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Thursday, March 1, 2007
Conference Room - Senior Center

Present: Jacquie Kelly; Rev. Jerry Heslinga; Louise Charbonneau; Barbara Anger; Albert Ferron; Cheryl Owoc; Susan Sullivan; Maureen Buffone; Carmello Bazzano.

The meeting was called to order at 1:07 p.m. by Cheryl Owoc. The minutes from the January 4, 2007 meeting were approved and accepted. The February 1st meeting was canceled due to a lack of quorum.


Barbara Anger reported that the Friends pad for the second part of the $7,490.00 computer program. The Valentine's Day singer was paid. The Cookie Sale took in over $900.00, and the cookies ran out early.


Louise thanked the wives of the firefighters for the snacks that they contributed for Dawn's retirement gathering. The leftovers were used for today's meeting. Dawn was employed by the town for 30 years, most of which was with the fire department. Terry Black fell and broke her ankle on both sides, at the Colony, earlier this week. She underwent surgery yesterday and will be out for several weeks. A card was passed around to be signed. February's events included the Greendale's Men's Chorus, the Valentine's Day Cookie Sale, Valentine's Day Party, Trip to Foxwoods, International Day featuring Greece. Banker's Life is presenting a seminar today on asset preservation, and today's movie is "One Night With the King." There will be a slide show on Croatia on March 5th, Greendale Men's Band will be back on March 6th, a Stroke Prevention Seminar will take place on March 7th. Bonnie White will be speaking on Getting a Restful Night's Sleep on March 12th, "Flicka" will be shown on March 15th and the St. Patrick's Day Party will take place on Friday, March 16th. Cindy will reminisce about Easter on March 19th. The First Day of Spring Celebration will take place on March 21st, Travelogue of Ireland will be on March 22nd, and the movie "Fly Boys" will be shown on March 29th.

In response to a concern expressed by Mr. Ferron about lack of funding for the senior van, Louise spoke with Wendy Steinhilber and was told that the request would have to come from the Town Manager. The van has run into an occasional problem with clients who will try and take advantage of they system. The van drivers have been notified not to allow this.

The day after our January meeting, Louise was notified by email that the budget cuts previously made by Governor Romeny had been restored by Governor Deval Patrick. This once again fully funds the Formula Grant at $6.30/senior. Louise wrote a thank you note and will provide the address to anyone who would also like to write a thank you.

Three programs will be presented through the Holden Arts Council. Denise Doucette will be singing in October; Ruth Harcovitz will perform in May; and comedian/motivational speaker, Steve Henderson, will present his program at our Volunteer Recognition event in the fall.

Welcome Aldrich donations totaling $8,565.00 were made to the light department. A ceremonial check in the amount was presented by Margaret Donaldson from the Light Department at the last Selectboard meeting to COA Board Chairman Rick Mansfield, Board Member Al Ferron and Louise Charbonneau. Every donation was acknowledged by Louise, with the exception of two anonymous donations.

My Senior Center, our new statistical software, is now up and operating. Cards have been distributed, and two tutorials were done by Bob Beck, who set up the system and also did the wiring. The Seniors are enjoying they system and helping one another to learn how to check in with the computer.

There are currently 12 participants using the Book Express program, which is done in conjunction with the staff of the Gale Free Library.

The Food Pantry delivery program now has 8 participants. There has been a small problem with some seniors complaining to their volunteers that they are not getting exactly what they had requested. A letter is being sent to the current participants reminding them that the Food Pantry is dependent on donations, and therefore does not always have brands or items they may desire; there will  no longer be substitutions for items that are not available.

Louise met with Jane Dutton to discuss "One Book, One Holden." There will be a panel discussion group of Veterans at the Senior Center. Louise may ask one of the Veterans to head the group.


Jacquie has given the Rules and Regulations that were approved by this Board to Brian Bullock for his review and is waiting to hear back from him. Once that is finalized, it will be included in a booklet that is being created with funding from the Formula Grant.

The time for the HCOA meetings will go back to 8:00 A.M., since no one was opposed to moving the time back. Jim Oliver is unable to attend the meeting any time on Thursdays.


Louise presented copies of our Cost Centers and the proposed FY '08 budget, which has been submitted to the Town Manager/Finance Committee for approval. Jacquie and Louise met and decided to request the following adjustments:

1) Double the amount of program money, due to the decrease in the number of donations being made ot our Discretionary Fund

2) An extra $1,000 was requested in the Maintenance of Equipment line item to cover the cost of the annual service contract on the My Senior Center software.

3) An increase in the Outreach workers salaries to bring them more in line with the importance of the position.

Cheryl Owoc stated that she does not feel that the Shine needs are being met. Thirty-one towns are within the service area. The meetings are held in Shrewsbury, and Milford is the base of operations. Shine is funded through the legislature. Cheryl was a Shine councilor for 9 years, resigning in October.

Al Ferron suggested taking a look at how the Welcome Aldrich Fund is going to work out. Louise suggested that a subcommittee should meet and create guidelines. Louise will talk with Rick. There are currently no regulations. People don't know that there are other avenues that can offe rthem assistance. Their needs are often taken care of by other agencies.

Motion made to adjourn by Al Ferron, seconded by Susan Sullivan. Meeting closed at 2:05 p.m. The next regular meeting of the Board will be Thursday, April 5, 2007, at 8:00 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Maureen Buffone