It could be argued that the 3rd van is not essential.  We will have to show a need to the Finance Committee.  A lot of towns dedicate one van for medical appointments only.  From a business standpoint, we have to assess what is being turned away.  Naomi has to keep track of rides refused.  The rides are on a first come, first served basis.  We are not allowed to prioritize.  What happens in the furture if the van breaks down?  Better numbers are needed.  We should gather information by calling other towns.  Most people are willing to share their information.  Emmett may be able to help as well.  From this point on, Naomi will keep track of all rides refused.  If the 3rd van is used for excursion, people should be able to pay a little more for the rides.  Rick will call Sharon to find out how they assess the need for their vans and what they charge.


Sue suggested that at some point we take another look at the pamphlet that was created for Welcome Aldrich.

There was no other old or new business, and a motion to adjourn was made and seconded.  Meeting adjourned at 8:55 a.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
Maureen Buffone