Meeting Minutes
April 27, 2009
Memorial Town Hall
MEMBERS PRESENT: Martha Waite, Mary Ricker, Mark Johnson
OTHERS PRESENT: Andrea Crete, Board of Health Agent, Debra Sciascia, Recording Secretary, Randy Mizereck, Consultant
M. Waite called the Board of Health Meeting to order at 5:00 PM.
EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS: The Board and A. Crete discussed the Emergency Preparedness, in regards to the April 23, 2009 walk through at the High School. A. Crete updated the Board. A. Crete showed the Board the floor plans. The consultant on the project is Sara Delisio.
SWINE FLU: A. Crete updated the Board regarding the website available for information. The Board then discussed the swine flu. M. Waite informed the Board that it takes 13 weeks to create the vaccine.
502 Wachusett Street: Mark Farrell/Green Hill Engineering for Kevin Auger. Repair/revision. The Board reviewed the plans with R. Mizereck, consultant to the Board.
M. Johnson motioned to approve. M. Ricker seconded. All in favor, approved.
March 16, 2009: M. Waite motioned to approve. M. Johnson seconded. All in favor, approved.
• Septic Extensions: The Board discussed the fact that DEP does not approve of extending new septic construction beyond the one (1) year extension. The Board unanimously agreed to do the same.
• Floor Drains: A. Crete has a DEP model By-law provided by J. Zingarelli, DPW. The Board discussed what was involved in creating a Floor Drain By-law.
• Brush/Fires: M. Waite brought up a discussion about the hazard of the huge brush piles. The Fire Department's burning season ends May 1st.
• Well Testing Regulations: M. Johnson brought up well testing regulations. A. Crete will look into what DEP tests for.
NEXT MEETING: June 1, 2009 at 5:00PM.
M. Waite motioned to adjourn the Board of Health meeting. M. Ricker seconded. All in favor.
Meeting Adjourned at 5:45 PM.
April 27, 2009 minutes approved: September 21, 2009
Debra Sciascia, Recording Secretary