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December 14, 2006
6:00 pm HMLD

Members Present:        Chairman David White, and Selectmen Kimberly Ferguson, Kenneth O’Brien, and Joseph Sullivan.

Also present:   Brian Bullock, Town/ Light Manager,     Jacquelyn Kelly, Assistant Town Manager

After the conclusion of the Joint Meeting with the Light Department Advisory Board and completion of Light Department business, at approximately 8:35 p.m. the Selectmen discussed plans by Ms. Jennifer Lish to hold a gathering at the Bandstand over the weekend to commemorate Hanukkah.  

After some discussion about the issues around these plans, on a motion by Mr. O’Brien, seconded by Ms. Ferguson, it was voted 3 to 1 (Mr. Sullivan opposed) to authorize the Town Manager to issue a permit for public entertainment for this event should there be an application.  

There being no further business, on a motion by Mr. Sullivan, seconded by Ms. Ferguson it was unanimously voted to adjourn the meeting at approximately 8:55 p.m.

Approved:       February 5, 2007