Meeting Minutes
September 18, 2012
Memorial Town Hall
Mary Ricker, Bruce Penino
Mark Johnson
Andrea Crete, Board of Health Agent
M. Ricker called the Board of Health Meeting to order at 5:00 PM
319 MALDEN ST, HOYT: The owner is Hoyt Estate. Kevin Quinn, Quinn Engineering, was present to represent the plans. This is an upgrade to an existing system. A local upgrade approval is required by the Board for an offset to groundwater from 4’ to 3’.
M. Ricker motioned to approve with the condition(s). B. Penino seconded. Vote 2-0, APPROVED.
Documents presented during review can be viewed at the Board of Health Office: Subsusrface Sewage Disposal System Repair Plan, Quinn Engineering Inc. for the Estate of Edward Hoyt, 319 Malden St, Holden MA, Plan dated 9/27/12.
500 SOUTH ST, DEARBORN: Engineer Steve Sears represented the plans by phone, explaining the LUA’s to the Board.
M. Ricker motioned to approve the LUA’s / variances (waiver request as stated on plans), with the condition that the existing system be decommissioned per Title 5. B. Penino seconded. Vote 2-0, APPROVED.
Documents presented during review can be viewed at the Board of Health Office: Sewage Disposal System, David E. Ross Associates, for Margery Dearborn, 500 South Rd, Holden MA, Plan dated 6/11/12.
STERLING RD, LOT 4, TOMAIOLO: Request for new construction. Discussion and review by Board.
M. Ricker motioned to approve with the following conditions:
- Change Lot “A” to 4.
- Show legal boundaries.
- Existing grade elevations for deep holes.
- Gas baffle on tank.
- Improve locus map, make more clear.
B. Penino seconded. Vote 2-0, APPROVED. A. Crete will sign the revised plans when they come in. B. Penino requested that A. Crete notify the Board when she approves the revised plans.
Documents presented during review can be viewed at the Board of Health Office: Proposed Subsurface Sewage Treatment & Disposal System, Malley Engineering Company Inc, for Mark Tomaiolo, Lot A Sterling Rd, Holden, Plan dated 8/3/12.
608 RESERVOIR ST, LORRAIN: Request for new construction. Discussion and review by Board.
M. Ricker motioned to approve. B. Penino seconded. Vote 2-0, APPROVED.
Documents presented during review can be viewed at the Board of Health Office: Proposed Subsurface Sewage Disposal System, Dale & Erin Lorrain, 608 Reservoir St, Holden MA, Minuteman Engineering, Plan dated 9/4/12.
100 MIXTER RD, BONTELLE: Septic system upgrade. Discussion and review by Board.
M. Ricker motioned to approve. B. Penino seconded. Vote 2-0, APPROVED.
Documents presented during review can be viewed at the Board of Health Office: Plan of Subsurface Sewage system Design Repair, 100 Mixter Rd, Holden MA, Barry & Marion Boutelle, Coyle Engineering Inc, Plan dated 8/10/12.
- MAHB Certification Program: A. Crete will get more information and time of training for the Board. B. Penino will let her know what day he is able to attend. M. Ricker has a conflict if it’s November 3rd.
- Abandoned Housing Initiative: A. Crete briefed the Board. All are on board of having this program in place.
- April 10, 2012: M. Ricker motioned to approve. B. Penino seconded. Vote 2-0, APPROVED.
- May 22, 2012: M. Ricker motioned to approve. B. Penino seconded. Vote 2-0, APPROVED.
- August 9, 2012: M. Ricker motioned to approve. B. Penino seconded. Vote 2-0, APPROVED.
Next Meeting: To be determined.
M. Ricker motioned to adjourn the Board of Health meeting. B. Penino seconded. All in favor.
Meeting Adjourned at 6:30 PM
September 18, 2012 minutes approved February 7, 2013
Andrea Crete, Board of Health Agent